The Effectiveness of Stress Management Training on Job Satisfaction and Emotional Intelligence (Case Study)
Subject Areas : Journal of Excellence in counseling and psychotherapyMaryam Zomorodi 1 , Parinaz Banisi 2 * , Shahrbanoo Jalaei 3
1 - Master of General Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran West Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract :
Introduction: The present study sought to measure the effectiveness of stress management training on job satisfaction and emotional intelligence of the employees of the stock exchange brokerage firm. Method: For this purpose, 25 employees of a brokerage firm were selected as the sample of the research and assessed by occupational stress, using Spielberger Job Stress Questionnaire, job satisfaction, using the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire, and Emotional Intelligence, using Bar-it questionnaire. After a stress management training period, again, the variables mentioned were measured. Collected data was converted to Excel by Excel software and analyzed by SPSS software. Results: The results of the normalization of data with Shapiro-Wilk test showed that two variables of occupational stress and job satisfaction have normal distribution function, but the emotional intelligence variable does not have normal distribution. Finally, for testing the statistical assumptions about the first two variables, t test was used for the paired sample and for the third variable, Wilcoxon test was used. The results of the hypothesis test confirmed the effectiveness of stress management training on reducing job stress and increasing job satisfaction, but the effectiveness of this training on the emotional intelligence of the staff was not confirmed. The effect of the age moderator variable was obtained using the hypothesis test in two samples below and above 30 years. The effectiveness of Stress Management Training on job satisfaction and emotional intelligence was confirmed in a sample below 30 years of age and rejected in a sample over 30 years of age. In both samples, the effectiveness of stress management training was confirmed on the reduction of occupational stress level. Conclusion: Stress management training has been effective on job satisfaction and emotional intelligence of the employees of stock exchange brokerage firm.