Geological Factors and Health Problems
Subject Areas : Journal of Chemical Health RisksFrancisco Prieto García 1 * , Otilio A. Acevedo Sandoval 2 , Judith Prieto Méndes 3
1 - Academic Area of Chemical, 2Institute of Agricultural Sciences
Autonomous University of Hidalgo State, Road Pachuca, Tulancingo Km. 4.5
C.P. 42076. Col. Carboneras, Mineral de la Reforma Hidalgo, Pachuca, Hidalgo,
2 - Academic Area of Chemical, 2Institute of Agricultural Sciences
Autonomous University of Hidalgo State, Road Pachuca, Tulancingo Km. 4.5
C.P. 42076. Col. Carboneras, Mineral de la Reforma Hidalgo, Pachuca, Hidalgo,
3 - Academic Area of Chemical, 2Institute of Agricultural Sciences
Autonomous University of Hidalgo State, Road Pachuca, Tulancingo Km. 4.5
C.P. 42076. Col. Carboneras, Mineral de la Reforma Hidalgo, Pachuca, Hidalgo,
Keywords: Ecosystem in Health, Geological factors, Earth Risk factors,
Abstract :
Geological factors, such as damages, can cause health determinants in people, which were a little-studied and if they have been raised on occasion, usually referred to no communicable diseases. The aim of this work, which is a more or less updated bibliography, has been to develop a holistic idea for a better understanding of a problem and force latent or potential risk that they can carry and consider scientific basis infectious diseases especially complex. Â In essence, the focus of ecosystem health that should be considered in terrestrial ecosystems. It also provides the basic elements for the development of new research in this field.
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