The Effects of Irrigation Regemes and Planting Patterns on Seed Yield and some Agronomic Traits of Maize (S.C. 604)
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop EcophysiologyAbbas Soleimani fard 1 * , Rahim Naseri 2
1 - Faculty Member, Department of Agriculture, Payam Noor University, PO Box 3697-19359, Tehran, Iran
2 - Ph.D. student in Crop Physiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran
Keywords: Drought stress, Grain yield, Zea mays, planting pattern,
Abstract :
To study the effects of irrigation regems and planting patterns on yield and yield components of maize, a split plot experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design with four replications at Sarableh Agricultural Station, Ilam in 2011-2012 cropping season. The treatments were three levels of irrigation (40, 60 and 80 evaporation (mm) pan (Class A)) as main plot and four planting pattern, (single and double rows on furrow bank and single and rows on the furrow bed) as sub plot. Number of grains per ear was significantly affected different levels of irrigation and planting patterns. The highest (489 grains) and lowest (458 grains) number of kernels per ear were observed at 40 and 80 (mm) evaporation, respectively. The highest (486) and lowest (448) kernels per ear were observed in planting pattern of double row on furrow bed and planting pattern of single row on furrow bank, respectively. The results showed that the interaction effect among different levels of irrigation and planting pattern were significant for 1000 kernel weight, seed yield, harvest index, biological yield and plant height. It was also observed that irrigating plant at 40 mm evaporation (mm) and planting pattern of single row on furrow banks produced highest 1000 kernel weight (329.9 g), seed yield (9220 kg.ha-1), harvest index (53.7%), biological yield (18451 kg.ha-1) and plant height (222.2 cm). In this study there was no significant difference between 40 and 60 mm evaporations from pan × planting pattern of double row on furrow bed for seed yield.
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