The Effect of Water Deficit Stress and Foliar Application of Zinc Oxide Nano Particles on Morphophysiological Characteristics of Landraces Withania coagulans L.
Subject Areas :
Journal of Crop Ecophysiology
Mehdi Seyedi
Seyed Amir Abbas Mousavi Mirkalaei
Hossein Zahedi
1 - Ph.D. Student in Agrotechnology, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Eslamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2020-11-01
Accepted : 2021-05-16
Published : 2022-07-23
Water deficit,
Zinc Oxide nano particles,
Withania coagulans,
Abstract :
In order to evaluate the effect of water deficit stress and foliar application of zinc oxide nano particles on morphophysiological characteristics in Withania coagulans L. landraces, a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with 3 replications was setup. The experiment included various irrigation regimes (control), (medium stress), (severe stress), four landraces (Fanuj, Khash, Saravan and Sarbaz), with and without foliar application of zinc oxide nano particles. The experiment was conducted in green house of the faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, during 2018-2019. The highest leaf area (538.92 cm2) was related to Sarbaz in control irrigation and the lowest leaf area (245.88 cm2) was related to Khash in severe water deficit stress. Based on the comparison results, the mean of maximum plant dry weight (1.76 g) was related to Sarbaz and control irrigation and the lowest plant dry weight (0.63 g) was related to Fanuj and severe water deficit stress. Also, the highest amount of chlorophyll a (2.55 μmol.g-1) was related to Khash, control irrigation and foliar application of zinc oxide nano particles. The highest amount of chlorophyll b (1.26 μmol.g-1) was related to Fanuj, control irrigation and foliar application of zinc oxide nano particles, which was not significantly different from other landraces. Also, the lowest amount of chlorophyll b (0.62 μmol.g-1) was related to Khash, severe water deficit stress and without foliar application of zinc oxide nano particles. Sarbaz had the highest amount of anthocyanin (0.3 μmol.g-1) in the treatment of severe water deficit stress and lack of foliar application of zinc oxide nano particles, which was not significantly different from Saravan. Also, the lowest amount of anthocyanin (0.146 μmol.g-1) was related to Fanuj in the treatment of severe water deficit stress with foliar application of zinc oxide nano particles. Severe water deficit stress reduced the amount of traits tested. Also, the Sarbaz showed good tolerance to water deficit stress conditions compared to other landraces. The foliar application of zinc oxide nano particles also improved plant growth and increased some of the tested traits under stress conditions.
· Abdel Latef, A.A.H., M.F. Abu Alhmad, and K.E. Abdelfattah. 2016. The possible roles of priming with ZnO nanoparticles in mitigation of salinity stress in lupine (Lupinus termis) plants. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 36(1): 60–70.·
Adrees, M., Z.S. Khan, M. Hafeez, M. Rizwan, K. Hussain, and M. Asrar. 2021. Foliar exposure of zinc oxide nanoparticles improved the growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and decreased cadmium concentration in grains under simultaneous Cd and water deficient stress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 208 (11): 1627.
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Khursheed, M.Q., Z.R. Salih, and T.Z. Saber. 2018. Response of barely (Hordeum vulgare ) plants to foliar fertilizer with different concentration of hogland solution. Rafidain Journal of Science. 27(2): 1-7.
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Mirjalili, M.H., E. Moyano, M. Bonfill, R.M. Cusido, and J. Palazon. 2011. Overexpression of the Arabidopsis thalianasqualene synthase gene in Withania coagulans hairy root cultures. Biologia Plantarum. 55(2): 357-360.
Mittler, R. 2004. Oxidative stress, antioxidants and stress tolerance. Trends in Plant Science. 7: 405-410.
ModaresSanavi, S.A.M., M. Panahi, and A. KhatamianOskooi. 2016. New laboratory techniques in agricultural sciences. Jihad Daneshgahi Publications. 196 p. (In Persian).
Mohammadkhani, N., and R. Heidari. 2007. Effects of water stress on respiration, photosynthetic pigments and water content in tow maize cultivar. Pakistan Journal Biological Science. 10: 4022-4028.
Mokhtari, A., and R. Bradaran. 2011. Effect of drought stress on some growth characteristics of sage (Satureja hortensis). Regional Conference on Plant Ecophysiology, Shushtar, Iran. (In Persian).
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Narimani, H., R. SeyedSharifi, R. Khalilzadeh, and Gh. Aminzadeh. 2018. Effects of nano particles iron oxide on yield, chlorophyll fluorescence indices and some physiological traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under rain fed and supplementary irrigation conditions. Iranian Journal of Plant Biology. 10(3): 21-40. (In Persian).
Omidbeigi, R. 2006. Production and processing of medicinal plants. Behnashr Publications, Mashhad, Iran. (In Persian).
Prasad, T.N., P. Sudhakar, Y. Sreenivasulu, P. Latha,V. Munaswamy, K.R. Reddy, T.S. Sreeprasad, P.R. Sajanlal, and T. Pradeep. 2012. Effect of nanoscale zinc oxide particles on the germination, growth and yield of peanut. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 35 (6): 905–927.
Sadati, S.Y.R., S.J.G., Kahriz, A. Ebadi, and M. Sedghi. 2020. The effect of nano-zinc foliar application on yield and some physiological traits of wheat under drought stress. Crop Physiology Journal. 12 (46): 45-64. (In Persian).
Salahvarzi, Y., A. Tehranifar, and A. Gazanchian. 2008. Investigation of green physiomorphological changes of endemic and exotic Turfgrasses in drought stress and re-irrigation. Iranian Horticultural Sciences and Techniques. 9: 204-193. (In Persian).
Schutz, H., and E. Fangmier. 2001. Growth and yield responses of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Minaret) to elevated CO2 and water limitation. Environmental Pollution. 114: 187-194.
Shelef, O., P.J. Weisberg, and F.D. Provenza. 2017. The value of native plants and local production in an era of global agriculture. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.02069
Sidhu, O.P., S. Annarao, S. Chatterjee, R. Tuli, R. Roy, and C.L. Khetrapal. 2010. Metabolic alterations of Withania somnifera (L.) dunal fruits at different developmental stages by NMR spectroscopy. Phytochemical Analysis. 22(6):492-502.
Tattini, M., C. Galardi, P. Pinelli, R. Massai, D. Remorini, and G. Agati. 2004. Differential accumulation of flavonoids and hydroxycinnamates in leaves of Ligustrum vulgare under excess light and drought stress. New Phytologist. 163: 547-561.
Tesfye, K., S. Walke, and M. Tsubo. 2006. Radiation interception and radiation use efficiency of three grain legumes under water deficit conditions in semi-arid conditions. European Journal of Agronomy. 25: 60-70.
Wang, X., X. CAI, C. Xu, Q. Wang, and S. Dai. 2016. Drought-responsive mechanisms in plant leaves revealed by proteomics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 17: 1-30.
· Abdel Latef, A.A.H., M.F. Abu Alhmad, and K.E. Abdelfattah. 2016. The possible roles of priming with ZnO nanoparticles in mitigation of salinity stress in lupine (Lupinus termis) plants. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 36(1): 60–70.·
Adrees, M., Z.S. Khan, M. Hafeez, M. Rizwan, K. Hussain, and M. Asrar. 2021. Foliar exposure of zinc oxide nanoparticles improved the growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and decreased cadmium concentration in grains under simultaneous Cd and water deficient stress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 208 (11): 1627.
Aliu, S., I. Rusinovci, S. Fetahu, B. Gashi, E. Simeonovska, and L. Rozman. 2015. The effect of salt stress on the germination of maize (Zea mays ) seeds and photosynthetic pigments. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica. 105: 85-94.
Bahernik, Z., M.B. Rezaei, M. Ghorbani, F. Asgari, and M.K. Araghi. 2003. Study of metabolic changes resulting from drought stresses in Satureja hortensis. Research of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Iran. 20: 275-263 (In Persian).
Baybordi, A., and G. Mamedov. 2010. Evaluation of application methods for efficiency of zinc and iron for Canola (Brssica napus). Notulae Scientia Biologicae. 2(1): 94-103.
Burman, U., M. Saini, and P. Kumar. 2013. Effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles on growth and antioxidant system of chickpea seedlings. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry. 95(4): 605-612.
Dargahi, M., R. Sadrabadi Haghighi, and K. Klarstaghi Bakhsh. 2014. The effect of zinc chelate foliar application on yield and yield components of wheat cultivars. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 8 (2): 137-148.
Dehabdai, S.Z., and Z. Asrar. 2010. Investigation of the effect of excess zinc on induction of oxidative stress and accumulation of some elements in peppermint.Iranian Journal of Biology. 2 (22): 218-228. (In Persian).
Dhar, R., V. Verma, K. Suri, R. Sangwan, N. Satti, A. Kumar, R. Tuli, and G. Qazi. 2006. Phytochemical and genetic analysis in selected chemotypes of Withania somnifera. Phytochemistry. 67: 2269–2276.
Gupta, P. 2012. Withania coagulans, an overview. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 12(2): 68-71.
Hoekstra, F.A., E.A. Golovina, and J. Buitink. 2001. Mechanisms of plant desiccation tolerance. Trends in Plant Science. 6: 431-438.
Hosseinzadeh, S.R., H. Amiri, and A. Ismaili. 2016. Effect of vermicompost fertilizer on photosynthetic characteristics of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) under drought stress. Photosynthetica. 54(1): 87-92.
Idhan, A. S., N. Noerfitryani, M. Reta, and M. Kadir. 2018. Paddy chlorophyll concentrations in drought stress condition and endophytic fungi application. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 156: 012040. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/156/1/012040
Inze, D., and M.V. Montagu. 2000. Oxidative stress in plants. doi:10.1201/b12593
Jazizadeh, A., and F. Mortezainejad. 2016. Effects of drought stress on physiological and morphological characteristics of chicory plant for introduction in urban green space. Plant Process and Function. 6(21): 290-279. (In Persian).
Karami, S., S.A.M. Modarres-Sanavy, S. Ghanehpour, and H. Keshavarz. 2016. Effect of foliar zinc application on yield and, physiological traits and seed vigor of two soybean cultivars under water deficit. Notulae Scientia Biologicae. 8(2): 181-191.
Khursheed, M.Q., Z.R. Salih, and T.Z. Saber. 2018. Response of barely (Hordeum vulgare ) plants to foliar fertilizer with different concentration of hogland solution. Rafidain Journal of Science. 27(2): 1-7.
Kirigwi, F.M., M. van Ginkel, R. Trethowan, R.G. Seaes, S. Rajaram, and G.M. Paulsen. 2004. Evaluation of selection strategies for wheat adaptation across water regimes. Euphytica. 135: 361-371.
Kruk, I., E. Aboul, H.Y. Enein, T. Michalska, K. Lichszteld, and A. Kladna. 2005. Scavenging of reactive oxygen species by the plant phenols genistein and oleuropein. 20: 81-89.
Lawlor, D.W., and G. Cornic. 2002. Photosynthetic carbon assimilation and associated metabolism in relation to water deficits in higher plants. Plant, Cell and Environment. 25: 275–294.
Mirjalili, M.H., E. Moyano, M. Bonfill, R.M. Cusido, and J. Palazon. 2011. Overexpression of the Arabidopsis thalianasqualene synthase gene in Withania coagulans hairy root cultures. Biologia Plantarum. 55(2): 357-360.
Mittler, R. 2004. Oxidative stress, antioxidants and stress tolerance. Trends in Plant Science. 7: 405-410.
ModaresSanavi, S.A.M., M. Panahi, and A. KhatamianOskooi. 2016. New laboratory techniques in agricultural sciences. Jihad Daneshgahi Publications. 196 p. (In Persian).
Mohammadkhani, N., and R. Heidari. 2007. Effects of water stress on respiration, photosynthetic pigments and water content in tow maize cultivar. Pakistan Journal Biological Science. 10: 4022-4028.
Mokhtari, A., and R. Bradaran. 2011. Effect of drought stress on some growth characteristics of sage (Satureja hortensis). Regional Conference on Plant Ecophysiology, Shushtar, Iran. (In Persian).
Monica, R.C., and R. Cremonini. 2009. Nanoparticles and higher plants. Caryologia. 62: 161-165.
Narimani, H., R. SeyedSharifi, R. Khalilzadeh, and Gh. Aminzadeh. 2018. Effects of nano particles iron oxide on yield, chlorophyll fluorescence indices and some physiological traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under rain fed and supplementary irrigation conditions. Iranian Journal of Plant Biology. 10(3): 21-40. (In Persian).
Omidbeigi, R. 2006. Production and processing of medicinal plants. Behnashr Publications, Mashhad, Iran. (In Persian).
Prasad, T.N., P. Sudhakar, Y. Sreenivasulu, P. Latha,V. Munaswamy, K.R. Reddy, T.S. Sreeprasad, P.R. Sajanlal, and T. Pradeep. 2012. Effect of nanoscale zinc oxide particles on the germination, growth and yield of peanut. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 35 (6): 905–927.
Sadati, S.Y.R., S.J.G., Kahriz, A. Ebadi, and M. Sedghi. 2020. The effect of nano-zinc foliar application on yield and some physiological traits of wheat under drought stress. Crop Physiology Journal. 12 (46): 45-64. (In Persian).
Salahvarzi, Y., A. Tehranifar, and A. Gazanchian. 2008. Investigation of green physiomorphological changes of endemic and exotic Turfgrasses in drought stress and re-irrigation. Iranian Horticultural Sciences and Techniques. 9: 204-193. (In Persian).
Schutz, H., and E. Fangmier. 2001. Growth and yield responses of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Minaret) to elevated CO2 and water limitation. Environmental Pollution. 114: 187-194.
Shelef, O., P.J. Weisberg, and F.D. Provenza. 2017. The value of native plants and local production in an era of global agriculture. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.02069
Sidhu, O.P., S. Annarao, S. Chatterjee, R. Tuli, R. Roy, and C.L. Khetrapal. 2010. Metabolic alterations of Withania somnifera (L.) dunal fruits at different developmental stages by NMR spectroscopy. Phytochemical Analysis. 22(6):492-502.
Tattini, M., C. Galardi, P. Pinelli, R. Massai, D. Remorini, and G. Agati. 2004. Differential accumulation of flavonoids and hydroxycinnamates in leaves of Ligustrum vulgare under excess light and drought stress. New Phytologist. 163: 547-561.
Tesfye, K., S. Walke, and M. Tsubo. 2006. Radiation interception and radiation use efficiency of three grain legumes under water deficit conditions in semi-arid conditions. European Journal of Agronomy. 25: 60-70.
Wang, X., X. CAI, C. Xu, Q. Wang, and S. Dai. 2016. Drought-responsive mechanisms in plant leaves revealed by proteomics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 17: 1-30.