A Novel Method for Optimal Synthesis of Reversible Circuits using Metaheuristic Algorithms
Maryam Mahmoudi
Department of Computer Engineering, Meymeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Meymeh, Iran
Neda Ashrafi
Department of Computer Engineering, Meymeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Meymeh, Iran
Ali Ghaorbani
Department of Computer Engineering, Meymeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Meymeh, Iran
Keywords: Reversible circuits, Optimization, Metaheuristic algorithms.,
Abstract :
A reversible logic circuit is a circuit that consists of reversible gates and there is a one-to-one correspondence between its inputs and outputs. These circuits have the unique input corresponding to each output, and information loss does not occur as a result. The automatic design of these types of circuits based on a high-level description of them, known as the automatic synthesis of reversible circuits, is one of the important issues in this field. So far, many attempts have been made in the field of automatic synthesis of reversible circuits, especially with the help of knowledge engineering methods. In this research, the problem of automatic synthesis of reversible circuits was innovatively modeled into a multi-criteria optimization problem, and then a new combination of genetic and bat metaheuristic algorithms was presented to solve this optimization problem. Compared to using any of these algorithms, the proposed method has better results, especially in terms of quantum cost and circuit delay.
The study proposes an optimized synthesis method for reversible circuits by combining genetic and bat-inspired algorithms to address multi-objective optimization.
The proposed hybrid method enhances efficiency by dynamically sharing populations between algorithms to avoid local optima and achieve improved quantum cost and circuit delay.
Compared to existing methods, the proposed approach demonstrates superior performance in reducing both quantum cost and latency for reversible circuits .while the synthesis process is fast
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