A New Approach of MRI and CT-Scan Images Fusion using Texture Segmentation and Fuzzy Weighting in Wavelet Transfer
Subject Areas : Computer Engineering and IT
khalil mowlani
mehdi jafari
malihe hashemi
1 - Department of Computer Engineering, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
2 - Department of electronic Engineering, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
3 - Department of Computer Engineering, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Images Fusion, Medical Image Processing, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Texture Segmentation, Fuzzy Weighting.,
Abstract :
CT images provide information about bony structures but cannot support tissue information, whereas MRI images show details about soft tissues. Obtaining the maximum information and key features from the source images, increasing the visual quality and contrast of the fused image, and reducing the computational tasks remain a major challenge for many medical image fusion algorithms. In this article, the integration of medical images is based on two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (DWT). First, the original images are decomposed by the Db2 discrete wavelet package into two sets of approximate coefficients and partial coefficients. For the matrix of approximate coefficients, the fuzzy weighting technique of the matrix of approximate coefficients of the input images is used, and for partial coefficients, the average method of the matrix of detail coefficients is used. Weighting uses the mask technique obtained by segmenting the texture of the images. This research has been extended to the composition of color medical images, which effectively prevents color distortion and enhances visual quality. The obtained results show that the proposed algorithm not only performs better in edge and contour detection and visual features, but also has improvements in in quantitative parameter values compared to other researches.
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