Identification of Components of Transmodern Management in Primary Schools of Kerman
Subject Areas :
1 - Management
Keywords: transmodern management, postmodernism, extra-organizational, elementary school principals,
Abstract :
The aim of the present study was to identify the components of transmodern management in elementary schools in Kerman city. The study is applied in terms of its purpose and is a classical grand theory qualitative study in terms of its method. The number of interviewed samples was 15 experts and senior managers of education in Kerman, which was conducted using purposive sampling and structured interview tools for 45 minutes. The interview continued until a conceptual framework was achieved, and recoding was used for validity and the agreement coefficient, which was 0.78, was used for reliability. MAXQDA version 22 software was used to analyze the data. Findings obtained from the interview transcripts of 471 open codes, 10 core codes including human relations, culture, leadership, structure and type of organization, communication with the school, parental participation, personality traits, general traits, professional traits, capital, and finally 3 selective codes including intra-organizational, extra-organizational, and individual dimensions were extracted. As a result, it should be said that the transmodern management method is one of the new and transmodern methods that, in order to implement it in the educational environment of Kerman, three components, intra-organizational, extra-organizational, and individual, must be developed simultaneously.