Analysis of the role of strategic factors in the design of the implementation model of the privatization of sports venues and spaces in the less developed regions of the northern provinces of the country (with an emphasis on the implementation of Article 88 of the Law on Government Financial Regulations)
Subject Areas : Sport Management
Gholamhasan Rahmannia
Seddigheh Tootian Isfahani
Gholamreza Hashemzade khorasegani
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Public Administration, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Management, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: .Strategic factors, Privatization, Article 88 of the government's financial, regulations,
Abstract :
Objective: The purpose of the research is to analyze the role of strategic factors in the design of the implementation model for the privatization of sports facilities and spaces in the less developed regions of the northern provinces of the country (with an emphasis on the implementation of Article 88 of the Government Financial Regulations). Methods: This research is practical and has been done quantitatively. The statistical population of the research was made up of all the employees of the general sports and youth departments of the northern provinces of the country, numbering 420 people. The content and form validity of the questionnaire was given to a number of related university expert professors and a number of managers in the executive field of sports. Then, through Cronbach's alpha method, its reliability or internal consistency was calculated and confirmed with software (SPSS). Then, the reliability and validity of the structure was checked and confirmed in the steps reported in the findings section using Lisrel software. Structural-interpretive modeling method was also used. Results: The model fit indices of the suitability of the model for measuring strategic factors in the design of the model for the privatization of sports venues and spaces with the RMSEA value of 0.045, and considering that it is less than 0.1, it indicates the mean squared errors of the model. Also, the chi-square value for the degree of freedom is less than 3. The GFI, AGFI and NFI indices are equal to 0.94, 0.97 and 0.94, respectively. Conclusions: Therefore, it is suggested that the matters that can be assigned should be in accordance with the ability and level of readiness of the private sector in voluntary participation, and the government should provide conditions that encourage the private sector to accept responsibility.
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