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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Inflation; Inflation Uncertainty; Investment growth and Economic Growth in Iran
        امیر غلامی اکبر کمیجانی
        This study investigates the relationship between inflation; inflationuncertainty; investment growth and economic growth, over the period 1367‐1387 in Iran. We used Trivariate‐GARCH model and our results indicate thatthe hypothesis of Friedman (1977) and Ball (1992) conc More
        This study investigates the relationship between inflation; inflationuncertainty; investment growth and economic growth, over the period 1367‐1387 in Iran. We used Trivariate‐GARCH model and our results indicate thatthe hypothesis of Friedman (1977) and Ball (1992) concerning that theincrease in inflation rate, leads to inflation uncertainty, is not rejected for Iranduring the period of our study. Thus, we conclude that any variable thatincreases the rate of inflation, leads to inflation uncertainty and consequentlyreduces the economic growth in Iran. Therefore it is helpful if governmentpursue an inflation targeting policy. Our results also confirm that any increasein inflationary uncertainty reduces the rate of investment and production asindicated by Bernanke (1983); Dixit &Pyndyk (1994) and Friedman (1977).Finally our model rejects the hypothesis of Holland (1995) i.e. there exist anegative causality between inflation uncertainty and inflation rate. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Currency Devaluation and Demands for Imports: Case of Iran (1959‐2008)
        یداله رجایی شهلا احمدی
        In this study, we investigate the long‐run relationship between demand forimports and the relevant determining factors. We use the method of leastSquares Engel Granger (1987) and Maximum Likelihood Johansen (1988) aswell as Joe Hansen and Joe Sylyvs (1990) to estimate t More
        In this study, we investigate the long‐run relationship between demand forimports and the relevant determining factors. We use the method of leastSquares Engel Granger (1987) and Maximum Likelihood Johansen (1988) aswell as Joe Hansen and Joe Sylyvs (1990) to estimate the Long‐Run ImportDemand Function.To have a better assessment of the effectiveness of trade policies; a logicalunderstanding of demand for imports is of particular importance. Our studyshows that the oil revenue, real income, and GDP evaluated at domesticprices, are positively related to demand for imports. On the other hand, therises of price of imported goods relative to the price of domestically producedgoods and currency devaluation have a negative effect on demands forimports of intermediate goods as well as consumption and capital goods. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Asymmetric effects of oil shockwaves on economic growth in Iran
        فرهاد غفاری سحر مظفری
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the asymmetric effects of oil priceshocks on economic growth in Iran. There are two hypotheses in this study:First, any reduction of oil prices leads to lower economic growth in Iran andsecond, the positive impact of an equal incr More
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the asymmetric effects of oil priceshocks on economic growth in Iran. There are two hypotheses in this study:First, any reduction of oil prices leads to lower economic growth in Iran andsecond, the positive impact of an equal increase of price of oil on economicgrowth is less than the negative effect. Therefore the effects are asymmetric.We use Vector Auto Regression model to estimate our model. Our modelshows that shockwaves in oil price have a greater impact on economicfluctuations in Iran than other macroeconomic variables. We also use Hydric ‐Prescott filtering to separating positive and negative shocks and confirm theirasymmetric effects Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Effect of Economic Stability on Demand for Money in Iran (1973‐2008)
        رویا آل عمران فهیمه نصراله سیدعلی آل عمران
        In this survey, we study the impact of the economic stability on demandfor money in Iran. We use ARCH‐GARCH model to introduce an EconomicStability Index (ESI), which is a weighted average of variables such as grossdomestic product (GDP), foreign exchange rate, inflatio More
        In this survey, we study the impact of the economic stability on demandfor money in Iran. We use ARCH‐GARCH model to introduce an EconomicStability Index (ESI), which is a weighted average of variables such as grossdomestic product (GDP), foreign exchange rate, inflation rate, long‐terminterest rate, and Stock Market Average Price Index.With the help our calculated ESI and employing the ARDL method weestimate the demand for money in Iran for the period of 1352‐1387. Theresults of our study show that the Economic Stability Index has a positiveimpact on demand for money in Iran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Investigating the relationship between Traffic safety and economic growth in Iran
        نادر مهرگان علی اکبر قلی‌زاده فریبرز محمدی
        Road accidents and casualties resulting from the current one of thechallenges communities, which have large economic costs on the economy hasforced countries. Comparison of aspects of development of countries, mostvictims of this crisis in developing countries make up. More
        Road accidents and casualties resulting from the current one of thechallenges communities, which have large economic costs on the economy hasforced countries. Comparison of aspects of development of countries, mostvictims of this crisis in developing countries make up. Unfortunately, Iran isamong the countries where the rate of accidents caused by inattention tosafety principles and other related factors has always ascending; so thatcurrent statistics show the severity of this issue in Iran.This study, aim to evaluate the relationship between road accidents andeconomic indicators in the form of the Environmental Kuznets hypothesis(EKC). Based on the hypothesis, the road mortality rate increases in the earlystages of economic growth and ultimately decreases because of technicalprogress, increasing in capital investment and improve care medical. Theresults show that the relationship between road accidents and per capitaincome is inverted U shape, and actually the Kuznets hypothesis hasconfirmed by Iranian data. The results also indicated that the capitalinvestment in the roads, making safe cars and education have an importantrole in reducing road accidents. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Estimation of Economic Growth Model for Iran Using Feder’s Model
        ریحانه گسکری مالیکا میستری
        In this study, with the help of Feder’s Growth Model (1982), the authorstry to explain the relationship between export and Economic Growth in Iranfor the period of 1353‐1384. Using autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL), amodel is estimated by dividing the overall More
        In this study, with the help of Feder’s Growth Model (1982), the authorstry to explain the relationship between export and Economic Growth in Iranfor the period of 1353‐1384. Using autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL), amodel is estimated by dividing the overall production of the economy intothree sectors: Oil exporting production; Non‐oil exporting production andproduction for domestic market. This study showed that investment in non‐oilsector has significant positive impacts on economic growth, and its effecttended to last for several years. On the other hand, investment in othersectors has smaller and statistically less significant impacts on economicgrowth. Manuscript profile