Identifying effective communication channels disseminating messages based in social networks
Subject Areas : Information Technology in Engineering Design (ITED) JournalMehrdad Jalali 1 , Reihane Righi 2 * , Mohammad Hossein Moattar 3
1 - Computer Group
2 - Computer Group
3 - Computer group
Abstract :
Social networks are social structures between individuals and their relationship which play a significant role in information spread, nowadays. An appropriate solution for being informed about the process of information and news spread in these networks is the identification of the critical edges between members of the society. In a lot of articles identifying the edge will be static that such important challenges in this field as well as the interactions between users is not considered. In this paper, a new method is introduced for the identification of effective communication channels that has the ability to comply with the various social networks and real-world structures. This method identifies the effective communication channels based on the data volume transferred between members of the society dynamically, the centrality of interstitial of edges and the features of the two nodes. The model presented in this paper can maintain the specificity of data. The results of the evaluation indicate that this method has desired results compared to similar methods.