Identification of Information Needs Islamic Azad University Students of Ghaemshahr and the Role of Library to Meet in
Subject Areas : Journal of Information Systems and ServicesSara Barzegar 1 , Banafsheh Dadashi 2 , Seyyed Abedin Hosseini Ahangari 3 *
1 - MA of Knowledge and Information Science, Islamic Azad University of Tonekabon
2 - MA Student of Department of Educational Research , University of kharazmi
3 - Faculty member of Abadan School of Medical Sciences,
Keywords: Information needs, Islamic Azad University of Gh, Information Needs of students, Academic libraries,
Abstract :
Purpose: The main goal of this study relies on the identification of information needs and researches for the students of Islamic Azad University of Qaemshahr and the role of the library in fulfilling their objectives. Method: The design of this study is a library research that browses the researching works done by bachelor studentsof this university. The questionnaire has been delivered to the students by the university officials. By the help of spss software, 357 questionnaires have been analyzed in both qualitative and quantitative methods. Findings: Through analyzing the obtained data, it is shown that the main objectives of these students in information scanning are as the follow. The item related to the average research done due to the course projects is (11.5) and the complimentary information of their textbooks is (3.36). The original sources of researchers are the standard sources of specific books, scientific journals, students' thesis and reports that are the main sources to provide information needed by the students. On the other hand, the use of internet and different search engines are the most popular ways of scanning information to the students. The basic problems in this field are misinforming about the available sources, lack of e-books and the old books in the libraries. Finally the results of this study have been interpreted and the respective suggestions offered. Results: The results showed that the role of the libraries of the university in fulfilling their information needs estimated approximately medium. These students benefit from their own and other libraries to satisfy their information needs.
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