A model for inter-agency cooperations to provide services for the blind and low-sighted people: Requirements and functions
Subject Areas : Journal of Information Systems and Services
Sakineh Ghasempour
Ayoob Nazi
1 - MA of Knowledge and information science, Librarian of Iran Public Libraries foundaion
2 - Ph.D. Student of Knowledge and information science, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz,
Librarian of Institute for humanities and cultural studies
Keywords: Blind, Low-sighted people, National Library of the blind, Resource- sharing,
Abstract :
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to offer a model of Inter-agency cooperations to provide services for the blind and low-sighted people in Iran. Methodology: This research was conducted as Quantitative (Descriptive Survey) and qualitative (Content Analysis). Required data were collected in two parts: First via questionnaire consisted of 3 open questions, asked through telephone interviews, with 12 non/expert respondents. The second part of the required data was obtained from the observation of libraries environment and search in the libraries websites, documents, news etc. Findings: The results showed that despite a large number of blinds and low-sighted people in Iran, information services and facilities had been scattered. There were no national plan for resource sharing and exchange associated with this particular groups. Conclusion: In order to achieve the desired level of services in both level of internal and inter-organizational, new measures including the more use of technology should be taken from organizations such as: the National Library for the Blind and Low-sighted people (apart from the current existing libraries, including the Blind Department of National Library), as a dynamic institution that have moral and material support from the government and the public. Finally, this new implemented organizations have to coordinate resource-sharing plans at the national level.
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