Study of interaction effects between NaCl and Ascorbic acid on some growth factors, proline content and changes Na and K ions in two cultivar of Brassica napus L. (RGS & Hayola 401 )
Subject Areas : Geneticحسین Lari Yazdi 1 * , رضوان Lak, 2 , مسعود Godarzi 3
1 - Biology department, Islamic Azad University- Broujerd Branch
2 - Biology department, Islamic Azad University- Broujerd Branch
3 - Biology department, Islamic Azad University- Broujerd Branch
Keywords: NaCl, Proline, Brassica napus L, Salt stress, growth factors, Ascobic acid, Na+ and K+ ions,
Abstract :
In this study, the salt stress was studied on the physiological responses of two cultivars of Brassica napus L. (RGS & Hayola 401). The research is done on 20 day plants in hydroponics (Hoagland) environment with three repeated in the similar room condition. In the research, the increase of salinity is decreased the relative water content (RWC), relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and leaf area rate (LAR), in roots and shoots of plants. In addition, the salt stress increased proline and sodium accumulation in different parts of plants, whereas decreased their potassium contents. Applying of exogenous ascorbate (0.2mM) to different NaCl treatments could adjustment adverse effects of salinity, so that increased growth factors and potassium content, and decreased proline and sodium accumulation. The results showed Hayola 401 cultivar is more tolerant to salinity than RGS cultivar.
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