Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and selection of the best genotypes in rice (Oryza sativa L.), based on BLPSI and LPSI indices
Subject Areas : GeneticMahnaz Katouzi 1 , Saeid Navabpour 2 , Hossein Sabouri 3 * , Ali Akbar Ebadi 4
1 - 1. Departmnret of Plant Breeding, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Golestan, Iran, and Crop Génome Dynamics group, Agroscope Changins, Nyon, Switzerland.
2 - Departmnret of Plant Breeding, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Golestan, Iran.
3 - Department of Plant Production, Gonbad Kavous University, Golestan, Iran
4 - Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rasht, Iran, Rice Research Institute of Iran.
Keywords: Rice, genotype, economic weight, Electron transfer rate, Photosystem II,
Abstract :
In order to selection of best individual caused Iranian traditional rice variety, Tarommahalli (as the female parent), and a mutant Tarommahalli, (as the male parent) crosses an experiment was conducted using 350 individulas of F2 generation. from which F1 and F2 generations were developed. Evaluation of the parents, F1 and F2 generations was carried out at the Gonbad Kavous University at 2017. 50 plants of both the F1 population and the parents and 350 individuals of the F2 population were grown in an experimental field with a spacing of 25 cm × 25 cm. Chlorophyll fluorescence properties Fo, F'o, Fm, F'm, F ', ETR, Fv, Fv / Fm, F'v / F'm, NPQ, qP, Y (II), qN, qL and weight of 100 grains, tiller number, filled grains number, unfilled grains number, plant height, panicle length, stem diameter, grain length, width and shape, straw weight, grain filling period, flag leaf length and width were recorded. The rate of electron transfer through photosystem II, flag leaf width, base fluoresce in dark-adapted conditions, the number of fertile tillers, maximum fluorescence in the dark-adapted conditions, number of primary branches, flag leaf area, flag leaf length, main panicle length and plant weight had the highest effect on grain yield, respectively. The highest response to selection belongs to 9th economic weight (heritability) in both BLPSI and LPSI indices. After, sixth coefficients (correlation) had the highest response to the selection. The results showed that the inheritance of Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters can be effectively used as an economic weight in the selection of the best individual. Genotypes 3, 6, 17, 24 and 30 were selected based on LPSI and genotypes 3 and 6 based on BLPSI as superior genotypes. The BLPSI and LPSI indices had high efficiency in this research and are recommended for improving the rice grain yield.
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Dehghan, R., Majidi, M. M., and Saeidi, G. (2017). Direct and indirect selection responses for seed yield and its components in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Journal of Crop Production and Processing. 7(1): 115-125
Eshghizadeh, H.R., and Ehsanzadeh, P. (2009). Effect of defferrent irrigation regims on corn (Zea mays L.) genotypes, fluorescence chlorophyll, growth characteristics and seed yield. Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science 40(2): 135-144.
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Fazlalipour, M., Rabiei, B., Samizadeh Lahiji, H., and Rahim Soroush, H. (2008a). Multi-trait Selection for Screening Elite Genotypes of an F2 Rice Population. Journal of Water and Soil Science. 11 (42):41-52
Fazlalipour, M., Rabiei, B., Samizadeh Lahiji, H., and Rahim Soroush, H. (2008b). Using of genetic path coefficients for providing of optimum and base selection indices in rice. Journal of Crop Science. 17 (4):97-112.
Fazlalipour, M., Rabiei, B., Samizadeh Lahiji, H., and Rahim Soroush, H. (2008c). Using of selection indicies in a F3 rice population. Iranian Journal of Agriculture Science. 38 (2):385-397.
Ghasemi, F., Baghizadeh, A., Mohammadinejad, Gh., and Kavoosi, H.R. (2017). Evaluation of selection indices for improving grain yield in Cuminum cyminum L. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 32(6): 1088-1098.
Gupta, M.L., Prasad, A., Ram, M. and Kumar, S. (2002). Effects of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus Glomus fasciculatum on the essential oil yield related cultivars of menthol mint (Mentha arvensis) under field conditions. Bioresource Technology. 81: 77–9.
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Marcelo, M. C., Antonio, D.M.O., Sandra, U., Nair, C.A., Ivana, M.B., Gustavo, D.S. and Romero, S.M.F. (2008). Analysis of direct and indirect selection and indices in soyabean segregating populations. Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 8: 447-455.
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Rezai, A. M., and Yousofi Azar, M. (2008). Comparison of Direct and Indirect Selection Methods Based on Selection Indices in Wheat Lines in Drought and Non-Drought Conditions. Journal of Water and Soil Science. 12 (45):21-32
Sabouri, H., Mohammadinejad, G., and Fazlalipour, M. (2011). Selection for yield improvement using of multivariate statistical methods in rice. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 9(4):639-650.
Sabouri, H., Biabani, A., Fazlalipour, M., and Sabouri, A. (2010). Determination of best selection indices for facilitating selection in rice. Journal of Plant Production, 17(4):1-25.
Sabouri, H.. Sabouri, A., and Dadras, A.R. (2009). Genetic dissection of biomass production and partitioning with grain yield and yield traits in indica-indica crosses of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars. Australian Journal of Crop Science 3: 155-166.
Sabouri, H., Rabiei, B., and Fazlalipour, M. (2008). Use of selection indices based on multivariate analysis for improving grain yield in rice. Rice Science. 15: 303-310.
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Samimi Sadeh, N., Saba, J., Shekari, F., and Soleimani, K. (2008). Potential usefulness of the physiological traits for evaluation of drought resistance in wheat. Journal of Agricultural Science and Natural Resource 14(5): 110-115
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Sparks, D.L., Page, A., Helmke, P., Loeppert, R., Soltanpour, P., Tabatabai, M., Johnston, C. T., and Sumner, M.E. (1996). Methods of soil analysis. Part 3: Chemical methods, Soil Science Society of America Inc.
Suwantaradon, K., Eberhart, S.A., Mock, J.J., Owens J.C., and Guthrie. W.D. (1975). Index selection for several agronomic traits in the BSSS2 maize population. Crop Science 15: 827-833.
Thomas, G., Sparks, D. L., Page, A., Helmke, P., Loeppert, R., Soltanpour, P., Johnston, C. T., and Sumner, M.E. (1996). Soil pH and soil acidity. Methods of soil analysis. Part 3: chemical methods 475–490.
Walkley, A., and Black, I. A. (1934). An examination of the Degtjareff method for determining soil organic matter, and a proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Science 37: 29–38.
Valizadeh, M., and Moghaddam, M. (1999). Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. Academic Center Press. Tehran. 548 pp.
Baker, R. J. (1986). Selection Indices in Plant breeding. CRC. Press. Inc. 218p.
Biswas, B., Hasanuzzaman, K.M., El-Taj, F., Alam, M.S., and Amin, M.R. (2001). Simultaneous selection for fodder and grain yield in sorghum. Journal of Biological Sciences. 1: 321-323.
Brim, C.A., Johnson H.W., and Cockerham C.C. (1959). Multiple selection criteria in soybeans. Agronomy Journal 51: 42-46.
Bouyoucos, G.J. (1962). Hydrometer method improved for making particle size analyses of soils. Agronomy Journal. 54: 464–465.
Dehghan, R., Majidi, M. M., and Saeidi, G. (2017). Direct and indirect selection responses for seed yield and its components in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Journal of Crop Production and Processing. 7(1): 115-125
Eshghizadeh, H.R., and Ehsanzadeh, P. (2009). Effect of defferrent irrigation regims on corn (Zea mays L.) genotypes, fluorescence chlorophyll, growth characteristics and seed yield. Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science 40(2): 135-144.
F.A.O. (2017). http://faostat.
Falconer, D. S. (1989). Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. Longman Group Ltd., London.
Fazlalipour, M., Rabiei, B., Samizadeh Lahiji, H., and Rahim Soroush, H. (2008a). Multi-trait Selection for Screening Elite Genotypes of an F2 Rice Population. Journal of Water and Soil Science. 11 (42):41-52
Fazlalipour, M., Rabiei, B., Samizadeh Lahiji, H., and Rahim Soroush, H. (2008b). Using of genetic path coefficients for providing of optimum and base selection indices in rice. Journal of Crop Science. 17 (4):97-112.
Fazlalipour, M., Rabiei, B., Samizadeh Lahiji, H., and Rahim Soroush, H. (2008c). Using of selection indicies in a F3 rice population. Iranian Journal of Agriculture Science. 38 (2):385-397.
Ghasemi, F., Baghizadeh, A., Mohammadinejad, Gh., and Kavoosi, H.R. (2017). Evaluation of selection indices for improving grain yield in Cuminum cyminum L. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 32(6): 1088-1098.
Gupta, M.L., Prasad, A., Ram, M. and Kumar, S. (2002). Effects of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus Glomus fasciculatum on the essential oil yield related cultivars of menthol mint (Mentha arvensis) under field conditions. Bioresource Technology. 81: 77–9.
Kazemi Arbat, H. (2006). Morphology and Anatomy in Cereals. Second Press. Tabriz University Press. 588 pp.
Haluschak, P. (2006). Laboratory methods of soil analysis. Canada–Manitoba Soil Survey. 133p.
Hazel, L. (1943). The genetic basis for constructions selection indices. Genetics 28: 476-490.
Mohammadi, H., Soltani, A., Sadeghipour, H., Zeinali, E., and Najafi Hezarjaribi, R. (2008). Effect of seed deterioration on vegetative growth and chlorophyll fluorescence in soybean (Glycine max L.). Journal of Agricultural Science and Natural Resource 15(5): 112-118.
Marcelo, M. C., Antonio, D.M.O., Sandra, U., Nair, C.A., Ivana, M.B., Gustavo, D.S. and Romero, S.M.F. (2008). Analysis of direct and indirect selection and indices in soyabean segregating populations. Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 8: 447-455.
Monirifar, H. (2010). Evaluation of selection indices for alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Notulae Scientia Biologicae. 2: 84-87.
Operations manual PEA. (2006). Hansatech Instruments Ltf. England. 77p.
Page, A.L. (1982). Methods of soil analysis. Part 2: Chemical and microbiological properties, American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America.
Pesek, J., and Baker, R. J. (1969). Desired improvement in relation to selection indices. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 49: 803-804.
Rezai, A. M., and Yousofi Azar, M. (2008). Comparison of Direct and Indirect Selection Methods Based on Selection Indices in Wheat Lines in Drought and Non-Drought Conditions. Journal of Water and Soil Science. 12 (45):21-32
Sabouri, H., Mohammadinejad, G., and Fazlalipour, M. (2011). Selection for yield improvement using of multivariate statistical methods in rice. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 9(4):639-650.
Sabouri, H., Biabani, A., Fazlalipour, M., and Sabouri, A. (2010). Determination of best selection indices for facilitating selection in rice. Journal of Plant Production, 17(4):1-25.
Sabouri, H.. Sabouri, A., and Dadras, A.R. (2009). Genetic dissection of biomass production and partitioning with grain yield and yield traits in indica-indica crosses of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars. Australian Journal of Crop Science 3: 155-166.
Sabouri, H., Rabiei, B., and Fazlalipour, M. (2008). Use of selection indices based on multivariate analysis for improving grain yield in rice. Rice Science. 15: 303-310.
Salehi, M., and Saeidi G. (2013). Selection Indices for Seed Yield Improvement in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). Iranian Journal of Field Crop Research. 10(4):667-673.
Samimi Sadeh, N., Saba, J., Shekari, F., and Soleimani, K. (2008). Potential usefulness of the physiological traits for evaluation of drought resistance in wheat. Journal of Agricultural Science and Natural Resource 14(5): 110-115
Smith, H.F. (1936). A discrimination function for plant selection. Annals of Eugenics, 7: 240-250.
Soltani, A. (2004). Chlorophyll fluorescence and its application. Internal Press. University of Agricultural Science and Natural Resource, Gorgan., Iran.
Sparks, D.L., Page, A., Helmke, P., Loeppert, R., Soltanpour, P., Tabatabai, M., Johnston, C. T., and Sumner, M.E. (1996). Methods of soil analysis. Part 3: Chemical methods, Soil Science Society of America Inc.
Suwantaradon, K., Eberhart, S.A., Mock, J.J., Owens J.C., and Guthrie. W.D. (1975). Index selection for several agronomic traits in the BSSS2 maize population. Crop Science 15: 827-833.
Thomas, G., Sparks, D. L., Page, A., Helmke, P., Loeppert, R., Soltanpour, P., Johnston, C. T., and Sumner, M.E. (1996). Soil pH and soil acidity. Methods of soil analysis. Part 3: chemical methods 475–490.
Walkley, A., and Black, I. A. (1934). An examination of the Degtjareff method for determining soil organic matter, and a proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Science 37: 29–38.
Valizadeh, M., and Moghaddam, M. (1999). Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. Academic Center Press. Tehran. 548 pp.