Investigation of morpho-physiological responses to salinity stress in three promising hybrid genotypes of Iris (Iris germanica L.) inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi
Subject Areas : Genetic
Zahra Ziaei
Maryam Dehestani-Ardakani
Mostafa Shirmardi
Mohammad Hosein Azimi
1 - Department of Horticultural Science, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources,
Ardakan University, Ardakan, Iran
Ardakan, Iran
2 - Department of Horticultural Science, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources,
Ardakan University, Ardakan, Iran and Medicinal and Industrial Plants Research Institute, Ardakan, Iran
3 - Department of Horticultural Science, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources,
Ardakan University, Ardakan, Iran and Medicinal and Industrial Plants Research Institute, Ardakan, Iran
4 - Ornamental Plants Research Center (OPRC), Horticulture Sciences Research Institute (HSRI), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Mahallat, Iran
Keywords: Yield, Growth characteristics, Morphology, phosphorus, sodium,
Abstract :
Iris germanica L. is one of the most majestic and popular perennials used in landscape. The aim of this study was comparison of salinity tolerance in three new hybrids genotypes of Iris germanica L. inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi. Treatments consisted of four levels of water salinity (1, 4, 8, and 12 ds/m), three levels of mycorrhizal fungi (0, 15, and 25 g/kg) and three promising genotypes of iris (OPRC-122, OPRC-125, and OPRC-S54). Experiment was conducted based on a factorial and completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications in 2018-2019 in Ardakan University. Some morphological and physiological traits were evaluated. Application of 25 g/kg mycorrhizal fungi at 12 dS/m salinity level increased root length in OPRC122 and OPRCS54 genotypes by 83.77% and 65.38%, respectively compared with control. In OPRCS54 genotype under 8 dS/m salinity, using 25 g/kg mycorrhizal fungi increased the ratio of shoot to root fresh weights by 52.83%. Application of 15 and 25 g/kg mycorrhizal fungi at 12 dS/m salinity in OPRC122 genotype increased P uptake by 341% and 480%, respectively. The use of 15 g/kg mycorrhizal fungi in OPRC125 genotype reduced Na uptake by 32% at 12 dS/m salinity. In OPRCS54 genotype under the same level of salinity, application of 15 and 25 g/kg mycorrhiza fungi decreased sodium uptake by 63.51% and 55.24%, respectively. In general, using mycorrhizal fungi in all three genotypes at salinity level of 8 dS/m reduced the effect of salinity and increased plant yield.
Abdel Latef, A.A.H. and Chaoxing, H. (2014). Does inoculation with Glomus mosseae improve salt tolerance in pepper plants? Journal of. Plant Growth Regulation. 33: 644–653.
Abdel Latef, A.A.H. and He, C. (2011). Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth, mineral nutrition, antioxidant enzymes activity and fruit yield of tomato grown under salinity stress. Scientia Horticulturae. 127: 228–233.
Ahmadi, F., Momenpour, A., Dehestani-Ardakani, M. and Gholamnezhad, J. (2019). Response some of selected pomegranate (Punica granatum) genotypes to irrigation water salinity. Journal of Crops Improvement. 21(3): 303-321.
Amanifar, S., Khodabandeloo, M., Fard, E.M., Askari, M.S. and Ashrafi, M. (2019). Alleviation of salt stress and changes in glycyrrhizin accumulation by arbuscular mycorrhiza in liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) grown under salinity stress. Environmental and experimental botany. 160: 25-34.
Ashraf, M. (2010). Inducing drought tolerance in plants: recent advances. Biotechnology Advances. 28: 169-183.
Awad, A.S., Edward, D.G. and Campbell, L.C. (1990). Phosphorus enhancement of salt tolerance of tomato. Crop Science. 30:123-128.
Azimi, M.H., Sadeghian, S.Y., Razavi Ahari, V., Khazaei, F. and Fathi Hafashjani, A. (2012). Genetic variation of Iranian Iris species using morphological characteristics and RAPD markers. International Journal of Agricultural Science. 2(9): 875-889.
Bohlouli, M., Dehestani-Ardakani, M., Shirmardi, M. and Razmjoo, J. (2019a). 'ffect of organic and biological fertilizers on some growth characteristics of evening primrose (Oenothera biennis L.) under salinity conditions. Environmental Stresses in Crop Sciences, 12(1): 263-280.
Bostani, H., Chorom, M., Moezzi, A., Karimian, N., Enayati Zamir, N. and Zarei, M. (2015). 'Investigation of Effects of Bio Fertilizer Application on Zinc uptake and Some of Vegetative Growth Indices of Corn (Zea Mays L.) in a Non-Sterile Calcareous Soil with Different Levels of Salinity', Journal of Plant Ecophysiology, 7(22), pp. 98-123. (In Persian).
Daei, G., Ardekani, M. R., Rejali, F., Teimuri, S. and Miransari, M. (2009). Alleviation of salinity stress on wheat yield, yield components, and nutrient uptake using arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under field conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology. 166: 617–625. (In Persian).
Dehestani-Ardakani, M., Bohlouli, M., Shirmardi, M. and Razmjoo, J. (2019b). Effect of Humic acid, Mycorrhizal Fungi and Madder Residue on Some Growth Characteristics and Nutrient Uptake of Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis L.) Under Salt Stress. Intrnational Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology. 20 (2): 221-234. (In Persian).
Dehghani, A., kazemeini, S.A., zarei, M.I. and Alinia, M. (2017). Effects of salt stress and mycorrhiza fungi on morpho-physiological characteristics of sweet corn. Journal of Crop Plant Production. 7 (1):101-113. (In Persian).
Dimkpa, C., Weinand, T. and Ash, F. (2009). Plant-rhizobacteria interactions alleviate abiotic stress conditions. Plant Cell Environment. 32: 1682–1694.
Emami, A. (1996). The methods of plant analysis, Soil and Water Research Institute, Publication No. 982, Vol. 1.
Fasihi, M., Shamshiri, M.H., Karimi, H.R. and Roosta, H.R. (2014). Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza (Glomus mosseae) on growth of greenhouse cucumber (Cucumis sativus cv. Nahid) under different levels of sodium bicarbonate in irrigation water. Technology of Greenhouse Culture. 5: 53-62. (In Persian)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). (2015). Status of the World’s Soil Resources; FAO: Rome, Italy.
Foyer, C.H., Lopez-Oelgado, L., Dat, J.F., Scott, I.M. (1997). Hydrogen peroxide and glutation associated mechanism of asslimatory stress tolerance and signaling. Physiology of Plant. 100: 241-254.
Giri, B. and Mukerji, K.G. (2004). Mycorrhizal inoculant alleviates salt stress in Sesbania aegyptica and Sesbania gradiflora under field condition: evidenced for reduced sodium and improved magnesium uptake. Mycorrhiza.14:307-312.
Glenn, E.P., Brown, J. and Khan, M.J. (1997). Mechanisms of salt tolerance in higher plants. pp. 83-119, In: A. S. Basra and R. K. Basra (Eds.), Mechanisms of Environmental Stress Resistance in Plants. Harwood Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
Haby, V.A., Russelle, M.D. and Skogley, E.O. (1990). Testing soils for potassium, calcium and magnesium. Soil testing and plant analysis, 3rd ed., SSSA Book Seri. 3: 181-227.
Hagi Hassani, L., Mortazavi, N. and Ammarloo, A. (2016). Investigation the effect of salsilic acid under salt stress on some growth and physiological characteristics of Lavandula Officinalis L. p. 1-12. 12 May 2016.second national congress in agricultural and natural science development, Gorgan. (In Persian).
Hashem, A., Abd_Allah, E.F., Alqarawi, A.A., Aldubise, A., Egamberdieva, D. (2015). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhances salinity tolerance of Panicum turgidum Forssk by altering photosynthetic and antioxidant pathways. Journal of Plant Interactions. 10(1):230–242.
Hashem, A., Alqarawi, A.A., Radhakrishnan, R., Al-Arjani, A.F., Aldehaish, H.A., Egamberdieva, D. and Abd Allah, E.F. (2018). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi regulate the oxidative system, hormones and ionic equilibrium to trigger salt stress tolerance in Cucumis sativus L. Saudi journal of biological sciences, 25(6): 1102–1114.
Jéhan, H., Courtois, D., Ehret, C., Lerch, K. and Petiard, V. (1994). Plant regeneration of Iris pallid Lam. and Iris germanica L. via somatic embryogenesis from leaves, apices and young flowers. Plant Cell Report. 13: 671–675.
Khalifa, R.M., Shaaban, S.H.A. and Rawia, A. (2011). Effect of foliar application of zinc sulfate and boric acid on growth, yield and chemical constituents of iris plants. Oze Journal Applied Science. 4(2): 129-144.
Ma Y., Rajkumar M., Moreno A., Zhang C. and Freitas H. (2017). Serpentine endophytic bacterium Pseudomonas azotoformans ASS1 accelerates phytoremediation of soil metals under drought stress. Chemosphere. 185: 75–85.
Mathur, N. and Vyas, A. (1996). Biochemical changes in Ziziphus xylopyrusby VA mycorrhizae. Botanical Bulletin Acadademia Science. 37: 209 -212.
Mohammadi, S., Boroomand, S., Moghbeli, E. (2019). Effect of different mycorrhizal species inoculation on concentration of nutrient elements, yield per plant and antioxidant activity in Peppermint (Mentha piperita) under salt stress". Journal of Soil Management and Sustainable Production. 8(4): 127-142
Munns, R. and Tester M. (2008). Mechanisms of salinity tolerance, Annual Review of Plant Biology. 59: 651–681.
Navarro, J.M., Perez-Tornero, O. and Morte, A. (2014). Alleviation of salt stress in citrus seedlings inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi depends on the rootstock salt tolerance. Journal of Plant Physiology.171:76-85.
Noble, C. and Rogers, M. (1992). Arguments for the use of physiological criteria for improving the salt tolerance in crops. Plant and Soil. 146: 99-107.
Pinfang, B.W.L. and Baoguo, L. (2008). Response of Lactea var. Chinensis to NaCl and NaHCO_3 Stress in trees in growth and photosyntesis. Acta Pedologica Sinica. 2.
Pollastri, S., Savvides, A., Pesando, M., Lumini, E., Volpe, M.G., Ozudogru, E.A., Faccio, A., De Cunzo, F., Michelozzi, M., Lambardi, M. and Fotopoulos, V., (2018). Impact of two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on Arundo donax L. response to salt stress. Planta. 247(3): 573-585.
Porras-Soriano, A., Soriano-Martín, M. L., Porras-Piedra, A. and Azcón, R. (2009). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increased growth, nutrient uptake and tolerance to salinity in olive trees under nursery conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology. 166: 1350–1359.
Reuveni, M., Agapov, V. and Reuveni, R. (1995). Induced systematic protection to powdery mildew in cucumber by phosphate and potassium fertilizers: effect of inoculum concentration and post-inoculation treatment. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 17: 245-251.
Sairam, R. and Tyagi, A. (2004). Physiology and molecular biology of salinity stress tolerance in plants. Current Science Bangalore 86(3): 407-421.
Shady, M.A., Ibrahim, I. and Afify, A.H. (1984). Mobilization of elements and their effects on certain plant growth characteristics as influenced by some silicate bacteria. Egypt Journal of Anaesthesia. 27: 1-7. 17-30.
Stuchlik, M. and Zak, S. (2012). Vegetable lipids as components of functional foods. Biomedical Papers. 146(2): 3–10.
Talebi, F., Mortazavi, N. and Sharafi, Y. (2014). The effect of salt stress on some morphological characteristics in Zinnia elegans. Environmental Stresses in Crop Sciences. 7(2): 277-279. (In Persian).
Tanji, K.K. (2006). Salinity in the Soil Environment. In Salinity: Environment—Plants—Molecules; Läuchli, A., Lüttge, U., Eds.; Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2006.
Vafadar, Z., Rahimmalek, M., Sabzalian, M.R. and Nikbakht, A. (2018). Effect of salt stress and harvesting time on morphological and physiological characteristics of Myrtle (Myrthus communis). j.plant proc. func.. 2018; 7 (23) :33-44. (In Persian).
Waddick, J.W. and Zhao, Y. (1992). Iris of China. Timber Press, Portland, Ore. 336 p.
Wang, Y., Ma, F., Li, M., Liang, D. and Zou, J. (2011). Physiological responses of kiwifruit plants to exogenous ABA under drought conditions. Plant Growth Regulation. 64: 63-74.
Wang, Y., Wang, M., Li, Y., Wu, A. and Huang, J. (2018). Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and nitrogen uptake of Chrysanthemum morifolium under salt stress. PlOS one. 13(4):.e0196408.
Wen-Bo, B., Pin-Fang, L., Bao-Guo, L/, Fujiyama, H. and Fen-Cheng, F. (2008). Some Physiological Responses of Chinese Iris to Salt Stress. Pedosphere. 18 (4): 454 – 463.
Wendelbo, P. (1977). Tulips and Irises of Iran (Tehran, Iran: Botanical Institute of Iran).
WenYuan, W., XiaoFeng, Y., Ying, J., Bo, Q. and YuFeng, X. (2012). Effects of salt stress on water content and photosynthetic characteristics in Iris lactea var. Chinensis seedlings. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. 12 (1): 70-74.
Wu, Q.-S., Zou, Y.-N. and He, X.-H. (2010). Contributions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to growth, photosynthesis, root morphology and ionic balance of citrus seedlings under salt stress. Acta Physiology Plant. 32: 297–304.
Yang, S.-J., Zhang, Z.L., Xue, Y.X., Zhang, Z.F. and Shi, S.Y. (2014). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increase salt tolerance of apple seedlings. Botanical Studies. 55:70.
Yordanov, V. and Tsoev, T. (2000). Plant responses to drought, acclimation and stress tolerance. Photosynthica. 38: 171-186.
Younesi, O., Moradi, A. (2016). Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus (AMF) on antioxidant enzyme activities in salt-stressed wheat. Journal of Crops Improvement. 18(1): 21-30.
Zhu, L., Wang, P., Zhang, W., Hui, F. and Xiangxiang, C. (2017). Effects of selenium application on nutrient uptake and nutritional quality of Codonopsis lanceolata. Scientia Horticulturae. 225: 574–580
Abdel Latef, A.A.H. and Chaoxing, H. (2014). Does inoculation with Glomus mosseae improve salt tolerance in pepper plants? Journal of. Plant Growth Regulation. 33: 644–653.
Abdel Latef, A.A.H. and He, C. (2011). Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth, mineral nutrition, antioxidant enzymes activity and fruit yield of tomato grown under salinity stress. Scientia Horticulturae. 127: 228–233.
Ahmadi, F., Momenpour, A., Dehestani-Ardakani, M. and Gholamnezhad, J. (2019). Response some of selected pomegranate (Punica granatum) genotypes to irrigation water salinity. Journal of Crops Improvement. 21(3): 303-321.
Amanifar, S., Khodabandeloo, M., Fard, E.M., Askari, M.S. and Ashrafi, M. (2019). Alleviation of salt stress and changes in glycyrrhizin accumulation by arbuscular mycorrhiza in liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) grown under salinity stress. Environmental and experimental botany. 160: 25-34.
Ashraf, M. (2010). Inducing drought tolerance in plants: recent advances. Biotechnology Advances. 28: 169-183.
Awad, A.S., Edward, D.G. and Campbell, L.C. (1990). Phosphorus enhancement of salt tolerance of tomato. Crop Science. 30:123-128.
Azimi, M.H., Sadeghian, S.Y., Razavi Ahari, V., Khazaei, F. and Fathi Hafashjani, A. (2012). Genetic variation of Iranian Iris species using morphological characteristics and RAPD markers. International Journal of Agricultural Science. 2(9): 875-889.
Bohlouli, M., Dehestani-Ardakani, M., Shirmardi, M. and Razmjoo, J. (2019a). 'ffect of organic and biological fertilizers on some growth characteristics of evening primrose (Oenothera biennis L.) under salinity conditions. Environmental Stresses in Crop Sciences, 12(1): 263-280.
Bostani, H., Chorom, M., Moezzi, A., Karimian, N., Enayati Zamir, N. and Zarei, M. (2015). 'Investigation of Effects of Bio Fertilizer Application on Zinc uptake and Some of Vegetative Growth Indices of Corn (Zea Mays L.) in a Non-Sterile Calcareous Soil with Different Levels of Salinity', Journal of Plant Ecophysiology, 7(22), pp. 98-123. (In Persian).
Daei, G., Ardekani, M. R., Rejali, F., Teimuri, S. and Miransari, M. (2009). Alleviation of salinity stress on wheat yield, yield components, and nutrient uptake using arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under field conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology. 166: 617–625. (In Persian).
Dehestani-Ardakani, M., Bohlouli, M., Shirmardi, M. and Razmjoo, J. (2019b). Effect of Humic acid, Mycorrhizal Fungi and Madder Residue on Some Growth Characteristics and Nutrient Uptake of Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis L.) Under Salt Stress. Intrnational Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology. 20 (2): 221-234. (In Persian).
Dehghani, A., kazemeini, S.A., zarei, M.I. and Alinia, M. (2017). Effects of salt stress and mycorrhiza fungi on morpho-physiological characteristics of sweet corn. Journal of Crop Plant Production. 7 (1):101-113. (In Persian).
Dimkpa, C., Weinand, T. and Ash, F. (2009). Plant-rhizobacteria interactions alleviate abiotic stress conditions. Plant Cell Environment. 32: 1682–1694.
Emami, A. (1996). The methods of plant analysis, Soil and Water Research Institute, Publication No. 982, Vol. 1.
Fasihi, M., Shamshiri, M.H., Karimi, H.R. and Roosta, H.R. (2014). Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza (Glomus mosseae) on growth of greenhouse cucumber (Cucumis sativus cv. Nahid) under different levels of sodium bicarbonate in irrigation water. Technology of Greenhouse Culture. 5: 53-62. (In Persian)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). (2015). Status of the World’s Soil Resources; FAO: Rome, Italy.
Foyer, C.H., Lopez-Oelgado, L., Dat, J.F., Scott, I.M. (1997). Hydrogen peroxide and glutation associated mechanism of asslimatory stress tolerance and signaling. Physiology of Plant. 100: 241-254.
Giri, B. and Mukerji, K.G. (2004). Mycorrhizal inoculant alleviates salt stress in Sesbania aegyptica and Sesbania gradiflora under field condition: evidenced for reduced sodium and improved magnesium uptake. Mycorrhiza.14:307-312.
Glenn, E.P., Brown, J. and Khan, M.J. (1997). Mechanisms of salt tolerance in higher plants. pp. 83-119, In: A. S. Basra and R. K. Basra (Eds.), Mechanisms of Environmental Stress Resistance in Plants. Harwood Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
Haby, V.A., Russelle, M.D. and Skogley, E.O. (1990). Testing soils for potassium, calcium and magnesium. Soil testing and plant analysis, 3rd ed., SSSA Book Seri. 3: 181-227.
Hagi Hassani, L., Mortazavi, N. and Ammarloo, A. (2016). Investigation the effect of salsilic acid under salt stress on some growth and physiological characteristics of Lavandula Officinalis L. p. 1-12. 12 May 2016.second national congress in agricultural and natural science development, Gorgan. (In Persian).
Hashem, A., Abd_Allah, E.F., Alqarawi, A.A., Aldubise, A., Egamberdieva, D. (2015). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhances salinity tolerance of Panicum turgidum Forssk by altering photosynthetic and antioxidant pathways. Journal of Plant Interactions. 10(1):230–242.
Hashem, A., Alqarawi, A.A., Radhakrishnan, R., Al-Arjani, A.F., Aldehaish, H.A., Egamberdieva, D. and Abd Allah, E.F. (2018). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi regulate the oxidative system, hormones and ionic equilibrium to trigger salt stress tolerance in Cucumis sativus L. Saudi journal of biological sciences, 25(6): 1102–1114.
Jéhan, H., Courtois, D., Ehret, C., Lerch, K. and Petiard, V. (1994). Plant regeneration of Iris pallid Lam. and Iris germanica L. via somatic embryogenesis from leaves, apices and young flowers. Plant Cell Report. 13: 671–675.
Khalifa, R.M., Shaaban, S.H.A. and Rawia, A. (2011). Effect of foliar application of zinc sulfate and boric acid on growth, yield and chemical constituents of iris plants. Oze Journal Applied Science. 4(2): 129-144.
Ma Y., Rajkumar M., Moreno A., Zhang C. and Freitas H. (2017). Serpentine endophytic bacterium Pseudomonas azotoformans ASS1 accelerates phytoremediation of soil metals under drought stress. Chemosphere. 185: 75–85.
Mathur, N. and Vyas, A. (1996). Biochemical changes in Ziziphus xylopyrusby VA mycorrhizae. Botanical Bulletin Acadademia Science. 37: 209 -212.
Mohammadi, S., Boroomand, S., Moghbeli, E. (2019). Effect of different mycorrhizal species inoculation on concentration of nutrient elements, yield per plant and antioxidant activity in Peppermint (Mentha piperita) under salt stress". Journal of Soil Management and Sustainable Production. 8(4): 127-142
Munns, R. and Tester M. (2008). Mechanisms of salinity tolerance, Annual Review of Plant Biology. 59: 651–681.
Navarro, J.M., Perez-Tornero, O. and Morte, A. (2014). Alleviation of salt stress in citrus seedlings inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi depends on the rootstock salt tolerance. Journal of Plant Physiology.171:76-85.
Noble, C. and Rogers, M. (1992). Arguments for the use of physiological criteria for improving the salt tolerance in crops. Plant and Soil. 146: 99-107.
Pinfang, B.W.L. and Baoguo, L. (2008). Response of Lactea var. Chinensis to NaCl and NaHCO_3 Stress in trees in growth and photosyntesis. Acta Pedologica Sinica. 2.
Pollastri, S., Savvides, A., Pesando, M., Lumini, E., Volpe, M.G., Ozudogru, E.A., Faccio, A., De Cunzo, F., Michelozzi, M., Lambardi, M. and Fotopoulos, V., (2018). Impact of two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on Arundo donax L. response to salt stress. Planta. 247(3): 573-585.
Porras-Soriano, A., Soriano-Martín, M. L., Porras-Piedra, A. and Azcón, R. (2009). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increased growth, nutrient uptake and tolerance to salinity in olive trees under nursery conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology. 166: 1350–1359.
Reuveni, M., Agapov, V. and Reuveni, R. (1995). Induced systematic protection to powdery mildew in cucumber by phosphate and potassium fertilizers: effect of inoculum concentration and post-inoculation treatment. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 17: 245-251.
Sairam, R. and Tyagi, A. (2004). Physiology and molecular biology of salinity stress tolerance in plants. Current Science Bangalore 86(3): 407-421.
Shady, M.A., Ibrahim, I. and Afify, A.H. (1984). Mobilization of elements and their effects on certain plant growth characteristics as influenced by some silicate bacteria. Egypt Journal of Anaesthesia. 27: 1-7. 17-30.
Stuchlik, M. and Zak, S. (2012). Vegetable lipids as components of functional foods. Biomedical Papers. 146(2): 3–10.
Talebi, F., Mortazavi, N. and Sharafi, Y. (2014). The effect of salt stress on some morphological characteristics in Zinnia elegans. Environmental Stresses in Crop Sciences. 7(2): 277-279. (In Persian).
Tanji, K.K. (2006). Salinity in the Soil Environment. In Salinity: Environment—Plants—Molecules; Läuchli, A., Lüttge, U., Eds.; Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2006.
Vafadar, Z., Rahimmalek, M., Sabzalian, M.R. and Nikbakht, A. (2018). Effect of salt stress and harvesting time on morphological and physiological characteristics of Myrtle (Myrthus communis). j.plant proc. func.. 2018; 7 (23) :33-44. (In Persian).
Waddick, J.W. and Zhao, Y. (1992). Iris of China. Timber Press, Portland, Ore. 336 p.
Wang, Y., Ma, F., Li, M., Liang, D. and Zou, J. (2011). Physiological responses of kiwifruit plants to exogenous ABA under drought conditions. Plant Growth Regulation. 64: 63-74.
Wang, Y., Wang, M., Li, Y., Wu, A. and Huang, J. (2018). Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and nitrogen uptake of Chrysanthemum morifolium under salt stress. PlOS one. 13(4):.e0196408.
Wen-Bo, B., Pin-Fang, L., Bao-Guo, L/, Fujiyama, H. and Fen-Cheng, F. (2008). Some Physiological Responses of Chinese Iris to Salt Stress. Pedosphere. 18 (4): 454 – 463.
Wendelbo, P. (1977). Tulips and Irises of Iran (Tehran, Iran: Botanical Institute of Iran).
WenYuan, W., XiaoFeng, Y., Ying, J., Bo, Q. and YuFeng, X. (2012). Effects of salt stress on water content and photosynthetic characteristics in Iris lactea var. Chinensis seedlings. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. 12 (1): 70-74.
Wu, Q.-S., Zou, Y.-N. and He, X.-H. (2010). Contributions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to growth, photosynthesis, root morphology and ionic balance of citrus seedlings under salt stress. Acta Physiology Plant. 32: 297–304.
Yang, S.-J., Zhang, Z.L., Xue, Y.X., Zhang, Z.F. and Shi, S.Y. (2014). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increase salt tolerance of apple seedlings. Botanical Studies. 55:70.
Yordanov, V. and Tsoev, T. (2000). Plant responses to drought, acclimation and stress tolerance. Photosynthica. 38: 171-186.
Younesi, O., Moradi, A. (2016). Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus (AMF) on antioxidant enzyme activities in salt-stressed wheat. Journal of Crops Improvement. 18(1): 21-30.
Zhu, L., Wang, P., Zhang, W., Hui, F. and Xiangxiang, C. (2017). Effects of selenium application on nutrient uptake and nutritional quality of Codonopsis lanceolata. Scientia Horticulturae. 225: 574–580