Comparison of the effect of silicon and nano-silicon on some biochemical and photosynthetic traits of Zea mays L. under salinity stress
Subject Areas : Genetic
Mahbobeh Zarooshan
Ahmad Abdilzade
Hamid Reza Sadeghipour
Pooyan Mehrabanjoubani
1 - Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran
2 - Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran
3 - Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran
4 - Department of Basic Science, Faculty of Animal Science and Fisheries, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran
Keywords: Oxidative stress, Photosynthesis, silicon, NaCl stress, Nanosilicon,
Abstract :
Salinity stress is one of the factors that threatens the growth and yield of corn. The effects of silicon or nanosilicon on salinity alleviation have been reported in some plants. The effects of foliar application of silicon (inorganic and nanopatricle) on mitigation of the effects of salinity stress on some photosynthetic and biochemical parameters were studied in corn. Experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design with factorial arrangement in a pot culture. The first factor was salinity at two levels including 0 and 100 mM NaCl and the second factor was silicon at three levels including control (without silicon) and 2 mM potassium silicate and 2 mM nanosilicon (SiO2). Under salinity stress, the fresh and dry weights of shoots and roots, the chlorophylls and carotenoids contents, and the amount of soluble protein decreased significantly compared to the control. In contrast, the amount of hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde increased in these plants. Also, the photosyntheic rate and water use efficiency of plants decreased under salinity. The application of silicon and nanosilicon improved the growth of plants under salinity and increased the photosynthetic rate and the amount of photosynthetic pigments. In addition, severe reduction in transpiration under silicon application compared to nanosilicon resulted in the increased water use efficiency in this treatment. Silicon application also increased the activity of soluble peroxidase enzyme in plants under salinity, a result which was not observed with nanosilicon application. This resulted in a further decrease in hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxidation of plants under salinity treated with silicon compared to nanosilicon, which showed a further decrease in oxidative stress in this treatment. These findings indicated that stress reduction and growth improvement of the plants under salinity with silicon application were more than the treatment with nanosilicon.
Azevedo Neto, A.D., Prisco, J.T. and Gomes-Filho, E. (2009). Changes in soluble amino-N, soluble proteins and free amino acids in leaves and roots of salt-stressed maize genotypes. Journal of Plant Interactions. 4: 137-144.
Bradford, M. (1976). A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry. 72: 248-254.
Farouk, S. (2011). Ascorbic acid and α-Tocopherol minimize salt-induced wheat leaf senescence. Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry. 7: 58-79.
Farhangi-Abriz, S. and Torabian, S. (2018). Nano-silicon alters antioxidant activities of soybean seedlings under salt toxicity. Protoplasma. 255(3): 953-962.
Gao, X., Zou, C., Wang, L. and Zhang, F. (2006). Silicon decreases transpiration rate and conductance from stomata of maize plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 29: 1637-1647.
Guntzer, F., Keller, C. and Meunier, J.D. (2012). Benefits of plant silicon for crops: a review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 32: 201-213.
Gupta, B. and Huang, B. (2014). Review Article Mechanism of Salinity Tolerance in Plants: Physiological, Biochemical, and Molecular Characterization. Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Genomic.
Haghighi, M. and Pessarakli, M. (2013). Influence of silicon and nano-silicon on salinity tolerance of cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) at early growth stage. Scientia Horticulturae. 161: 111-117.
Hasanpour, R., Neyshabouri, M. and Zarehaghi, D. (2015). Combined effect of soil salinity and compaction on some growth indices of corn. Water and Soil Science (Agricultural Science). 25: 247-260. (in Persian with English abstract).
Hussain, K., Majeed, A., Nawaz, K. and Nisar, M.F. (2010). Changes in morphological attributes of maize (Zea mays L.) under NaCl salinity. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. 8: 230-232.
Kar, M. and Mishra, D. (1976). Catalase, Peroxidase and polyphenolxidase activities during rice leaf senescence. Plant Physiology. 57: 315-319.
Karunakaran, G., Suriyaprabha, R., Manivasakan, P., Yuvakkumar, R., Rajendran, V., Prabu, P. and Kannan, N. (2013). Effect of nanosilica and silicon sources on plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, soil nutrients and maize seed germination. IET Nanobiotechnology. 7: 70-77.
Krouma, A. (2009). Physiological and nutritional responses of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) to salinity. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 33: 503-512.
Liang, Y.C. (1999). Effects of silicon on enzyme activity and sodium, potassium and calcium concentration in barley under salt stress. Plant Soil. 209: 217-224.
Liang, Y., Chen, Q.I.N., Liu, Q., Zhang, W. and Ding, R. (2003). Exogenous silicon (Si) increases antioxidant enzyme activity and reduces lipid peroxidation in roots of salt-stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Journal of Plant Physiology. 160: 1157-1164.
Liang, Y.C. (1998). Effects of silicon on leaf ultrastructure, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic activity in barley under salt stress. Pedosphere. 8: 289–296.
Lichtenthaler, H.K. (1987). Chlorophylls and carotenoids: pigments of photosynthetic biomembranes. In Methods in Enzymology. 148: 350-382.
Liu, X. and Huang, B. (2000). Heat stress injury in relation to membrane lipid peroxidation in creeping. Crop Science. 40: 503-510.
Malčovská, S.M., Dučaiová, Z., Maslaňáková, I. and Bačkor, M. (2014). Effect of silicon on growth, photosynthesis, oxidative status and phenolic compounds of maize (Zea mays L.) grown in cadmium excess. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 225: 2056.
Markovich, O., Steiner, E., Aharoni, A., and Elbaum, R. (2017). Silicon promotes cytokinin biosynthesis and delays senescence in Arabidopsis and Sorghum. Plant, Cell and Environment. 40: 1189-1196.
Matoh, T., Kairusmee, P. and Takahashi, E. (1986). Salt-induced damage to rice plants and alleviation effect of silicate. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 32: 295-304.
Moussa, H.R. (2006). Influence of exogenous application of silicon on physiological response of salt-stressed maize (Zea mays L.). International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 8: 293-297.
Munns, R. and Tester, M. (2008). Mechanisms of Salinity Tolerance. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 59: 651-681.
Nabati, J., Kafi, M., Masoumi, A. and Zare Mehrjerdi, M. (2013). Effect of salinity and silicon application on photosynthetic characteristics of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) International Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 3: 483-492.
Nematpour, A., Kazemeini, S. and Edalat, M. (2015). Effect of salinity on some growth and physiological characteristics of two cultivars of sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata). Plant Production Technology. 7: 153-165. (In Persian with English abstract).
Parveen, N. and Ashraf, M. (2010). Role of silicon in mitigating the adverse effects of salt stress on growth and photosynthetic attributes of two maize (Zea mays L.) Cultivars grown hydroponically. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 42: 1675-1684.
Poorakbar, L. and Maghsoumi Holasoo, S. (2015). Salinity effect on antioxidative enzymes activity in roots and leaves of maize plant (Zea mays L. cv. SC. 704). Applied Biology. 28: 5-22. (in Persian with English abstract).
Qados, A. and Moftah, A.E. (2015). Influence of silicon and nano-silicon on germination, Growth and yield of faba bean (Vicia faba l.) under salt stress conditions. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 5: 509-524.
Qados, A.M.A. (2015). Mechanism of nanosilicon-mediated alleviation of salinity stress in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) plants. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International. 78-95.
Radwan, U.A., Springule, I., Biswas, P.K.. and Huluka, G. (2000). The effect of salinity on water use efficiency of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. Egyptian Journal of Biology. 2: 1-7.
Ritchie, S.W., Nguyen, H.T. and Haloday, A.S. (1990). Leaf water content and gas exchange parameters of two wheat genotype differing in drought resistance. Crop Science. 30: 105-111.
Sergive, I., Alexieva, V. and Karanov, E. (1997). Effect of spermine, atrazine and combination between them on some endogeneus protective systems and stress markers in plants. Comptes Rendus de l 'Academie Bulgare des Sciences. 51: 121-124.
Shen, X., Zhou, Y., Duan, L., Li, Z., Eneji, A.E. and Li, J. (2010). Silicon effects on photosynthesis and antioxidant parameters of soybean seedlings under drought and ultraviolet-B radiation. Journal of plant physiology. 167: 1248-1252.
Shiferaw. B. and Baker, D.A. (1996). An evaluation of drought screening techniques for Eragrostis tef. Crop Science. 36: 74-85.
Song, A., Li, P., Fan, F., Li, Z. and Liang, Y. (2014). The effect of silicon on photosynthesis and expression of its relevant genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under high-zinc stress. PLoS ONE 9: e113782.
Stępień, P. and Kłbus, G. (2006). Water relations and photosynthesis in Cucumis sativus L. leaves under salt stress. Biologia Plantarum 50(4): 610.
Tantawy, A.S., Salama, Y.A.M., El-Nemr, M.A. and Abdel-Mawgoud, A.M.R. (2015). Nano silicon application improves salinity tolerance of sweet pepper plants. International Journal of Chem Tech Research. 8: 11-17.
Teare, I.D., Kanemasu, E.T., Powers, W.L. and Jacobs, H.S. (1973). Water-use efficiency and its relation to crop canopy area, stomata regulation and root distribution. Agronomy Journal. 65: 207-211.
Tripathi, D.K., Singh, S., Singh, V.P., Prasad, S.M., Chauhan, D.K. and Dubey, N.K. (2016). Silicon nanoparticles more efficiently alleviate arsenate toxicity than silicon in maize cultiver and hybrid differing in arsenate tolerance. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 4: 46.
Tuna, A.L., Kaya, C., Higgs, D., Murillo-Amador, B., Aydemir, S. and Girgin, A.R. (2008). Silicon improves salinity tolerance in wheat plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 62:10-16.
Vaculík, M., Pavlovič, A. and Lux, A. (2015). Silicon alleviates cadmium toxicity by enhanced photosynthetic rate and modified bundle sheath's cell chloroplasts ultrastructure in maize. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 120: 66-73.
Yongchao, L. and Ruixing, D. (2002). Influence of silicon on microdistribution of mineral ions in roots of salt-stressed barley as associated with salt tolerance in plants. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences. 45: 298.
Wang, J., Possw, A., Donovanw, T.J., Shannonz, M.C. and Leschw, S.M. (2002). Biophysical properties and biomass production of elephant grass under saline conditions. Journal of Arid Environments. 52: 447-456.
Xie, Zh., Song, R., Shao, H., Song, F. Xu, H. and Lu, Y. (2015). Silicon Improves Maize photosynthesis in Saline-Alkaline Soils. The Scientific World Journal. 15
Yeo, A.R., Flowers, S.A., Rao, G., Welfare, K., Senanayake, N. and Flowers, T.J. (1999). Silicon reduces sodium uptake in rice (Oryza sativa L.) in saline conditions and this is accounted for by a reduction in the transpirational bypass flow. Plant, Cell & Environment. 22: 559-565.
Yuvakkumar, R., Elango, V., Rajendran, V., Kannan, N.S., and Prabu, P. (2011). Influence of nanosilica powder on the growth of maize crop (Zea mays L.). International Journal of Green Nanotechnology. 3: 180-190.
Zare, H., Ghanbarzadeh, Z., Behdad, A. and Mohsenzadeh, S. (2015). Effect of silicon and nanosilicon on reduction of damage caused by salt stress in maize (Zea mays) seedlings, Iranian Journal of Plant Biology. 7: 59-74. (in Persian with English abstract).
Zhu, Z., Wei, G., Li, J., Qian, Q. and Yu, J. (2004). Silicon alleviates salt stress and increases antioxidant enzymes activity in leaves of salt-stressed cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Plant Science. 167: 527-533.
Azevedo Neto, A.D., Prisco, J.T. and Gomes-Filho, E. (2009). Changes in soluble amino-N, soluble proteins and free amino acids in leaves and roots of salt-stressed maize genotypes. Journal of Plant Interactions. 4: 137-144.
Bradford, M. (1976). A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry. 72: 248-254.
Farouk, S. (2011). Ascorbic acid and α-Tocopherol minimize salt-induced wheat leaf senescence. Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry. 7: 58-79.
Farhangi-Abriz, S. and Torabian, S. (2018). Nano-silicon alters antioxidant activities of soybean seedlings under salt toxicity. Protoplasma. 255(3): 953-962.
Gao, X., Zou, C., Wang, L. and Zhang, F. (2006). Silicon decreases transpiration rate and conductance from stomata of maize plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 29: 1637-1647.
Guntzer, F., Keller, C. and Meunier, J.D. (2012). Benefits of plant silicon for crops: a review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 32: 201-213.
Gupta, B. and Huang, B. (2014). Review Article Mechanism of Salinity Tolerance in Plants: Physiological, Biochemical, and Molecular Characterization. Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Genomic.
Haghighi, M. and Pessarakli, M. (2013). Influence of silicon and nano-silicon on salinity tolerance of cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) at early growth stage. Scientia Horticulturae. 161: 111-117.
Hasanpour, R., Neyshabouri, M. and Zarehaghi, D. (2015). Combined effect of soil salinity and compaction on some growth indices of corn. Water and Soil Science (Agricultural Science). 25: 247-260. (in Persian with English abstract).
Hussain, K., Majeed, A., Nawaz, K. and Nisar, M.F. (2010). Changes in morphological attributes of maize (Zea mays L.) under NaCl salinity. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. 8: 230-232.
Kar, M. and Mishra, D. (1976). Catalase, Peroxidase and polyphenolxidase activities during rice leaf senescence. Plant Physiology. 57: 315-319.
Karunakaran, G., Suriyaprabha, R., Manivasakan, P., Yuvakkumar, R., Rajendran, V., Prabu, P. and Kannan, N. (2013). Effect of nanosilica and silicon sources on plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, soil nutrients and maize seed germination. IET Nanobiotechnology. 7: 70-77.
Krouma, A. (2009). Physiological and nutritional responses of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) to salinity. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 33: 503-512.
Liang, Y.C. (1999). Effects of silicon on enzyme activity and sodium, potassium and calcium concentration in barley under salt stress. Plant Soil. 209: 217-224.
Liang, Y., Chen, Q.I.N., Liu, Q., Zhang, W. and Ding, R. (2003). Exogenous silicon (Si) increases antioxidant enzyme activity and reduces lipid peroxidation in roots of salt-stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Journal of Plant Physiology. 160: 1157-1164.
Liang, Y.C. (1998). Effects of silicon on leaf ultrastructure, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic activity in barley under salt stress. Pedosphere. 8: 289–296.
Lichtenthaler, H.K. (1987). Chlorophylls and carotenoids: pigments of photosynthetic biomembranes. In Methods in Enzymology. 148: 350-382.
Liu, X. and Huang, B. (2000). Heat stress injury in relation to membrane lipid peroxidation in creeping. Crop Science. 40: 503-510.
Malčovská, S.M., Dučaiová, Z., Maslaňáková, I. and Bačkor, M. (2014). Effect of silicon on growth, photosynthesis, oxidative status and phenolic compounds of maize (Zea mays L.) grown in cadmium excess. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 225: 2056.
Markovich, O., Steiner, E., Aharoni, A., and Elbaum, R. (2017). Silicon promotes cytokinin biosynthesis and delays senescence in Arabidopsis and Sorghum. Plant, Cell and Environment. 40: 1189-1196.
Matoh, T., Kairusmee, P. and Takahashi, E. (1986). Salt-induced damage to rice plants and alleviation effect of silicate. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 32: 295-304.
Moussa, H.R. (2006). Influence of exogenous application of silicon on physiological response of salt-stressed maize (Zea mays L.). International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 8: 293-297.
Munns, R. and Tester, M. (2008). Mechanisms of Salinity Tolerance. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 59: 651-681.
Nabati, J., Kafi, M., Masoumi, A. and Zare Mehrjerdi, M. (2013). Effect of salinity and silicon application on photosynthetic characteristics of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) International Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 3: 483-492.
Nematpour, A., Kazemeini, S. and Edalat, M. (2015). Effect of salinity on some growth and physiological characteristics of two cultivars of sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata). Plant Production Technology. 7: 153-165. (In Persian with English abstract).
Parveen, N. and Ashraf, M. (2010). Role of silicon in mitigating the adverse effects of salt stress on growth and photosynthetic attributes of two maize (Zea mays L.) Cultivars grown hydroponically. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 42: 1675-1684.
Poorakbar, L. and Maghsoumi Holasoo, S. (2015). Salinity effect on antioxidative enzymes activity in roots and leaves of maize plant (Zea mays L. cv. SC. 704). Applied Biology. 28: 5-22. (in Persian with English abstract).
Qados, A. and Moftah, A.E. (2015). Influence of silicon and nano-silicon on germination, Growth and yield of faba bean (Vicia faba l.) under salt stress conditions. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 5: 509-524.
Qados, A.M.A. (2015). Mechanism of nanosilicon-mediated alleviation of salinity stress in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) plants. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International. 78-95.
Radwan, U.A., Springule, I., Biswas, P.K.. and Huluka, G. (2000). The effect of salinity on water use efficiency of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. Egyptian Journal of Biology. 2: 1-7.
Ritchie, S.W., Nguyen, H.T. and Haloday, A.S. (1990). Leaf water content and gas exchange parameters of two wheat genotype differing in drought resistance. Crop Science. 30: 105-111.
Sergive, I., Alexieva, V. and Karanov, E. (1997). Effect of spermine, atrazine and combination between them on some endogeneus protective systems and stress markers in plants. Comptes Rendus de l 'Academie Bulgare des Sciences. 51: 121-124.
Shen, X., Zhou, Y., Duan, L., Li, Z., Eneji, A.E. and Li, J. (2010). Silicon effects on photosynthesis and antioxidant parameters of soybean seedlings under drought and ultraviolet-B radiation. Journal of plant physiology. 167: 1248-1252.
Shiferaw. B. and Baker, D.A. (1996). An evaluation of drought screening techniques for Eragrostis tef. Crop Science. 36: 74-85.
Song, A., Li, P., Fan, F., Li, Z. and Liang, Y. (2014). The effect of silicon on photosynthesis and expression of its relevant genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under high-zinc stress. PLoS ONE 9: e113782.
Stępień, P. and Kłbus, G. (2006). Water relations and photosynthesis in Cucumis sativus L. leaves under salt stress. Biologia Plantarum 50(4): 610.
Tantawy, A.S., Salama, Y.A.M., El-Nemr, M.A. and Abdel-Mawgoud, A.M.R. (2015). Nano silicon application improves salinity tolerance of sweet pepper plants. International Journal of Chem Tech Research. 8: 11-17.
Teare, I.D., Kanemasu, E.T., Powers, W.L. and Jacobs, H.S. (1973). Water-use efficiency and its relation to crop canopy area, stomata regulation and root distribution. Agronomy Journal. 65: 207-211.
Tripathi, D.K., Singh, S., Singh, V.P., Prasad, S.M., Chauhan, D.K. and Dubey, N.K. (2016). Silicon nanoparticles more efficiently alleviate arsenate toxicity than silicon in maize cultiver and hybrid differing in arsenate tolerance. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 4: 46.
Tuna, A.L., Kaya, C., Higgs, D., Murillo-Amador, B., Aydemir, S. and Girgin, A.R. (2008). Silicon improves salinity tolerance in wheat plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 62:10-16.
Vaculík, M., Pavlovič, A. and Lux, A. (2015). Silicon alleviates cadmium toxicity by enhanced photosynthetic rate and modified bundle sheath's cell chloroplasts ultrastructure in maize. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 120: 66-73.
Yongchao, L. and Ruixing, D. (2002). Influence of silicon on microdistribution of mineral ions in roots of salt-stressed barley as associated with salt tolerance in plants. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences. 45: 298.
Wang, J., Possw, A., Donovanw, T.J., Shannonz, M.C. and Leschw, S.M. (2002). Biophysical properties and biomass production of elephant grass under saline conditions. Journal of Arid Environments. 52: 447-456.
Xie, Zh., Song, R., Shao, H., Song, F. Xu, H. and Lu, Y. (2015). Silicon Improves Maize photosynthesis in Saline-Alkaline Soils. The Scientific World Journal. 15
Yeo, A.R., Flowers, S.A., Rao, G., Welfare, K., Senanayake, N. and Flowers, T.J. (1999). Silicon reduces sodium uptake in rice (Oryza sativa L.) in saline conditions and this is accounted for by a reduction in the transpirational bypass flow. Plant, Cell & Environment. 22: 559-565.
Yuvakkumar, R., Elango, V., Rajendran, V., Kannan, N.S., and Prabu, P. (2011). Influence of nanosilica powder on the growth of maize crop (Zea mays L.). International Journal of Green Nanotechnology. 3: 180-190.
Zare, H., Ghanbarzadeh, Z., Behdad, A. and Mohsenzadeh, S. (2015). Effect of silicon and nanosilicon on reduction of damage caused by salt stress in maize (Zea mays) seedlings, Iranian Journal of Plant Biology. 7: 59-74. (in Persian with English abstract).
Zhu, Z., Wei, G., Li, J., Qian, Q. and Yu, J. (2004). Silicon alleviates salt stress and increases antioxidant enzymes activity in leaves of salt-stressed cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Plant Science. 167: 527-533.