Influence of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) on rooting of cuttings in Lippia citriodora L.
Subject Areas : GeneticZabihollah Rigi Karvandari 1 , Mohammad Jamal Saharkhiz 2 , Fatemeh Raouf fard 3 , Mehrdad Zarafshar 4 *
1 - Department of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Medicinal Plants Processing Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
3 - Department of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
4 - Department of Natural Resources, Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: Morphology, Root, Dry biomass, Nano technology,
Abstract :
Nowadays, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have a special place in plant science and promising effects have been reported. To study the effects of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNTs), 0 (control), 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 mg L-1, on rooting of cuttings in Lippia citriodora L., a factorial pot experiment in the form of randomized complete block design was set up in the research field of Shiraz University with 4 replications. Results showed that the application of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (10-50 mg L-1) significantly improved the root morphological traits compared to the control treatment. The highest increase in root weight (around 200% compared with control) was recorded in response to 50 mg L-1 MWCNT treatment. The root volume also increased by 165% under 50 mg L-1 MWCNT treatment while the lowest value was observed in cuttings treated with 100 mg L-1MWCNT. The lowest number of roots in cuttings belonged to 100 mg L-1MWCNT treatment. Application of 50 ppm MWCNT in comparison with control treatment significantly increased the number of roots in cuttings (by 50%). The application of this concentration caused the highest amount of root length which was 65.94% more than the control treatment. Although our finding showed promising effects of MWCNT on root of Lippia citriodora, the further comprehensive studies can are suggested on shoot biomass of the herbal plant.
Ali, H.F., El-Beltagi, H.S. and Nasr, N.F. (2008). Assessment of volatile components, free radical-scavenging capacity and anti-microbial activity of lemon verbena leaves. Research Journal of Phytochemistry, 2: 84-92.
Argyropoulou, C., Daferera, D., Tarantilis, P.A., Fasseas, C. and Polissiou, M. (2007). Chemical composition of the essential oil from leaves of Lippia citriodora HBK (Verbenaceae) at two developmental stages. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 35(12): 831-837.
Azarmi, F., Tabatabaie, S.J., Nazemieh, H. and dadpour, M.R. (2012). Greenhouse Production of lemon verbena and valerian using different soilless and soil production systems. Journal of Basic Sciences and Applied Research, 2(8): 8192-8195.
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Canas, J.E., Long, M., Nations, S., Vadan, R., Dai, L., Luo, M. and Olszyk, D. (2008). Effects of functionalized and nonfunctionalized single walled carbon nanotubes on root elongation of select crop species. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27(9): 1922-1931.
Casey, A., Farrell, G., McNamara, M., Byrne, H. and Chambers, G. (2005). Interaction of carbon nanotubes with sugar complexes. Synthetic Metals, 153: 357–360.
Da Silva, T.F., Vollú, R.E., Jurelevicius, D., Alviano, D.S., Alviano, C.S., Blank, A.F. and Seldin, L. (2013). Does the essential oil of Lippia sidoides Cham. (pepper-rosmarin) affect its endophytic microbial community? BMC microbiology, 13(1): 29-43.
Gomes, P., Oliveira, H., Vicente, A. and Ferreira, M. (2006). Production, transformation and essential oils composition of leaves and stems of lemon verbena [Aloysia triphylla (L’Herit.) Britton] grown in Portugal. Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, 8: 130-135.
Green, J.M. and Beestman, G.B. (2007). Recently patented and commercialized formulation and adjuvant technology. Crop Protection, 26(3): 320-327.
Haghighi, M. and da Silva, J.A.T. (2014). The effect of carbon nanotubes on the seed germination and seedling growth of four vegetable species. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 17(4): 201-208.
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Jiang, Y., Hua, Z., Zhao, Y., Liu, Q., Wang, F. and Zhang, Q. (2013). The effect of carbon nanotubes on rice seed germination and root growth. In Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB), 250: 1207-1212.
Khodakovskaya, M., Dervishi, E., Mahmood, M., Xu, Y., Li, Z., Watanabe, F. and Biris, A. S. (2009). Carbon nanotubes are able to penetrate plant seed coat and dramatically affect seed germination and plant growth. American Chemical Society nano, 3(10): 3221-3227.
Lahiani, M.H., Chen, J., Irin, F., Puretzky, A.A., Green, M.J. and Khodakovskaya, M.V. (2015). Interaction of carbon nanohorns with plants: uptake and biological effects. Carbon, 81: 607-619.
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Lin, D. and Xing, B. (2007). Phytotoxicity of nanoparticles: inhibition of seed germination and root growth. Environmental Pollution, 150(2): 243-250.
Liu, Q., Chen, B., Wang, Q., Shi, X., Xiao, Z., Lin, J. and Fang, X. (2009). Carbon nanotubes as molecular transporters for walled plant cells. Nano letters, 9(3): 1007-1010.
Lu, C., Zhang, C., Wen, J., Wu, G. and Tao, M. (2002). Research of the effect of nanometer materials on germination and growth enhancement of Glycine max and its mechanism. Soybean Science, 21(3): 168-171.
Manceau, A., Nagy, K.L., Marcus, M.A., Lanson, M., Geoffroy, N., Jacquet, T. and Kirpichtchikova, T. (2008). Formation of metallic copper nanoparticles at the soil-root interface. Environmental science and technology, 42(5): 1766-1772.
Meshkatalsadat, M.H., Papzan, A.H. and Abdollahi, A. (2011). Determination of bioactive volatile organic components of Lippia citriodora using ultrasonic assisted with headspace solid phase microextraction coupled with GC-MS. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 6(1): 319-323.
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Morla, S., Rao, C.R. and Chakrapani, R. (2011). Factors affecting seed germination and seedling growth of tomato plants cultured in vitro conditions. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences (JCBPS), 1(2): 328-334.
Norouzi, M. (2012). The effect of some nanoparticles on seed germination and subsequent seedling growth of several plant species. Master of Science, Shahrekord University, Iran, 159p.
Oberdorster, E. (2004). Manufactured nanomaterials (fullerenes, C60) induce oxidative stress in the brain of juvenile largemouth bass. Environmental health perspectives, 112(10), 1058-1062.
Rao, G.V., Gopalakrishnan, M. and Mukhopadhyay, T. (2013). Secondary metabolites from the leaves of Lippia citriodora HBK. Der Pharmacia Lettre, 5(3): 492-495.
Scrinis, G. and Lyons, K. (2007). The emerging nano-corporate paradigm: nanotechnology and the transformation of nature, food and agri-food systems. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 15(2): 22-44.
Slowing, I., Trewyn, B.G. and Lin, V.S.Y. (2006). Effect of surface functionalization of MCM-41-type mesoporous silica nanoparticles on the endocytosis by human cancer cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128(46): 14792-14793.
Srinivasan, C. and Saraswathi, R. (2010). Nano-agriculture-carbon nanotubes enhance tomato seed germination and plant growth. Current science, 99(3): 274-275.
Tripathi, S., Sonkar, S.K. and Sarkar, S. (2011). Growth stimulation of gram (Cicer arietinum) plant by water soluble carbon nanotubes. Nanoscale, 3(3): 1176–1181
Tsuji, K. (2001). Microencapsulation of pesticides and their improved handling safety. Journal of microencapsulation, 18(2): 137-147.
Yang, K., Wang, X., Zhu, L. and Xing, B. (2006). Competitive sorption of pyrene, phenanthrene, and naphthalene on multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Environmental science and technology, 40(18): 5804-5810.
Zavar, H. (2017). Assesment of different concentrations of nano Fe-chelate and nano super micro perfect fertilizers on growth characteristics and yield of lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora). Master of Science, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Iran, 150p.
Ali, H.F., El-Beltagi, H.S. and Nasr, N.F. (2008). Assessment of volatile components, free radical-scavenging capacity and anti-microbial activity of lemon verbena leaves. Research Journal of Phytochemistry, 2: 84-92.
Argyropoulou, C., Daferera, D., Tarantilis, P.A., Fasseas, C. and Polissiou, M. (2007). Chemical composition of the essential oil from leaves of Lippia citriodora HBK (Verbenaceae) at two developmental stages. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 35(12): 831-837.
Azarmi, F., Tabatabaie, S.J., Nazemieh, H. and dadpour, M.R. (2012). Greenhouse Production of lemon verbena and valerian using different soilless and soil production systems. Journal of Basic Sciences and Applied Research, 2(8): 8192-8195.
Barcelo, J.U.A.N. and Poschenrieder, C. (1990). Plant water relations as affected by heavy metal stress: a review. Journal of plant nutrition, 13(1): 1-37.
Campos, M.K.F., de Carvalho, K., de Souza, F.S., Marur, C.J., Pereira, L.F.P., Bespalhok Filho, J.C. and Vieira, L.G.E. (2011). Drought tolerance and antioxidant enzymatic activity in transgenic ‘Swingle’ citrumelo plants over-accumulating proline. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 72(2): 242-250.
Canas, J.E., Long, M., Nations, S., Vadan, R., Dai, L., Luo, M. and Olszyk, D. (2008). Effects of functionalized and nonfunctionalized single walled carbon nanotubes on root elongation of select crop species. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27(9): 1922-1931.
Casey, A., Farrell, G., McNamara, M., Byrne, H. and Chambers, G. (2005). Interaction of carbon nanotubes with sugar complexes. Synthetic Metals, 153: 357–360.
Da Silva, T.F., Vollú, R.E., Jurelevicius, D., Alviano, D.S., Alviano, C.S., Blank, A.F. and Seldin, L. (2013). Does the essential oil of Lippia sidoides Cham. (pepper-rosmarin) affect its endophytic microbial community? BMC microbiology, 13(1): 29-43.
Gomes, P., Oliveira, H., Vicente, A. and Ferreira, M. (2006). Production, transformation and essential oils composition of leaves and stems of lemon verbena [Aloysia triphylla (L’Herit.) Britton] grown in Portugal. Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, 8: 130-135.
Green, J.M. and Beestman, G.B. (2007). Recently patented and commercialized formulation and adjuvant technology. Crop Protection, 26(3): 320-327.
Haghighi, M. and da Silva, J.A.T. (2014). The effect of carbon nanotubes on the seed germination and seedling growth of four vegetable species. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 17(4): 201-208.
Inagaki, M. (Ed.). (2000). old but new material: New carbons-control of structure and functions. Amsterdam, Elsevier: 1-29.
Jackson, P., Jacobsen, N.R., Baun, A., Birkedal, R., Kühnel, D., Jensen, K.A. and Wallin, H. (2013). Bioaccumulation and ecotoxicity of carbon nanotubes. Chemistry Central Journal, 7(1): 154.
Jiang, Y., Hua, Z., Zhao, Y., Liu, Q., Wang, F. and Zhang, Q. (2013). The effect of carbon nanotubes on rice seed germination and root growth. In Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB), 250: 1207-1212.
Khodakovskaya, M., Dervishi, E., Mahmood, M., Xu, Y., Li, Z., Watanabe, F. and Biris, A. S. (2009). Carbon nanotubes are able to penetrate plant seed coat and dramatically affect seed germination and plant growth. American Chemical Society nano, 3(10): 3221-3227.
Lahiani, M.H., Chen, J., Irin, F., Puretzky, A.A., Green, M.J. and Khodakovskaya, M.V. (2015). Interaction of carbon nanohorns with plants: uptake and biological effects. Carbon, 81: 607-619.
Lecoanet, H.F., Bottero, J.Y. and Wiesner, M.R. (2004). Laboratory assessment of the mobility of nanomaterials in porous media. Environmental science and technology, 38(19): 5164-5169.
Li, X., Chen, W., Zhan, Q., Dai, L., Sowards, L., Pender, M. and Naik, R.R. (2006). Direct measurements of interactions between polypeptides and carbon nanotubes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110(25): 12621-12625.
Lin, D. and Xing, B. (2007). Phytotoxicity of nanoparticles: inhibition of seed germination and root growth. Environmental Pollution, 150(2): 243-250.
Liu, Q., Chen, B., Wang, Q., Shi, X., Xiao, Z., Lin, J. and Fang, X. (2009). Carbon nanotubes as molecular transporters for walled plant cells. Nano letters, 9(3): 1007-1010.
Lu, C., Zhang, C., Wen, J., Wu, G. and Tao, M. (2002). Research of the effect of nanometer materials on germination and growth enhancement of Glycine max and its mechanism. Soybean Science, 21(3): 168-171.
Manceau, A., Nagy, K.L., Marcus, M.A., Lanson, M., Geoffroy, N., Jacquet, T. and Kirpichtchikova, T. (2008). Formation of metallic copper nanoparticles at the soil-root interface. Environmental science and technology, 42(5): 1766-1772.
Meshkatalsadat, M.H., Papzan, A.H. and Abdollahi, A. (2011). Determination of bioactive volatile organic components of Lippia citriodora using ultrasonic assisted with headspace solid phase microextraction coupled with GC-MS. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 6(1): 319-323.
Moraru, C.I., Panchapakesan, C.P., Huang, Q., Takhistov, P., Liu, S. and Kokini, J.L. (2003). Nanotechnology: a new frontier in food science. Food Technology, 57: 24–29.
Morla, S., Rao, C.R. and Chakrapani, R. (2011). Factors affecting seed germination and seedling growth of tomato plants cultured in vitro conditions. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences (JCBPS), 1(2): 328-334.
Norouzi, M. (2012). The effect of some nanoparticles on seed germination and subsequent seedling growth of several plant species. Master of Science, Shahrekord University, Iran, 159p.
Oberdorster, E. (2004). Manufactured nanomaterials (fullerenes, C60) induce oxidative stress in the brain of juvenile largemouth bass. Environmental health perspectives, 112(10), 1058-1062.
Rao, G.V., Gopalakrishnan, M. and Mukhopadhyay, T. (2013). Secondary metabolites from the leaves of Lippia citriodora HBK. Der Pharmacia Lettre, 5(3): 492-495.
Scrinis, G. and Lyons, K. (2007). The emerging nano-corporate paradigm: nanotechnology and the transformation of nature, food and agri-food systems. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 15(2): 22-44.
Slowing, I., Trewyn, B.G. and Lin, V.S.Y. (2006). Effect of surface functionalization of MCM-41-type mesoporous silica nanoparticles on the endocytosis by human cancer cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128(46): 14792-14793.
Srinivasan, C. and Saraswathi, R. (2010). Nano-agriculture-carbon nanotubes enhance tomato seed germination and plant growth. Current science, 99(3): 274-275.
Tripathi, S., Sonkar, S.K. and Sarkar, S. (2011). Growth stimulation of gram (Cicer arietinum) plant by water soluble carbon nanotubes. Nanoscale, 3(3): 1176–1181
Tsuji, K. (2001). Microencapsulation of pesticides and their improved handling safety. Journal of microencapsulation, 18(2): 137-147.
Yang, K., Wang, X., Zhu, L. and Xing, B. (2006). Competitive sorption of pyrene, phenanthrene, and naphthalene on multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Environmental science and technology, 40(18): 5804-5810.
Zavar, H. (2017). Assesment of different concentrations of nano Fe-chelate and nano super micro perfect fertilizers on growth characteristics and yield of lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora). Master of Science, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Iran, 150p.