The effect of interval irrigation and growth regulators on some morphophysiological traits of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L) cultivars
Subject Areas : Genetic
eshaq arekhi
Hossein Ajam Noruzi
Kamal Ghasemi Bezdi
elham faghani
1 - Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan Branch, Gorgan, Iran
2 - Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan Branch, Gorgan, Iran
3 - Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center of Khorasan Razavi, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Mashhad, University of Torbat-e Jam, Iran
University Chancellor, University of Torbat
4 - Cotton Research Institute of Iran, Agricultural Research, Education, and Extension Organization (AREEO), Gorgan, Iran
Keywords: Salicylic acid, Proline, Water deficit stress, Cycocel, Membrane stability,
Abstract :
To study the effect of interval irrigation and growth regulators on morphophysiological traits of cotton cultivars, an experiment was conducted as a split factorial in randomized complete block design in 2017 and 2018 in Hashemabad Cotton Research Station in Gorgan, Iran. Treatments consisted of intervals of irrigation at two levels (two weeks and four weeks) as the main factor and six-level growth regulator treatments (control, benzyl adenine, abscisic acid, salicylic acid, brassinosteroid, and cycocel) and three cotton cultivars (Golestan, Kashmar, and Shayan) were also considered as sub-factors. The results of this study showed that proline content and relative water content of leaf decreased with water deficit stress. Maximum proline content (3.55 µg/g fresh weight) was obtained from Shayan cultivar with salicylic acid. Benzyl adenine and brassinosteroids increased relative leaf water content. The highest cell membrane stability (2.998%) was observed in Kashmar cotton cultivar and two-week interval irrigation, and Cycocel increased the membrane stability by 15%. Plant height, number of flowers, and number of bolls were affected by growth regulators, irrigation intervals, and cultivars. With increasing irrigation period, plant height, flower number, and boll number decreased in all cultivars, but under drought stress, Golestan cultivar had more flowers and boll number than other cultivars. Cycocel, salicylic acid, and brassinosteroids significantly increased flowering of cultivars at both years and both irrigation intervals. Benzyl adenine and brassinosteroids increased plant height more than 7% and abscisic acid, cycocel, and salicylic acid decreased plant height compared with control. Application of abscisic acid reduced the number of bolls by 22% compared with the control. Overall, growth regulators, especially cycocel and salicylic acid, increased the morphophysiological traits of cotton cultivars indicating their positive effect on drought tolerance and it could play a role in moderating stress effects under stress conditions.
Abdel-Kader, M.A., Esmail, A.M., El Shouny, K.A. and Ahmed, M.F. (2014). Evaluation of the drought stress effects on cotton genotypes by using physiological and morphological traits. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). 6 (14): 1358-1366.
Ahmadi, M. and Aqaali Khani, M. (2012). Analysis of Energy Consumption in Cotton Farming (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in Golestan Province to provide a solution for increasing resource productivity. Agricultural Ecology Journal. 4 (2): 151-158.
Alyemeni, M.N., Shamsul Hayat, S., Wijaya, L. and Abdullah Anaji, A. (2013). Foliar application of 28-homobrassinolide mitigates salinity stress by increasing the efficiency of photosynthesis in Brassica juncea. Acta Botanica Brasilica. 27: 502-505.
Bajguz, A. and Hayat, S. (2009). Effects of brassinosteroids on the plant responses to environmental stresses. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 47: 1-8.
Barros, T. C., de Mello Prado, R., Roque, C. G., Arf, M. V. and Vilela, R. G. (2019). Silicon and salicylic acid in the physiology and yield of cotton. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 42(5): 458-465.
Bates, L.S., Waldern, R.P. and Tear, I.D. (1973). Rapid determination of free proline for water stress studies. Plant Soil. 39:205-207.
Bozorovtohir, A., Rustam, R., Usmanov, Y., Shukhrat, A., sardorbek, M., Jaloliddin, Sh., Saidgani, N., Zhang, D. and Alisher Abdullaev, A. (2018). Effect of water deficiency on relationships between metabolism, physiology, biomass, and yield of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Journal of Arid Land. 10 (3): 441–456.
Brito, G.G., Valdinei, S., Marleide, M., Andrade, L., Luiz Paulo de, C. and João Luiz da, S.F. (2011). Physiological traits for drought phenotyping in cotton. Maringá. 33 (1): 117-125.
Chanbdracar, B.L., Sechar, N., Tuteja, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1994). Effect of irrigation and nitrogen of growth and yield of summer sesame (Sesamum indicum) Indianan Journal Agronomy. 39: 701-702.
El-Beltagi, H.S., Ahmed, H.S., Mahmoud Namich, A.A. and Abdel-Sattar, R.R. (2017). Effect of salicylic acid and potassium citrate on cotton plant under salt stress. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 26 (1): 1091-1100.
Falkenberg, N.R., Piccinni, G., Cothren, J.T., Leskovar, D.I. and Rush, C.M. (2003). Remote sensing of biotic and abiotic stress for irrigation management of cotton. Agricultural Water Management. 87: 23-31.
Ghasemi Bezdi, K. and Nemati, M. (2013). Evaluation of some morphological characteristics of cotton genotypes for earliness selection. Iranian Journal of Cotton Researches. 1(1): 79-91. In Persian.
Ghasemi Bezdi, K., Bay, Z. and Behrooz, A. (2011). The effects of hormonal components of nutrient medium, cultivar and explant type on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) callus formation in vitro. Journal of Applied Biosciences. 47: 3256-3263.
Haghighatnia, H., Shiravanian, A. R. and Wisdom, M. H. (2016). The Effect of Different Irrigation Levels and Plant Growth Regulator on Cotton Yield (Case Study: Darab, Fars). Iranian Journal of Cotton Research. 4 (1): 76- 61. (In Persian)
Haji Reza, M.R., Hadi, I., Zinanloo, A.A.R., Mirzapour, M. and Nai, M. R. (2013). Effect of different levels of citric acid and salicylic acid on pre-harvest stage on shelf life of Rosa hybrid L. Science and Techniques of Greenhouse Cultivation. 16 (4): 99-108. (In Persian).
Ibn Maaouia-Houimli, S., Ben Mansour Gueddes, S., Dridi-Mouhandes, B. and Denden, M. (2012). 24- 24-epibrassinolide enhances flower and fruit production of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) under salt stress. Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry. 8 (3): 224-233.
Khripach, V., Zhabinskii, V.N. and Groot, A.E. (1998). Brassinosteroids: A New Class of Plant Hormones. Acadamic press. United States of America, 460 pages.
Kolupaev, Y., Yastreb, T., Karpets, Y.V. and Miroshnichenko, N. (2011). Influence of salicylic and succinic acid on antioxidant enzymes activity, heat resistance and productivity of Panicum miliaceum L. Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry. 7: 154-163.
Koocheki, A.R., Yazdansepas, A. and, Nukkhah, H.R. (2006). Effects of terminal drought on grain yield and some morphological traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 8(1): 14-29.
Loka, D.A., Oosterhuis, D.M. and Ritchie, G.L. (2011). Stress physiology in cotton: water-deficit stress in cotton. Proceeding of Annual Beltwide Cotton Conference. Cordova, Tennessee (USA). Pp: 37-72.
Luts, S., Kinet, J.M. and Bouhanmont, J. (1996). Nacl-induced senescence in leaves of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars differing in salinity resistance. Annals of Botany. 78: 389-398.
Machanda, G. and, Garg, N. (2008). Salinity and its effects on the functional biology of legumes. Agricultural Plant Physiology. 30: 595-618.
Mehrabadi, H.R., Nezami, A., Kafi, M. and Ahmadi Fard, M. (2015). Evaluation of yield response of drought tolerant and susceptible cotton cultivars to water deficit stress conditions. Journal of Water and Soil (Agricultural Science and Technology). 30 (5):1425-1415. (In Persian).
Mehrabadi, H.R., Nezami, A., Kafi, M. and Ramazani Moghaddam, M.R. (2016). Evaluation of some physiological responses of susceptible and tolerant cultivars to drought stress conditions. Iranian Journal of Cotton Research. 5 (1):108-91. (In Persian).
Mervat, Sh., Mona, G.D., Bakry, B.A. and El-Karamany, M. F. (2013). Synergistic effect of indole acetic acid and kinetin on performance, some biochemical constituents and yield of faba bean plant grown under newly reclaimed sandy soil. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 9 (4): 335-344.
Mohsenian S.N., Ghasemi Bezdi K. and Dadashi M.R. (2016). The evaluation of correlation between morphological characteristics in different cultivars of two tetraploid cotton species. Iranian Journal of Cotton Researches. 4(2): 45-62. (In Persian).
Nemeth, M., Janda, T., Horvath, E., Paldi, E. and Szalai, G. (2002). Exogenous salicylic acid increase polyamine content but may decreases drought tolerance in maize. Plant Science. 162: 569-574.
Pilon, C., (2015). Physiological Responses of Cotton Genotypes to Water-Deficit Stress during Reproductive Development. Theses and Dissertations. 1-157.
Rao, M. S., Krishnamurthi, M. and Weerathaworn, P. (2005). Beneficial effect of ethephon on yield and sucrose productivity of sugarcane cultivars in Thailand. Sugar Tech. 7: 48-52.
Rosales, M.A., Ocampo, E., Rodriguez-Valentin, R., Olvera-Carrillo, Y., Acosta-Gallegos, J. and Covarrubias, A. A., (2012). Physiological analysis of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars uncovers characteristics related to terminal drought resistance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 56: 24-34.
Sahito, A., Baloch, Z.A., Mahar, A., Otho, S.A., Kalhoro, S.A., Ali, A., Kalhoro, F.A., Soomro, R.N. and Ali, F. (2015). Effect of water stress on the growth and yield of cotton crop (Gossypium hirsutum L.). American Journal of Plant Science. 6: 1027-1039.
Sarima, R.J., Rqo, K.V. and Srivastava, G.C. (2002). Differential response of wet genotypes to long term salinity stress in relation to oxidative stress, antioxidant activity and osmolyte concentration. Plant Science. 163: 1036-1040.
Sedaghat, M.I. and, Imam, Y. (2016). The effect of three growth regulators on grain yield of wheat cultivars in different moisture regimes. Journal of Crop Production and Processing. 6 (21): 33-15. (In Persian).
Seibi, M., Mizakhani, M. and, Gomarian, M. (2011). The effect of water stress, consumption of zeolite and salicylic acid on the quantity and quality of safflower oil. Desert Research Agricultural Research. 9(2): 153-169. (In Persian).
Talaat, N.B. and Shawky, B.T. (2014). Protective effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants exposed to salinity. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 98: 20-31.
Talaat, N.B., Shawky, B. and Ibrahim, A.S. (2015). Alleviation of drought-induced oxidative stress in maize (Zea mays L.) plants by dual application of 24-epibrassinolide and spermine. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 113: 47-58.
Townkey-Smith, F. and Clark, B. (1984). Screening and selection techniques for improving drought resistance. In. Vose/P.B.x And S.G.Blixt (eds). Crop breeding, a contemporary basis. Pergammon Press. U.K. pp. 37-162.
Wang, L. J., Fan, L., Loescher Duan, W., Guo-Jie, L., Jian-Shan, C., Hai, L. and, Li, S. (2010). Salicylic acid alleviates decreases W. in photosynthesis under heat stress and accelerates recovery in grapevine leaves. BMC Plant Biol. 10: 34-41.
Wiggins, M.S., Leib, B.G., Mueller, T.C. and, Main, C.L. (2014). Cotton growth, yield, and fiber quality response to irrigation and water deficit in soil of varying depth to a sand layer. Journal of Cotton Science. 18: 145-152.
Yildiz-Aktas, L., Dagnon, S., Gurel, S., Gesheva, E. and Edreva, A. (2009). Drought Tolerance in Cotton: Involvement of Non-enzymatic ROS-Scavenging Compounds. Journal Agronomy and Crop Science. 195(4):247 - 253 .
Yoshiba, Y., Yamada, M., Morishita, H., Uran, K., Shiozaki, N., Yamaguchi, K. and, Shinozaki, K. (2005). Effects of free proline accumulation 558 in petunias under drought stress. Experimental Botany. 56 (417): 1975-1986.
Zonta, J.H., Brandão, Z.N., Rodrigues, J.I.D.S. and Sofiatti, V. (2017). Cotton response to water deficits at different growth stages. Revista Caatinga. 30(4): 980-990.
Abdel-Kader, M.A., Esmail, A.M., El Shouny, K.A. and Ahmed, M.F. (2014). Evaluation of the drought stress effects on cotton genotypes by using physiological and morphological traits. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). 6 (14): 1358-1366.
Ahmadi, M. and Aqaali Khani, M. (2012). Analysis of Energy Consumption in Cotton Farming (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in Golestan Province to provide a solution for increasing resource productivity. Agricultural Ecology Journal. 4 (2): 151-158.
Alyemeni, M.N., Shamsul Hayat, S., Wijaya, L. and Abdullah Anaji, A. (2013). Foliar application of 28-homobrassinolide mitigates salinity stress by increasing the efficiency of photosynthesis in Brassica juncea. Acta Botanica Brasilica. 27: 502-505.
Bajguz, A. and Hayat, S. (2009). Effects of brassinosteroids on the plant responses to environmental stresses. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 47: 1-8.
Barros, T. C., de Mello Prado, R., Roque, C. G., Arf, M. V. and Vilela, R. G. (2019). Silicon and salicylic acid in the physiology and yield of cotton. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 42(5): 458-465.
Bates, L.S., Waldern, R.P. and Tear, I.D. (1973). Rapid determination of free proline for water stress studies. Plant Soil. 39:205-207.
Bozorovtohir, A., Rustam, R., Usmanov, Y., Shukhrat, A., sardorbek, M., Jaloliddin, Sh., Saidgani, N., Zhang, D. and Alisher Abdullaev, A. (2018). Effect of water deficiency on relationships between metabolism, physiology, biomass, and yield of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Journal of Arid Land. 10 (3): 441–456.
Brito, G.G., Valdinei, S., Marleide, M., Andrade, L., Luiz Paulo de, C. and João Luiz da, S.F. (2011). Physiological traits for drought phenotyping in cotton. Maringá. 33 (1): 117-125.
Chanbdracar, B.L., Sechar, N., Tuteja, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1994). Effect of irrigation and nitrogen of growth and yield of summer sesame (Sesamum indicum) Indianan Journal Agronomy. 39: 701-702.
El-Beltagi, H.S., Ahmed, H.S., Mahmoud Namich, A.A. and Abdel-Sattar, R.R. (2017). Effect of salicylic acid and potassium citrate on cotton plant under salt stress. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 26 (1): 1091-1100.
Falkenberg, N.R., Piccinni, G., Cothren, J.T., Leskovar, D.I. and Rush, C.M. (2003). Remote sensing of biotic and abiotic stress for irrigation management of cotton. Agricultural Water Management. 87: 23-31.
Ghasemi Bezdi, K. and Nemati, M. (2013). Evaluation of some morphological characteristics of cotton genotypes for earliness selection. Iranian Journal of Cotton Researches. 1(1): 79-91. In Persian.
Ghasemi Bezdi, K., Bay, Z. and Behrooz, A. (2011). The effects of hormonal components of nutrient medium, cultivar and explant type on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) callus formation in vitro. Journal of Applied Biosciences. 47: 3256-3263.
Haghighatnia, H., Shiravanian, A. R. and Wisdom, M. H. (2016). The Effect of Different Irrigation Levels and Plant Growth Regulator on Cotton Yield (Case Study: Darab, Fars). Iranian Journal of Cotton Research. 4 (1): 76- 61. (In Persian)
Haji Reza, M.R., Hadi, I., Zinanloo, A.A.R., Mirzapour, M. and Nai, M. R. (2013). Effect of different levels of citric acid and salicylic acid on pre-harvest stage on shelf life of Rosa hybrid L. Science and Techniques of Greenhouse Cultivation. 16 (4): 99-108. (In Persian).
Ibn Maaouia-Houimli, S., Ben Mansour Gueddes, S., Dridi-Mouhandes, B. and Denden, M. (2012). 24- 24-epibrassinolide enhances flower and fruit production of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) under salt stress. Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry. 8 (3): 224-233.
Khripach, V., Zhabinskii, V.N. and Groot, A.E. (1998). Brassinosteroids: A New Class of Plant Hormones. Acadamic press. United States of America, 460 pages.
Kolupaev, Y., Yastreb, T., Karpets, Y.V. and Miroshnichenko, N. (2011). Influence of salicylic and succinic acid on antioxidant enzymes activity, heat resistance and productivity of Panicum miliaceum L. Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry. 7: 154-163.
Koocheki, A.R., Yazdansepas, A. and, Nukkhah, H.R. (2006). Effects of terminal drought on grain yield and some morphological traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 8(1): 14-29.
Loka, D.A., Oosterhuis, D.M. and Ritchie, G.L. (2011). Stress physiology in cotton: water-deficit stress in cotton. Proceeding of Annual Beltwide Cotton Conference. Cordova, Tennessee (USA). Pp: 37-72.
Luts, S., Kinet, J.M. and Bouhanmont, J. (1996). Nacl-induced senescence in leaves of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars differing in salinity resistance. Annals of Botany. 78: 389-398.
Machanda, G. and, Garg, N. (2008). Salinity and its effects on the functional biology of legumes. Agricultural Plant Physiology. 30: 595-618.
Mehrabadi, H.R., Nezami, A., Kafi, M. and Ahmadi Fard, M. (2015). Evaluation of yield response of drought tolerant and susceptible cotton cultivars to water deficit stress conditions. Journal of Water and Soil (Agricultural Science and Technology). 30 (5):1425-1415. (In Persian).
Mehrabadi, H.R., Nezami, A., Kafi, M. and Ramazani Moghaddam, M.R. (2016). Evaluation of some physiological responses of susceptible and tolerant cultivars to drought stress conditions. Iranian Journal of Cotton Research. 5 (1):108-91. (In Persian).
Mervat, Sh., Mona, G.D., Bakry, B.A. and El-Karamany, M. F. (2013). Synergistic effect of indole acetic acid and kinetin on performance, some biochemical constituents and yield of faba bean plant grown under newly reclaimed sandy soil. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 9 (4): 335-344.
Mohsenian S.N., Ghasemi Bezdi K. and Dadashi M.R. (2016). The evaluation of correlation between morphological characteristics in different cultivars of two tetraploid cotton species. Iranian Journal of Cotton Researches. 4(2): 45-62. (In Persian).
Nemeth, M., Janda, T., Horvath, E., Paldi, E. and Szalai, G. (2002). Exogenous salicylic acid increase polyamine content but may decreases drought tolerance in maize. Plant Science. 162: 569-574.
Pilon, C., (2015). Physiological Responses of Cotton Genotypes to Water-Deficit Stress during Reproductive Development. Theses and Dissertations. 1-157.
Rao, M. S., Krishnamurthi, M. and Weerathaworn, P. (2005). Beneficial effect of ethephon on yield and sucrose productivity of sugarcane cultivars in Thailand. Sugar Tech. 7: 48-52.
Rosales, M.A., Ocampo, E., Rodriguez-Valentin, R., Olvera-Carrillo, Y., Acosta-Gallegos, J. and Covarrubias, A. A., (2012). Physiological analysis of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars uncovers characteristics related to terminal drought resistance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 56: 24-34.
Sahito, A., Baloch, Z.A., Mahar, A., Otho, S.A., Kalhoro, S.A., Ali, A., Kalhoro, F.A., Soomro, R.N. and Ali, F. (2015). Effect of water stress on the growth and yield of cotton crop (Gossypium hirsutum L.). American Journal of Plant Science. 6: 1027-1039.
Sarima, R.J., Rqo, K.V. and Srivastava, G.C. (2002). Differential response of wet genotypes to long term salinity stress in relation to oxidative stress, antioxidant activity and osmolyte concentration. Plant Science. 163: 1036-1040.
Sedaghat, M.I. and, Imam, Y. (2016). The effect of three growth regulators on grain yield of wheat cultivars in different moisture regimes. Journal of Crop Production and Processing. 6 (21): 33-15. (In Persian).
Seibi, M., Mizakhani, M. and, Gomarian, M. (2011). The effect of water stress, consumption of zeolite and salicylic acid on the quantity and quality of safflower oil. Desert Research Agricultural Research. 9(2): 153-169. (In Persian).
Talaat, N.B. and Shawky, B.T. (2014). Protective effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants exposed to salinity. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 98: 20-31.
Talaat, N.B., Shawky, B. and Ibrahim, A.S. (2015). Alleviation of drought-induced oxidative stress in maize (Zea mays L.) plants by dual application of 24-epibrassinolide and spermine. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 113: 47-58.
Townkey-Smith, F. and Clark, B. (1984). Screening and selection techniques for improving drought resistance. In. Vose/P.B.x And S.G.Blixt (eds). Crop breeding, a contemporary basis. Pergammon Press. U.K. pp. 37-162.
Wang, L. J., Fan, L., Loescher Duan, W., Guo-Jie, L., Jian-Shan, C., Hai, L. and, Li, S. (2010). Salicylic acid alleviates decreases W. in photosynthesis under heat stress and accelerates recovery in grapevine leaves. BMC Plant Biol. 10: 34-41.
Wiggins, M.S., Leib, B.G., Mueller, T.C. and, Main, C.L. (2014). Cotton growth, yield, and fiber quality response to irrigation and water deficit in soil of varying depth to a sand layer. Journal of Cotton Science. 18: 145-152.
Yildiz-Aktas, L., Dagnon, S., Gurel, S., Gesheva, E. and Edreva, A. (2009). Drought Tolerance in Cotton: Involvement of Non-enzymatic ROS-Scavenging Compounds. Journal Agronomy and Crop Science. 195(4):247 - 253 .
Yoshiba, Y., Yamada, M., Morishita, H., Uran, K., Shiozaki, N., Yamaguchi, K. and, Shinozaki, K. (2005). Effects of free proline accumulation 558 in petunias under drought stress. Experimental Botany. 56 (417): 1975-1986.
Zonta, J.H., Brandão, Z.N., Rodrigues, J.I.D.S. and Sofiatti, V. (2017). Cotton response to water deficits at different growth stages. Revista Caatinga. 30(4): 980-990.