The effect of bio-fertilizers on yield component, yield, protein and oil in soybean (Glycine max Merrill) under different irrigation regimes
Subject Areas : Geneticmajid ghanbari 1 * , Ali Mokhtassi-Bidgoli 2 , Parniyan Talebi-Siah Saran 3
1 - Agronomy Group-Faculty of Agriculture-Tarbiat Modares University-Tehran-Iran.
2 - Agronomy Group-Faculty of Agriculture-Tarbiat Modares University-Tehran-Iran.
3 - Horticulture Group-Faculty of Agriculture-Tarbiat Modares University-Tahran-Iran.
Keywords: Drought stress, Water deficit, Biological fertilizer, Oily Beans, Talar Variety,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study, Evaluation effect of Azotobacter nitrogen fixation bacteria in combination with Pseudomonas putida phosphate solubilizing bacteria on reducing the effects of irrigation water shortage on soybean cultivars under field conditions has been studied. This research was carried out as a factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design with three replications in Tarbiat Modarres University during 2015-2016. Irrigation treatments included optimal irrigation, mild stress, moderate stress and severe stress based on 15, 30, 45 and 60 percent of available water depletion respectively from the establishment time to the end of the growth period and four levels of soybean inoculation with bacteria (control or without bacteria, inoculum with Azotobacter, inoculation with Pseudomonas putida, and inoculation with both bacteria) are considered. The results of this study showed that the main effect of irrigation regime on all traits except 1000 seed weight and the main effect of bio-fertilizer were significant except for 1000 seed weight, seed nitrogen and oil on all traits. From the test results, one can conclude that Azotobacter alone increased 17.9% seed yield, Pseudomonas putida alone increased the yield of 32.4% and the combined application of both bacteria increased the grain yield by 39.8%. In general, considering the non-insignificant effect of bio-fertilizer interaction on levels of water stress, it can be concluded that under favorable irrigation conditions and under drought conditions, the application of bio-fertilizer is effective in improving yield and yield components, protein and oil yield of soybean.
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Bouchereau, A., Clossais, B.N., Bensaoud, A., Beport, L. and Renard, M. (1996). Water stress effects on rapeseed quality. European Journal of Agronomy, 5: 19-30.
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Daneshian, J., Majidi, A., Hashemi Dezfouli, A. and Noor Mohammadi, G. (1999). The effect of drought on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of two soybean cultivars. Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences, 1(3): 35-46. (In Persian).
Egamberdiyeva, D., Qarshieva, D. and Davranov, K. (2004). Growth and yield of soybean varieties inoculated with Brady rhizobium spp in N-deficient calcareous soils. Biol Fertily Soils, 40: 144-146.
Fang, X., Turner, N.C., Yan, G., Li, F. and Siddique, K.H.M. (2009). Flower numbers, pod production, pollen viability, and pistil function are reduced and flower and pod abortion increased in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under terminal drought. Journal of Experimental Botany, 1093(10): 1-11.
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Kalantar Ahmadi, S.A., Daneshian, J. and Siadat, S.A. (2014). Reaction of soybean genotypes on the consumption of bacteria and different nitrogen levels in northern Khuzestan. The Plant Production (Scientific Journal of Agriculture), 37(2): 1-13. (In Farsi).
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Lobato, A.K.S., Costa, R.C.L., Oliveira Neto, C.F., Santos filho, B.G., Cruz, F.J.R., Freitas, L.M.N. and Cordeiro, F.C. (2008). Morphological changes in soybean under progressive water stress. International Journal of Botany, 4(2): 231-235.
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Madjar, S.(1984). Oil and protein content in the kernel of double crop sunflower and soybean cultivated with and without irrigation in slavonia and barnja[Yugoslavia]. Znanost-Praksa-u Poljopriverdi-I- Prehrambenoj-Tehnologiji, 14: 49-63.
Mailer, R.J. and Pratley, J.E. (1990). Field studies of moisture availability effects on glucosinolate and oil concentration in the seed of rape (Brassica napus L.) and turnip rape (B. rapa L. var. silvestris (Lam.) Briggs). Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 70 (2): 399 - 407.
Malakooti, M.J. and Sepehr, A. (2004). Optimum Nutrition of Oilseeds, an Effective Steps to Achieve Oil Self-Sufficiency in the Country. Khaniran Press, 464 p. (In Farsi).
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Martin-de-santa-Olalla, F., De-Juan-Valero, J.A. and Fabeiro-Cortes, C. (1994). Growth and yield analysis of soybean under different irrigation schedules in castill-La-Mancha, spain. European Journal of Agronomy, 3: 187-196.
Miralles, O.M., Valero, J.A. and Olalla, F.M. (1997). Growth, development and yield of five sunflower hybrids. European Journal of Agronomy, 6: 47-59.
Mishra, A., Prasad, K. and Rai, G.( 2010). Effect of biofertilizer inoculations on growth and yield of dwarf field pea (Pisum sativum L.) in conjunction with different doses of chemical fertilizers. Journal Agron, 9: 163-168.
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Rathke, G.W., Christen, O. and Dipenbrock, W.( 2005). Effect of nitrogen source and rate on productivity and quality of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) grown in different crop rotation. Field Crops Research, 94: 103-113.
Restuccia, G., Mauromicale, G. and Ierna, A. (1992). Effects of different water regimes on the agronomic behavior of soybean cultivated in the Mediterranean environment. Rivista-di-Agronomia(italy), 26: 777-784.
Saha, K.C., Ghosh, T.K. and Mithua, H. ( 2000). Nitrogen fixation (C2H2 reduction) associated with root of sesamum cultivars and its response to inoculation of Azospirillum. Journal of Interacademicia, 4: 400–407.
Sharma, A.K. (2006). Biofertilizers for sustainable agriculture. Agrobios, India. 407 pp.
Soleymani, A., Moradi, M. and Naranjani, L. (2011). Effects of The Irrigation Cut-off Time in Different Growth Stages on Grain and Oil Yield Components of Autumn’s Canola Cultivars in Isfahan Region. Journal of Water and Soil, 25 (3):426-435. (In Persian with English Summary).
Sturz, A. and Christie, B. (2003). Beneficial microbial allelopathies in the root zone: the management of soil quality and plant disease with rhizobacteria. Soil and Tillage Research, 72: 107-123.
Subba Rao, N.S. and Dommergues, Y.R. (1998). Microbial interactions in agriculture and forestry, Science Publishers, Inc, U.S.A. 278 pp.
Verslues, P.E., Agarwal, M., Katiyar-Agarwal, S., Zhu. J. and Zhu, J.K. (2006). Methods and concepts inquantifying resistance to drought, salt and freezing, abiotic stresses that affect plant water status. The Plant Journal, 45: 523-539.
Zamber, M.A., Konde, B.K. and Sonar, K.R. (1984). Effect of Azotobacter chroococcum and Azosprillum brasilense inoculation under graded levels of nitrogen on growth and yeild of wheat. Plant Soil, 79: 61-67.
Yassari, E. and Rafati Alashti, M.(2009). Comparison of the effects of mineral phosphorous and Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas putida bacteria on the growth and yield of the soybean cultivar of Sari. TechnicalJournal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 3(2): 2706-2711.
Yassari, E., Mozaffari., S., Ghasemi Chapi., O., Jafarzadeh Zoghalchali, H. and Shafiei, E. (2014). Effect of inoculation with phosphate solubilizing bacteria and mineral phosphorus levels on growth characteristics and grain yield in soybean (Glycine max) cultivars. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research, 12(4): 693-703. (In Persian).
Ministry of Agriculture. (2016). Programs and Achievements. Achievements of the agricultural sector in the twelfth government. (available at (In Persian).
Heba, I.M. and Samia, A.A.(2014). Influence of Garlic Extract On Enzymatic and Non Enzymatic Antioxidants in Soybean Plants (Glycine Max) Grown under Drought Stress. Life Science Journal, 11(3s): 47 -58.
Viscardi, S., Ventorino., V., Duran., P., Maggio., A., De Pascale., S., Mora, M.L. and Pepe, O.(2016). Assessment of plant growth promoting activities and abiotic stress tolerance of Azotobacter chroococcum strains for a potential use in sustainable agriculture. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 16: 848-863.
Jnawali, A.D., Ojha, R.B. and Marahatta, S. (2015). Role of Azotobacter in Soil Fertility and Sustainability–A Review. Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research, 2(6): 1-5.
Qados, A.M.S.A. (2014). Effect of Ascorbic Acid antioxidant on Soybean (Glycine max L.) plants grown under water stress conditions. International Journal of Advanced Research In Biological Sciences, 1(6): 189-205.
Shokri, S. and Sharifi, P. (2016). Effect of Phosphate Biofertilizer and Chemical Phosphorus on Growth and Yield of Vicia faba L. Electronic Journal of Biology, 1: 47-52.
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Zahir, A.Z., Arshad, M. and Frankenberger, W.F. (2004). Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria: applications and perspectives in agriculture. Agronomy Advances, 81: 97-168.
Akbar-Noudehi, D. (2012). Effect of drought stress in different stages of growth on yield and soybean water use efficiency in Mazandaran. Agricultural Knowledge and Sustainable Production, 22(1): 13-23. (In persian).
Alizadeh, A. (2011). Soil, Water, Plant Relationship. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. Press, 516p. (In Persian).
Maleki, A., Naderi., A., Siadat., A., Tahmasebi, A. and Fazel, S. (2012). Effect of drought stress on physiological growth stages on yield and yield components of soybeans. Research in Agricultural Sciences, 4(15): 71-82. (In persian).
Mokhtassi-Bidgoli, A., Aghaalikhani., M., Nasiri-Mahallati., M., Zand. E., Gonzalez-Andujar, J.L. and Azari, A. (2013). Agronomic performance, seed quality and nitrogen uptake of Descurainia Sophia in response to different nitrogen rates and water regimes. Industrial Crops and Products, 44: 583-592.
Fazeli, F., Najafi Zarini., H., Arefrad, M. and Mirabadi, A.Z. (2015). Assessment of relation of morphological traits with seed yield and their diversity in M4 generation of soybean mutant lines (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) through factor analysis. Journal of Crop Breeding, 7: 15.47-56. (In persian).
SAS. (2012). SAS Version 9.2. SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC.
Malek, M.A., Rafii., M.Y., Afroz., M.S.S., Nath, U.K. and Mondal, M.M.A.(2014). Morphological characterization and assessment of genetic variability, character association and divergence in soybean mutants. Scientific World Journal, 14: 1-12.
Rostamzadeh-Kaleibar, M., Farboodi, M., Hosseinzadeh-Moghbeli, A. and Razmi, N. (2011). The effect of irrigation regimes on yield and yield components of second cultivars of soybean cultivars in Moghan region. Ecophysiology of Crops and Weeds, 20: 15-28. (In Persian).
Biswas, P.K. (2008). Agricultural Microbiology. Dominant Publishers and Distributors. Orient Offset, Delhi-110053, 188-317 p.
Vessey, J.K. (2003). Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria as biofertilizer. Plant and Soil, 255: 571-586.
Aliyari, H., Shekari, F. and Shekari, F. (2000). Oil seeds, sowing and physiology. Hamidi Press, Tabriz, pp 182. (In Farsi).
Ansari, M.H., Hashemabadi, D. and Yadegari, Y. (2017). Effect of PGPRs on Agronomic and Physiological Characteristics of Two Wheat Cultivars Under Rainfed Condition. The Plant Production (Scientific Journal of Agriculture), 40(2): 76-89. (In Farsi).
Bouchereau, A., Clossais, B.N., Bensaoud, A., Beport, L. and Renard, M. (1996). Water stress effects on rapeseed quality. European Journal of Agronomy, 5: 19-30.
Bradford, M. (1976). A rapid sensitive method for the quantitation of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Annual Review Biochemestry, 72: 248-254 .
Daneshian, J., Majidi, A., Hashemi Dezfouli, A. and Noor Mohammadi, G. (1999). The effect of drought on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of two soybean cultivars. Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences, 1(3): 35-46. (In Persian).
Egamberdiyeva, D., Qarshieva, D. and Davranov, K. (2004). Growth and yield of soybean varieties inoculated with Brady rhizobium spp in N-deficient calcareous soils. Biol Fertily Soils, 40: 144-146.
Fang, X., Turner, N.C., Yan, G., Li, F. and Siddique, K.H.M. (2009). Flower numbers, pod production, pollen viability, and pistil function are reduced and flower and pod abortion increased in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under terminal drought. Journal of Experimental Botany, 1093(10): 1-11.
Foroud, N., Mundel, H.H., Saindon, G. and Entz, T. (1993a). Effect of level and timing of moisture stress on soybean plant development and yield components. Irrigation Science, 13: 149-155.
Foroud, N., Mundel, H.H., Saindon, G. and Entz, T. (1993b). Effect of level and timing of moisture stress on soybean yield,protein, and oil responses. Field Crop Research, 31: 195-209.
Gholami A., Kouchaki E.( 2011). Mycorrhiza in Sustainable Agricluture. Shahrood University Publication. (In Persian).
Howell, R.W. and Carter, J.L. (1958). Physiological factors affecting composition of soybean. Response of oil and other constituents of soybean to temperature under controlled conditions. Agronomy Journal, 50: 664-667.
Kader, M.K., Mmian, H. and Hoyue, M.S.( 2002). Effects of Azotobacter inoculants on the yield and nitrogen uptake by wheat. Journal of Biological Sciences, 2: 250-261.
Kafi, M., Lahooti, M., Zand, A., Sharifi, H. and Goldani, M. (2000). Plant physiology. Jahad Daneshgahi, Mashhad, 379 p. (In Farsi).
Kalantar Ahmadi, S.A., Daneshian, J. and Siadat, S.A. (2014). Reaction of soybean genotypes on the consumption of bacteria and different nitrogen levels in northern Khuzestan. The Plant Production (Scientific Journal of Agriculture), 37(2): 1-13. (In Farsi).
Kanungo, P., Ramakrishnan, B. and Rao, V.R. (1998). Nitrogenase activity of Azospirillum sp. isolated from rice as influenced by a combination of NH4+-N and an insecticide, carbofuran. Chemosphere, 36: 339-344.
Kumar, A., and Singh, D.P. (1998). Use of physiological indices as screening technique for drought tolerance in oil seed Brassica species. Annals of Botany, 81: 413-420.
Lambers, H. and Poorter, H. (1992). Inherent variation in growth rate between higher plant: a search for physiological causes and ecological consequences. Advancy Ecology Research, 23: 187-261.
Leigh, G.J. (2002). Nitrogen fixation at the millennium. London: Elsevier Science.
Lobato, A.K.S., Costa, R.C.L., Oliveira Neto, C.F., Santos filho, B.G., Cruz, F.J.R., Freitas, L.M.N. and Cordeiro, F.C. (2008). Morphological changes in soybean under progressive water stress. International Journal of Botany, 4(2): 231-235.
Madani, H. (2006). The Effects of phosphate solubleizing Bactria (PSB) on potato yield at Iran Environment. 18th. world congress of soil science. Julie.9.15.2006. Phi1ade1phia Pennsylvania. USA.
Madjar, S.(1984). Oil and protein content in the kernel of double crop sunflower and soybean cultivated with and without irrigation in slavonia and barnja[Yugoslavia]. Znanost-Praksa-u Poljopriverdi-I- Prehrambenoj-Tehnologiji, 14: 49-63.
Mailer, R.J. and Pratley, J.E. (1990). Field studies of moisture availability effects on glucosinolate and oil concentration in the seed of rape (Brassica napus L.) and turnip rape (B. rapa L. var. silvestris (Lam.) Briggs). Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 70 (2): 399 - 407.
Malakooti, M.J. and Sepehr, A. (2004). Optimum Nutrition of Oilseeds, an Effective Steps to Achieve Oil Self-Sufficiency in the Country. Khaniran Press, 464 p. (In Farsi).
Mansour Ghanaei Pashaki, K., Mohsenabadi, G., Majidian, M. and Fallah Nosratabad, A. R. (2017). Effect of Application of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Organic Fertilizers on Yield and Yield Components of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Lahijan, Northern Iran. JCPP, 6(22): 47-60. (In Persian with English Summary).
Martin-de-santa-Olalla, F., De-Juan-Valero, J.A. and Fabeiro-Cortes, C. (1994). Growth and yield analysis of soybean under different irrigation schedules in castill-La-Mancha, spain. European Journal of Agronomy, 3: 187-196.
Miralles, O.M., Valero, J.A. and Olalla, F.M. (1997). Growth, development and yield of five sunflower hybrids. European Journal of Agronomy, 6: 47-59.
Mishra, A., Prasad, K. and Rai, G.( 2010). Effect of biofertilizer inoculations on growth and yield of dwarf field pea (Pisum sativum L.) in conjunction with different doses of chemical fertilizers. Journal Agron, 9: 163-168.
Postgate, J.R. (1998). Nitrogen fixation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Rathke, G.W., Christen, O. and Dipenbrock, W.( 2005). Effect of nitrogen source and rate on productivity and quality of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) grown in different crop rotation. Field Crops Research, 94: 103-113.
Restuccia, G., Mauromicale, G. and Ierna, A. (1992). Effects of different water regimes on the agronomic behavior of soybean cultivated in the Mediterranean environment. Rivista-di-Agronomia(italy), 26: 777-784.
Saha, K.C., Ghosh, T.K. and Mithua, H. ( 2000). Nitrogen fixation (C2H2 reduction) associated with root of sesamum cultivars and its response to inoculation of Azospirillum. Journal of Interacademicia, 4: 400–407.
Sharma, A.K. (2006). Biofertilizers for sustainable agriculture. Agrobios, India. 407 pp.
Soleymani, A., Moradi, M. and Naranjani, L. (2011). Effects of The Irrigation Cut-off Time in Different Growth Stages on Grain and Oil Yield Components of Autumn’s Canola Cultivars in Isfahan Region. Journal of Water and Soil, 25 (3):426-435. (In Persian with English Summary).
Sturz, A. and Christie, B. (2003). Beneficial microbial allelopathies in the root zone: the management of soil quality and plant disease with rhizobacteria. Soil and Tillage Research, 72: 107-123.
Subba Rao, N.S. and Dommergues, Y.R. (1998). Microbial interactions in agriculture and forestry, Science Publishers, Inc, U.S.A. 278 pp.
Verslues, P.E., Agarwal, M., Katiyar-Agarwal, S., Zhu. J. and Zhu, J.K. (2006). Methods and concepts inquantifying resistance to drought, salt and freezing, abiotic stresses that affect plant water status. The Plant Journal, 45: 523-539.
Zamber, M.A., Konde, B.K. and Sonar, K.R. (1984). Effect of Azotobacter chroococcum and Azosprillum brasilense inoculation under graded levels of nitrogen on growth and yeild of wheat. Plant Soil, 79: 61-67.
Yassari, E. and Rafati Alashti, M.(2009). Comparison of the effects of mineral phosphorous and Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas putida bacteria on the growth and yield of the soybean cultivar of Sari. TechnicalJournal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 3(2): 2706-2711.
Yassari, E., Mozaffari., S., Ghasemi Chapi., O., Jafarzadeh Zoghalchali, H. and Shafiei, E. (2014). Effect of inoculation with phosphate solubilizing bacteria and mineral phosphorus levels on growth characteristics and grain yield in soybean (Glycine max) cultivars. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research, 12(4): 693-703. (In Persian).
Ministry of Agriculture. (2016). Programs and Achievements. Achievements of the agricultural sector in the twelfth government. (available at (In Persian).
Heba, I.M. and Samia, A.A.(2014). Influence of Garlic Extract On Enzymatic and Non Enzymatic Antioxidants in Soybean Plants (Glycine Max) Grown under Drought Stress. Life Science Journal, 11(3s): 47 -58.
Viscardi, S., Ventorino., V., Duran., P., Maggio., A., De Pascale., S., Mora, M.L. and Pepe, O.(2016). Assessment of plant growth promoting activities and abiotic stress tolerance of Azotobacter chroococcum strains for a potential use in sustainable agriculture. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 16: 848-863.
Jnawali, A.D., Ojha, R.B. and Marahatta, S. (2015). Role of Azotobacter in Soil Fertility and Sustainability–A Review. Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research, 2(6): 1-5.
Qados, A.M.S.A. (2014). Effect of Ascorbic Acid antioxidant on Soybean (Glycine max L.) plants grown under water stress conditions. International Journal of Advanced Research In Biological Sciences, 1(6): 189-205.
Shokri, S. and Sharifi, P. (2016). Effect of Phosphate Biofertilizer and Chemical Phosphorus on Growth and Yield of Vicia faba L. Electronic Journal of Biology, 1: 47-52.
FAO STAT. (2016). FAO statistical database (available at
Zahir, A.Z., Arshad, M. and Frankenberger, W.F. (2004). Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria: applications and perspectives in agriculture. Agronomy Advances, 81: 97-168.
Akbar-Noudehi, D. (2012). Effect of drought stress in different stages of growth on yield and soybean water use efficiency in Mazandaran. Agricultural Knowledge and Sustainable Production, 22(1): 13-23. (In persian).
Alizadeh, A. (2011). Soil, Water, Plant Relationship. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. Press, 516p. (In Persian).
Maleki, A., Naderi., A., Siadat., A., Tahmasebi, A. and Fazel, S. (2012). Effect of drought stress on physiological growth stages on yield and yield components of soybeans. Research in Agricultural Sciences, 4(15): 71-82. (In persian).
Mokhtassi-Bidgoli, A., Aghaalikhani., M., Nasiri-Mahallati., M., Zand. E., Gonzalez-Andujar, J.L. and Azari, A. (2013). Agronomic performance, seed quality and nitrogen uptake of Descurainia Sophia in response to different nitrogen rates and water regimes. Industrial Crops and Products, 44: 583-592.
Fazeli, F., Najafi Zarini., H., Arefrad, M. and Mirabadi, A.Z. (2015). Assessment of relation of morphological traits with seed yield and their diversity in M4 generation of soybean mutant lines (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) through factor analysis. Journal of Crop Breeding, 7: 15.47-56. (In persian).
SAS. (2012). SAS Version 9.2. SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC.
Malek, M.A., Rafii., M.Y., Afroz., M.S.S., Nath, U.K. and Mondal, M.M.A.(2014). Morphological characterization and assessment of genetic variability, character association and divergence in soybean mutants. Scientific World Journal, 14: 1-12.
Rostamzadeh-Kaleibar, M., Farboodi, M., Hosseinzadeh-Moghbeli, A. and Razmi, N. (2011). The effect of irrigation regimes on yield and yield components of second cultivars of soybean cultivars in Moghan region. Ecophysiology of Crops and Weeds, 20: 15-28. (In Persian).
Biswas, P.K. (2008). Agricultural Microbiology. Dominant Publishers and Distributors. Orient Offset, Delhi-110053, 188-317 p.
Vessey, J.K. (2003). Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria as biofertilizer. Plant and Soil, 255: 571-586.