Identifying and Prioritizing the Factors Affecting the Implementation of Reverse Logistics in Iran’s Automotive Industry with Fuzzy Analytical Network Process Approach
Subject Areas :
Industrial Management
Maghsood Amiri
Marziyeh Bagheri
Hedi Dehnad
1 - Allameh Tabatabyi University, Faculty of Accounting and Management, Tehran, Iran
2 - Allameh Tabatabyi University, Faculty of Accounting and Management, Tehran, Iran
3 - Allameh Tabatabyi University, Faculty of Accounting and Management, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2015-12-02
Accepted : 2016-07-18
Published : 2016-08-25
Abstract :
Today reverse logistics has become one of the most challenging issues in the areas of the automotive supply chain. Therefore, understanding the factors that influence the implementation of reverse logistics is important. We can point to the reasons why organizations pay attention to this subject: Competitive incentives, direct economic incentives, and environmental reasons. In many cases, there are certain rules and regulations in the areas returns that have forced the organizations to pay more attention to this sector. In this research, we determined primary criterions with collecting determined criterions of previous studies and also taking experts’ opinions which consists 3 economical, environmental and social criterions and 19 sub criterions. Then these factors were given to experts in the form of a questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed with the confirmatory factor analysis method. Finally, a number of factors have been removed and the final factors remained. In order to rank the factors, these factors were given to experts in the form of ANP (Network Analysis Process) questionnaire again. Then we used fuzzy ANP method for measuring interdependencies and criterions ranking.
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Bagheri Nezhad Rudbone Z. (2010). Identifying and prioritizing the factors affecting on the implementation of reverse logistics in automotive industry, Master's Thesis, Tarbiat Modares University.
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Chiou C Y, Wang PY, Chen HC, Yeh CY. (2007). Green suppliers selection and assessment in GSCM using Analytic Hierarchy Process for information and electronic industry, Journal of e-Business, 9(1), 147-176.
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Frota Neto JQ, Bloemhof-Ruwaard JM, Van Nunen JAEE, & Van Heck E. (2008). Designing and evaluating sustainable logistics networks, International Journal of Production Economics ,111(2), 195-208.
Fruchter, B. (1954). Introduction to Factor Analysis, Oxford, England: Van.
Godfrey R. (1998). Ethical purchasing: developing the supply chain beyond the environment. In: Russel, T. (Ed.), Greener Purchasing: Opportunities and Innovations. Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield, England.
Haghighat, Lale. (2006). The need for supply chain management and the role of reverse logistics, Conferencing systems, procurement and construction projects and industrial equipment.
Hu LT, Bentler PM, Kano Y. (1992). Can test statistics in covariance structure analysis be trusted? Psychol Bull ,112(2), 351-62.
Huscroft JR. (2011). The reverse logistics in the supply chain and managing its implementation, (Doctoral dissertation, Auburn University). Retrieved August 15, from Pro Quest Dissertation.
Kim Soo Hyun, wan yang jaeh and Dae Lee Kang. (2009). Vehicle Routing In Reverse logistics for Recycling end-of-life consumer electronic goods in south korea, Transportation Research, Vol 9.part D.
Kulshreshtha, P. & Sarangi, S. (2001). No return, no refund: Analysis of deposit-refund systems, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 46(4), 379-94.
Kumar S & Putnam V. (2008). Cradle to cradle: Reverse logistics strategies and opportunities across three industry sectors, International Journal of Production Economics, 115(2), 305-315.
Lattin, J.M ., Carrol, J.D., & Green, P.E. (2003). Developing of RFID- based reverse logistics system, expert systems with Applications, 36, 9299-9307.
Liu, X., Tanaka,M., and Matsui,Y. (2006). Electrical and electronic waste management in China: progress and the barriers to overcome, Waste Manag Res, 24, 92-101.
Ninlawan C., Seksan P., Tossapol K. and Pilada W. (2010). The Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management Practices in Electronics Industry, Proceedings of the international multiconference of engineers and computer scientists (IMECS), 17-19.
Önüt S, Kara S S, Is_ik E .(2009). Long term supplier selection using a combined fuzzy MCDM approach: A case study for a telecommunication company, Expert Systems with Applications 36, (2009) 3887–3895.
Paul Wanjora Kariuki, Esther Wangethi Waiganjo .(2014). Factors Affecting Adoption of Reverse Logistics in the Kenya Manufacturing Sector: A Case Study of Coastal Bottlers Company, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 4, 9.
Rahman, S., Subramanian, N. (2011). Factors for implementing end-of-life computer recycling operations in reverse supply chains, International Journal of Production Economics,10, 10-16.
Ravi V, Shankar R, & Tiwari M. (2005). Analyzing alternatives in reverse logistics for end-of-life computers: ANP and balanced scorecard approach. Computers & Industrial Engineering 48(2), 327-356.
Ravi, V. & Shankar R. (2005). Analysis of interactions among the barriers of reverse logistics. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 72, 1011–1029.
Saaty, T. L., & Vargas, L. G. (1998). Diagnosis with dependent symptoms: Bayes theorem and the analytic network process, Operations Research, 46(4), 491–502.
Subramoniam Ramesh, Donald Huisingh and Babu Chinnam Ratna. (2003). Remanufacturing for the automotive after market- strategic factors: literature review and future research needs, journal of cleaner production, 11(17), 30-39.
Tan AWK, Yu WS, Arun K. (2003). Improving the performance of a computer company in supporting its reverse logistics operations in the Asia-Pacific region”, International Journal of Physical & Logistics Management, 33(1/2), 59-74.
Tibben-Lembke, R. S. and D. S. Rogers. (2002). Differences between Forward and Reverse Logistics in a Retail Environment. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 7(5), 271-282.
Yazgan Harun Rsit. (2010). Selection of dispatching rules with fuzzy ANP approach, International journal of advance manufacturing. 170, 2739-7.
Yu MC, Wu PS. (2010). A simulation study of the factors influencing the design of a waste collection channel in Taiwan, International Journal of Logistics, 13(4), 257-271.
Yuksel, H. (2009). An Analytical Hierarchy Process Decision Model for E-Waste Collection Center Location Selection, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, 6-9 July, Troyes, 10.1109/ICCIE.2009.5223889
Yüksel, I, Dagdeviren, M. (2007). Using the analytic network process (ANP) in a SWOT analysis – A case study for a textile firm. Information Sciences, 177(16), 3364–3382.
Zhang, Y. (2007). Analysis of major barriers of automobile reverse logistics based on ISM, Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), 37, 445-9.
Zhu Q, Sarkis J, & Lai K-h. (2008). Green supply chain management implications for closing the loop. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 44(1), 1-18.