Application of Goal Programming to Determination of Optimum Cropping Pattern Emphasizing on Virtual Water in Kurdistan Province
Subject Areas :
Industrial Management
mostafa baghbanyan
Hamed Ghaderzadeh
Ghodratollah Emamverdi
Marjan Damankeshideh
Narciss Amin Rashti,
1 - Phd scholar of economic Department, Islamic Azad University, Tehran center
2 - Dept. of agricultural economic, University of Kurdistan
3 - Dept of Economic. Islamic Azad University. Tehran Center
4 - Faculty of Economics Department Faculty of Economics and Accounting ،Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch. Tehran,Iran
5 - Dept of Economic, Islamic Azad University, Tehran center.
Received: 2020-07-07
Accepted : 2020-07-27
Published : 2020-09-13
"Virtual water",
"Kurdistan province",
"goal programming,
" optimum cropping pattern",
Abstract :
Nowadays, production of economic production is one of the most important of policymaker’s tensions. Address to this. It is necessary to merge the farmer’s aims along policy makers as well as their necessities. Therefore, the current study attempted to investigate on optimum cropping pattern of agricultural crops in Kurdistan province respect to each county emphasizing on minimize virtual water. To follow research aim the necessary data were collected for the agricultural year 2015-6 using goal programming. The results showed that, the current cropping pattern does not has no comparative advantage and it has to experience significant change. In other words, the current cropping pattern willing must to change from mixed form to specialized one according to comparative advantage according to resource possibilities of each district. The range of change showed that, there are significant decrease and increase in some crops compare to current situation. The results showed that, irrigated wheat did not get permission to enter optimum model. In addition, the most of current crop due to low return as well as disadvantage of study area omitted in recommended pattern.
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Allen, R.G., Periera, L.S., Raes, D., & Smith, M. (1998). Crop evapotranspiration. Guidelines for computing crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56, Rome, Italy, 300 p.
Asaadi, M.A., Mortazavi, S.A., Zamani, O., Najafi, G.H., Yusaf, T., & Hoseini, S.S. (2019). The Impacts of water pricing and non-pricing policies on sustainable water resources management: A case of Ghorveh plain at Kurdistan province, Iran. Energies, 12, 2667.
Asgaripoor, A. R. (2012). Determination of optimum and sustainable cropping pattern of Bahar’s agricultural respect to farmers view. Unpublished. Thesis of master program. College of agriculture and natural resource. University Mohaghegh Aradabili (In Persian).
Azadegan, A., Babaei, M., Sabouhi, M., & Kavousi Akbarpoor. (2012). Application of target programming in agricultural plan design emphasizing sustainable development, a case of Sistan district. 1st national conference on Dry and Semi- Dry Regions. Abarkooh, Islamic Azad university of Abarkooh (In Persian).
Azizi, J., & Yazdani, S. (2004). Determination of comparative advantage of major horticultural crops of Iran. Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development. 12(43), 41-72 (In Persian).
Baghestani, A., & Mehrabi Boshrabadi, H. (2007). The concept of virtual water and its application in determination of Iran’s agricultural crops trade. 9th National Seminar of Irrigation and Reduction of Evaporation. Kerman (In Persian).
Chiezary, A., Yousefi, A., and Mousavi, S.H. (2006). Survey on target export markets of Iran’s ornamental. Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development. 55, 47-66 (In Persian).
Dastwar, S., Hassani, H.A., Shirdeli, A., Khalfi, J., & Ghaidi, A. (2014). Survey on cadaster and agricultural land integration in accessible water productivity. A case of lnad under Shovaier Dam. Unpublished. Thesis of master program. College of agriculture and natural resourse. Zanjan (In Persian).
Doorandish, A., & Torabi, S. (2015). Selection of optimum agricultural cropping pattern emphasizing on water resource constraint. A case of Koozran city of Kermanshah province. Journal of Agricultural Economics. 9(1): 117-134 (In Persian).
Hanasaki, N., Inuzuka, T., Kanae, S., & Oki, T. (2010). An estimation of global virtual water flow and sources of water withdrawal for major crops andlivestock products using a global hydrological model, Hydrology Journal, 384: 232-244.
Mansouri, H., & Kohansal, M. (2007). Determination of agricultural cropping pattern based on economic as well as environmental views. 6th two years conference of Iran Agricultural Economiocs. Mashad; University of Mashad Ferdaowsi (In Persian).
Mohammadi Kani Golzar, F. (2012). Water consumption management respect to virtual water exchange in selected products of Iran. Unpublished. Thesis of master program in agricultural management. University of Tehran.
Nazari, A.M., Manafi Azr, R., & Abdollaqhi, A. (2013). Evaluation of effect of extension of compressed irrigation in agricultural structure change cropping pattern and production return. A case of Miandoab city. Jornal of Gepgraphical prospective in Human Studies. 8 (25), 147-161 (In Persian).
Shajari, Sh. (2014). Optimization of exploitation of water resources to maximizing of social benefits in Fars province. Journal of Agricultural Economics. 8, 175-189 (In Persian).
Turton, A. R. (2000). Precipitation, people, Pipelines and Power: Towards a virtual water based political ecology discourse, MEWREW Occasional paper, 11.
(2018). Statistical yearbook of agricultural organization of Kurdistan province (In Persian).
Verma, S., Kampman, D. A., Van der Zaag, P.& Hoekstra, A. Y. (2009). Going against the flow: A critical analysis of inter-state virtual water trade in the context of India’s national river linking program. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 34(4-5): 261–269.
Wang, Z., Zhang, L., Zhang, Q., Wei, Y., Wang, J., Ding, X., & Mi, Z. (2019). Optimization of virtual water flow via grain trade within China. Ecological Indicators, 97: 25-34.
Yoo, S.H., Choi, J.Y., Lee, S.H., & Kim, T. (2014). Estimating water footprint of paddy rice in Korea. Paddy and Water Environment, 12(1): 43-54.