The Effect of Supply Chain Merger on Brand Value (Case Study: Iran Khodro Diesel Co.)
Subject Areas : Industrial ManagementZahra Bahrami shah bekandi 1 , Taher Kalantari 2 * , Niloofar ImanKhan 3
1 - Management/Office of Legal Advisers
2 - Faculty member/Imam Khomeini Maritime University
3 - Business Management Manager / Islamic Azad University of Firoozkooh
Keywords: Supply Chain, Brand Value,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of supply chain chains on brand value in Iran Khodro Diesel Company. The purpose of the research is applied and in terms of the method is descriptive - correlation. In terms of time, it is part of cross-sectional research. The statistical population of this study was all experts of Iran Khodro Diesel Company, including 800 people. Based on the Morgan table, a sample of 260 individuals was selected and randomly selected. The data gathering tool was Supply Chain Aid Questionnaire and Brand Value Questionnaire. Content validity of the questionnaires was reviewed and confirmed by experts and professors of the university. The reliability of the questionnaires was also counted by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The alpha value for the supply chain agility questionnaire was 0.911 and for the brand value questionnaire was 0.885. The structural equation model was used to analyze the data. The findings showed that supply chain agility and its dimensions have the potential to predict brand value of Iran Khodro Diesel. Also, supply chain resilience is based on brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand association, brand awareness and brand quality.
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