Investigating the foundations and jurisprudential evidences of the sanctity of terror from the perspective of Shia and Hanafi jurisprudence
Subject Areas :
Islamic low
Mohammad Nasrian Mofidi
mohammad ebrahim shams nateri
Mahdi Sheydaiyan
1 - PhD in Criminal Law and Criminology, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology, Qom Campus, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology, Qom Campus, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran.
Received: 2020-02-08
Accepted : 2021-05-02
Published : 2023-08-23
Jurisprudential Evidence,
Abstract :
One of the most heinous atrocities some people have committed against their fellow Muslims is the assassination of Muslims. This article discusses the Shi'a and Hanafi jurisprudence through a library and documentary method, which results in: The Shiites and the guile of the laws of moharebeh can be applied to the issue of terrorism in the present age. The verses 33 and 34 of Surah Ma'eda are the most explicit verse of the Holy Quran regarding the fight against terrorism, which the Shiite jurisprudent has used as a prohibition against jihad and jihad. That this theory is in line with the theory of jurisprudence. Investigating the Jurisprudential Basis of the Assassination of Muslims from the perspective of jurisprudential jurisprudence indicates that terrorist acts are blameworthy and criminal behavior, because what stands out in jihad is fighting the war and adhering to its rules, not killing or killing innocent people. Take the assets, surprisingly. In jurisprudence, however, it is not a clear title for a terrorist act, although it is more consistent with moharebeh and rhetoric on the basis of the type and outcome of the behavior.
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