Jurisprudential and legal study of the effectiveness of the rule of repelling corruption to corruption
Subject Areas : Islamic lowhoushangh gholmoammadi 1 * , Sayyad Mohammadreza Ayati 2 , Mohammadkazem Rahmanstayesh 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Qom University, Qom, Iran.
Keywords: Legitimate defense, repelling the worst as compared to the worse, taking the more important as compared to the more important, emergency situation, sticking to legality,
Abstract :
The actualization of the expediencies and the repelling of the depravities from the people’s lives are intended by the canon’s legislation of rules. Therefore, when an issue falls between two depravity extremes and none can be repelled, the common sense rules the repelling of the maximal depravity based on such a maxim as the necessity of repelling the worst as compared to the worse. The present study aims at investigating the documents of the foresaid maxim and its applications in jurisprudence and Iran’s laws using an organized descriptive-analytical method. It will be expressed that the maxim “the necessity of repelling the worst as compared to worse”, though not having been inserted independently, has been clearly stated in the legislators’ books along with such other axioms as no-interference is permitted, the necessity of taking the more important as compared to the important and emergency situation; it is, in practice, one of the jurisprudential axioms most widely applied in the personal, ethical, social, political and legal lives of the people. The obtained results indicated that it is necessary for a judge to verify the internal will and piety of the wrongdoer in regard of repelling the worst as compared to worse in line with preventing any contingent misuse and deception. Also, it is the wrongdoer who should persuade the judge in regard of his or her intention for doing a wrong action. Moreover, the above-mentioned maxim should repel a sort of depravity that is deemed to be the worst and it has to be used as the only way for getting rid of the worst wrongdoing according to the distinction made between the worse and the worst depravity. Thus, the institution and the authority qualified for the implementation of the before-mentioned maxim is the legislator as stipulated in the penal laws like legitimate defense and staying adherent to legality.
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