Ali Ibn Abitaleb’s Opinion about Prescribed Punishement and its effect in Islamic Penal Code
Subject Areas :
Private law
valiollah malakoutifar
Ali Sarebannezhad
1 - Sabzevar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar, Iran
2 - MA of Sbzevar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sbazevar, Iran
Received: 2012-11-27
Accepted : 2012-11-27
Published : 2012-11-21
Islamic law,
Commander of the faithful,
(Ali Ibn Abitaleb),
Prescribed punishment,
Abstract :
When human being was bron, desire for perfection was born with him. Due to neglect of prophets' teachings some people sought their perfection in achieving material things and it resulted in profiteering from each other. Inevitably some of them became oppressor and the others oppressed, then conflict between them began. Sometimes the oppressors suppose they are right and the oppressed are wrong. But continuous and ceaseless efforts of God ministers – the prophets – resulted in training eminent and outstanding humans who help people in their relations with God and expanding Justice. One of these remarkable men is the offspring of kaaba and our prophet's favorite, commader of the faithful Ali Ibn Abitaleb (PBUH), all whose life's dimensions are full of miraculous and extraordinary behaviours. Doubtlessly, criminal discussions are one of important resources in Islamic Jurisprudence. Criminal section of Islamic Jurisprudence discusses Four discussions as followings; the prescribed punishments, crimes, Blood money, and chastisement for offences. Collecting views relating to these discussions can be a good scientific wealth for authorities on Divine law. Islamic law legal views of commander of the faithful, Ali Ibn Abitaleb, is unique and miraculous; That is because he uses Quran and Tradition and also benefits from the fact that our prophet (PBOH) has prayed for him that God guide her heart for sound judgement; morever he has had a close companionship with our prophet from his childhood till he passed away; and finally, his intelligence, smartness, exactness, and his deep knowledge is unique and miraculous. Our Prophet has said "Ali is the best of you in Judgement". The above mentioned reasons show that he was better than Abubakr O'mar and O'sman in all cases and particularly in Judgement; that they sought Ali's advice in their affairs confirms this Fact. O'mar always said "if there was not Ali, O'mar died". Because of these reasons the results of these views are permanent and perpetual.
قرآن کریم.
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