Disqualification of a Public Authority Based on the Authority of a Unit News
Subject Areas : Islamic lowvahid lavasani 1 , Abbasali Salehi 2 *
1 - MA. Department of Islamic Law and Jurisprudene, Qom University, Qom, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamiz Law and Jurisprudence, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran,
Keywords: selection, competence, evidence, News unit, Topics,
Abstract :
The unit news is considered as one of the suspicions of two directions for proving the proof and the realm of authenticity. Some, referring to the appearance of some quranic verses, consider following the unit news as the case for following the opinions of the quran which is subject to the quranic verses. Well - known rulers have restricted the credit range of the unit news of the issues should be made by binet, in which justice and multiplicity are conditions. One of the most important applications of the unit is the study of public jurisdiction. The main question of this research is whether the general competences of individuals by citation of the most important applications of the unit is the study of public competencies. The main question of this research is whether the general competences of individuals are denied by the unit news? Research in the main sources and also on the basis of field research has been done, from the viewpoint of experts in the process of selection and implementation of qualifications, news of the unit lacks value and validity, but some of them consider the time and position required for the candidate. According to the conditions and characteristics of the narrator or the sources of research, they consider it as a symmetric and more investigation.
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