A Comparative Study of the Principles and Impact of Faith on the Validity of Witness in the Five Jurisprudence
Subject Areas :
Islamic low
Ali KHaleghi
davood seify
GHasem Eslami niya
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - PhD Student, Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Cognitive Science, Zabol University, Zabol, Iran
Received: 2019-06-02
Accepted : 2020-11-10
Published : 2021-11-22
Imamiye jurisprudence,
Abstract :
Testimony as one of the oldest proofs of criminal and legal claims in the era of human equipment has not lost its immense importance in modern legal systems, discovery of reality. The mystery of this is in many, sometimes complicated circumstances, which criminal justice systems, and especially Islam, have seen as necessary. One of these complex circumstances, which has various interpretations of the difference between Islam and Shi'a and Sunni faith. Assuming the other conditions of testimony, the concept of faith and its effect on the acceptance of witness testimony from the viewpoint of the two great Islamic sects, determines the quality of the encounters of the judicial system of Iran and other Islamic countries with intuitions that have a different religious or similar to the apparent opposition. A closer look at the Sunni and Shiite principles and documents reveals that there are differences between religions in the concept of faith and the rejection of the martyrdom of infidels and Christians. The Hanafi and Hanbali religions absolutely accept Christian and Jewish martyrdom among themselves, but other religions have only permitted the martyrdom of the People of the Book in their wills; therefore, the main difference of opinion is in accepting the testimony of a Shiite. In this regard, Hanbali and Maliki, with their own definition of faith, have commented on the absolute rejection of Shiite martyrdom; but in contrast to the Hanafi and Shafi'i religions, they have taken a milder view. Among the Imami jurists, unlike the old jurists who categorically reject the martyrdom of the Sunnis, contemporary jurists consider the martyrdom of a Sunni to be valid; That such a theory is more in line with the basic criterion for accepting testimony, namely the ability to discover the truth and the degree of truthfulness in legal systems. This paper attempts to discover the Persian point of view of acceptance or rejection of martyrdom in those claims that exist between witnesses and witnessee in terms of religious or religious orientation.
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