Responses of tepary bean plant under change in growth condition
Subject Areas : Plant PhysiologyTabasom Ghadimian 1 , Hamid Madani 2 * , Nourali Sajedi 3 , Masoud Gomarian 4 , Saeed Chavoshi 5
1 - Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch, Arak, Iran
2 - Department of agriculture, Islamic Azad University- Arak-Iran
3 - Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran
4 - Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch, Arak, Iran
5 - Arak branch-Islamic Azad University- Arak-Iran
Keywords: Proline, Photosynthetic pigments, Catalase, superoxide dismutase, Phaseolus acutifolius,
Abstract :
Plants adjust physiochemical attributes to maintain sustainable growth under different agricultural practices such as the management of sowing date and planting pattern.The present experiment aims to investigate the important role of sowing date (SD) and planting pattern (row arrangement) on physiochemical attributes of tepary bean (Phaseolusacutifolius L.) as a split-split plot designs with three replications during 2017 and 2018 .The main plots were two planting patterns (PP1: one-row and PP2: two-row plantation) and sub plots were three sowing dates (early, medium and late planting respectively June 15:SD1, June 30:SD2, and July15:SD3). The results showed increased chlorophyll (Chl) and carotenoid content was observed under two-row plantation and medium sowing date . Although Chl content improved at PP2, carotenoid had no response to planting pattern .The greater relative water content (RWC) was observed in plants under SD2, but the increased proline accumulation was reported at SD3. The least catalase and superoxide dismutase aggregation with 19 and 9.3(Umg-1protein) was obtained in plants under two-row plantation and medium sowing date respectively. Photosynthesis pigments represented the significant and positive correlation with RWC, but they negatively correlated with proline, CAT and SOD. Sowing date and planting pattern influence the microclimate of tepary bean, which affect the physiochemical properties. Therefore, physiochemical attributes are recommended to observe the optimal situation of tepary bean under the management of sowing date and planting pattern in arid and semiarid areas.
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Matsuo, N., T. Yamada, Y. Takada, K. Fukami and M. Hajika. 2018.' Effect of plant density on growth and yield of new soybean genotypes grown under early planting condition in southwestern Japan'. Plant Production science, 21: 16-25.
Mhlaba, Z. B., J. Mashilo, H. Shimelis, A. B. Assefa and A. T. Modi. 2018. 'Progress in genetic analysis and breeding of tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray): A review'. Scientia horticulturae, 237: 112-119.
Molosiwa, O. O and S. B. Kgokong. 2018. 'Effect of planting date on tepary bean yield and yield components sown in Southern Botswana'. African Journal of Agriculture Research, 13: 137-143.
Moosavifar, B. E., M. A. Behdani., M. Jamialahmadi and M. S. Hoseini Bojd. 2011. 'Change of chlorophyll index (SPAD),relative water content,electrolyte leakage and seed yield spring sufflower genotypes under irrigation termination'. Iranian Journal Of Field Crop Research,9(3):525-534.
Osman, A. N., A. Ræbild, J. L. Christiansen and J. Bayala. 2011. 'Performance of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum) intercropped under Parkia biglobosain an agroforestry ystem in Burkina Faso'. African Journal of Agriculture Research, 6: 882-891.
Porch, T. G., K. Cichy, W. Wang, M. Bick, J. Beavea and D. Santana. 2017. 'Nutritional composition and cooking characteristics of tepary bean (PhaseolusacutifoliusGray) in comparison with common bean (Phaseolusvulgaris L.)'.Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 64: 935-953.
Rezaei, M and A. G. Pirbalouti. 2019. 'Phytochemical, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of extracts from two spice herbs under different extraction solvents'. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 13(3): 2470-2480.
Sadras, V. O., P. T. Hayman, D. Rodriguez, M. Monjardino, M. Bielich, M. Unkovich and E. Wang. 2016. 'Interactions between water and nitrogen in Australian cropping systems: physiological, agronomic, economic, breeding and modelling perspectives'. Crop Pasture Science , 67: 1019-1053.
Saki, A., H. Mozafari, K. Karimzadehasl, B. Sani and M. Mirza. 2019. 'Plant yield, antioxidant capacity and essential oil quality of Satureja mutica supplied with cattle manure and wheat straw in different plant densities'. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 50(21): 2683-2693.
Sharma, S and P. E. Verslues. 2010. 'Mechanisms independent of abscisic acid (ABA) or proline feedback have a predominant role in transcriptional regulation of proline metabolism during low water potential and stress recovery'. Plant cell and Environment, 33, 1838-1851.
Soratto, R. P., T. A. Catuchi, E. D. F. C. D. Souza and J. L. N. Garcia. 2017. 'Plant density and nitrogen fertilization on common bean nutrition and yield'. Revista caatinga, 30: 670-678.
Aleksza, D., G. V. Horváth, G. Sándor and L. Szabados. 2017. 'Proline accumulation is regulated by transcription factors associated with phosphate starvation'. Plant physiology, 175(1): 555-567.
Altieri, M. A., C. I. Nicholls, A. Henao and M. A. Lana. 2015. 'Agroecology and the design of climate change-resilient farming systems'. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 35: 869-890.
Arnon, D. I. 1949. 'Copper enzymes isolated chloroplasts, polyphenoloxidase in Beta vulgaris'. Plant Physiology, 24: 1-15.
Baath, G. S., A. C. Rocateli, V. G. Kakani, H. Singh, B. K. Northup, P. H. Gowda and J. R. Katta. 2020. 'Growth and physiological responses of three warm-season legumes to water stress'. Scientific Reports, 10: 1-12.
Bakry, B. A., T. A. Elewa, M. F. El karamany, M. S. Zeidan and M. M. Tawfik. 2011.' Effect of row spacing on yield and its components of some faba bean varieties under newly reclaimed sandy soil condition'. World Journal of Agriculture Science, 7, 68-72.
Bates, L. S., R. P. Waldrenand I. D. Teare. 1973.' Rapid determination of free proline for water stress studies'. Plant and Soil, 39: 205-7.
Bergmeyer, H. U., J. Bergmeyer and M. Grassl.1983. Methods of Enzymatic Analysis. Volume 2: Samples, Reagents, Assessment of Results. Deerfield Beach, Florida, VerlagChemie.
Bradford, M. M. 1976. 'A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding'. Analitical Biochemistry, 72: 248-254.
Byiringiro, B., S. Birungi, A. Musoni andA. B. Mashingaidze. 2017. 'The effect of planting date on weed density, biomass and seed yield in common bean (PhaseolusvulgalrisL.) in the semi-arid region of Nyagatare, Rwanda'. Tropical Agriculture, 94(4): 335-345.
Cohen, L., L. Manion and K. Morrison, 2000. 'Research Methods in Education'. 5th ed. London.
Davies, B. H. 1976. Cartenoids. In: Chemistry and biochemistry of plant pigents, 2nd ed. (Ed. Goodwin, T.W.). Academic Press, London -New York-San Francisco,2: 38-165.
Elavarthi, S and B. Martin. 2010. 'Spectrophotometric assays for antioxidant enzymes plants'. Plant Stress Tolerance.sprinder.
Ferreira, L., J. F. Guedes, C. Almeida-Aguiar, A. M Fonsec and I. C. Neves. 2016.' Microbial growth inhibition caused by Zn/Ag-Y zeolite materials with different amounts of silver'. Colloid and surface Biointerfaces, 142:141.
GhGhahremani, A., A. G. Pirbalouti , H. Mozafari, D. Habibiand B. Sani. 2020. 'Phytochemical and morpho-physiological traits of mullein as a new medicinal crop under different planting pattern and soil moisture conditions'. Industrial Crops and Products, 145, 111976.
Gormus, O and C. Yucel. 2002. 'Different planting date and potassium fertility effects on cotton yield and fiber properties in the Cukurova region, Turkey'. Turkish Journal of FieldCrops, 78:141-9.
Gujaria-Verma, N., L. Ramsay, A. G. Sharpe, L. A. Sanderson, D.G. Debouck, B. Taran and K. E. Bett. 2016. 'Gene-based SNP discovery in tepary bean (Phaseolusacutifolius) and common bean (P. vulgaris) for diversity analysis and comparative mapping'. BMC Genomics, 17(1): 239-245.
Heitholt, J. J and G. F. Sassenrath-Cole. 2010. 'Inter-plant competition: growth responses to plant density and row spacing'. In Physiology of cotton.Springer, Dordrecht.179-186.
Heredia-Rodriguez, L., M. Gaytan-Martínez, E. Morales-Sanchez, A.G. Garza-Juarez, V. UriasOrona, B. E. González-Martínez, M. López-Cabanillas Lomelí and J. A. Vázquez-Rodríguez. 2019. 'Nutritionaland technological properties of Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) cultivated in Mexican Northeast'.Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 37 (1): 62–68.
Ighodaro, O. M and O. L. Akinloye. 2018. 'First line defence antioxidants-superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX): Their fundamental role in the entire antioxidant defence grid'. Alexandria journal of medicine, 54(4): 287-293.
Khalil, S. K., A. Wahab, A. Rehman, F. Muhammad, S. Wahab, A. Z. Khan and R. Amin. 2010. 'Density and planting date influences on phonological development assimilate partitioning and dry matter production of faba bean'. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 42(6): 3831-3838.
KhKhosropour, E., P. Attarod, A. Shirvany, T. G. Pypker, V. Bayramzadeh, L. Hakimi and M. Moeinaddini. 2019. 'Response of Platanus orientalis leaves to urban pollution by heavy metals'. Journal of Forestry Research, 30(4): 1437-1445.
Kuznetsov, V. V and N. I. Shevyakova. 2006. 'Proline under stress: biological role, metabolism, and regulation'. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 46(2): 274-287.
Leal-Delgado, R., C. B. Pena-Valdivia, R. Garcia-Nava, A. Garcia-Esteva, E. Martínez-Barajas and D. Padilla-Chacón. 2019. 'Phenotypical, physiological and biochemical traits of the vegetative growth of wild tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) under restricted water conditions'. South African Journal Of Plant and Soil, 36: 261-270.
Liu, T., L. Gu, S. Dong, J. Zhang, P. Liu and B. Zhao. 2015. 'Optimum leaf removal increases canopy apparent photosynthesis, 13C-photosynthate distribution and grain yield of maize crops grown at high density'. Field Crops Research, 170: 32-39.
Matsuo, N., T. Yamada, Y. Takada, K. Fukami and M. Hajika. 2018.' Effect of plant density on growth and yield of new soybean genotypes grown under early planting condition in southwestern Japan'. Plant Production science, 21: 16-25.
Mhlaba, Z. B., J. Mashilo, H. Shimelis, A. B. Assefa and A. T. Modi. 2018. 'Progress in genetic analysis and breeding of tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray): A review'. Scientia horticulturae, 237: 112-119.
Molosiwa, O. O and S. B. Kgokong. 2018. 'Effect of planting date on tepary bean yield and yield components sown in Southern Botswana'. African Journal of Agriculture Research, 13: 137-143.
Moosavifar, B. E., M. A. Behdani., M. Jamialahmadi and M. S. Hoseini Bojd. 2011. 'Change of chlorophyll index (SPAD),relative water content,electrolyte leakage and seed yield spring sufflower genotypes under irrigation termination'. Iranian Journal Of Field Crop Research,9(3):525-534.
Osman, A. N., A. Ræbild, J. L. Christiansen and J. Bayala. 2011. 'Performance of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum) intercropped under Parkia biglobosain an agroforestry ystem in Burkina Faso'. African Journal of Agriculture Research, 6: 882-891.
Porch, T. G., K. Cichy, W. Wang, M. Bick, J. Beavea and D. Santana. 2017. 'Nutritional composition and cooking characteristics of tepary bean (PhaseolusacutifoliusGray) in comparison with common bean (Phaseolusvulgaris L.)'.Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 64: 935-953.
Rezaei, M and A. G. Pirbalouti. 2019. 'Phytochemical, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of extracts from two spice herbs under different extraction solvents'. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 13(3): 2470-2480.
Sadras, V. O., P. T. Hayman, D. Rodriguez, M. Monjardino, M. Bielich, M. Unkovich and E. Wang. 2016. 'Interactions between water and nitrogen in Australian cropping systems: physiological, agronomic, economic, breeding and modelling perspectives'. Crop Pasture Science , 67: 1019-1053.
Saki, A., H. Mozafari, K. Karimzadehasl, B. Sani and M. Mirza. 2019. 'Plant yield, antioxidant capacity and essential oil quality of Satureja mutica supplied with cattle manure and wheat straw in different plant densities'. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 50(21): 2683-2693.
Sharma, S and P. E. Verslues. 2010. 'Mechanisms independent of abscisic acid (ABA) or proline feedback have a predominant role in transcriptional regulation of proline metabolism during low water potential and stress recovery'. Plant cell and Environment, 33, 1838-1851.
Soratto, R. P., T. A. Catuchi, E. D. F. C. D. Souza and J. L. N. Garcia. 2017. 'Plant density and nitrogen fertilization on common bean nutrition and yield'. Revista caatinga, 30: 670-678.