Survey of causes and motives of scientific plagiarism in Iran
Subject Areas : Public Policy In AdministrationSoheila Darouian 1 * , Mahdi Faghihi 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - مسئول مکاتبات
Keywords: Plagiarism, Intellectual property, Iran,
Abstract :
In the resent years with the emergence of information technology,information exchanges are rapidly growing and accessibility of informationbecome easier than past. in this situation, it is very important to protectand keep intellectual property of authors and researchers. There are lot oflaw and regulation about this subject especially in advanced countries. Thispaper first by reviewing the accepted moral concepts, then withexplanation plagiarism cases discusses that causes of doing plagiarism inIRAN.Conclusions imply lack of proper knowledge and training, scientificpromotion without investigation, Quantitative orientation instead ofQualitative orientation, degree orientation, lack of clear and deterrent rulesand inadequate funding of research are the motives of plagiarism andapproval ofDeterrent laws, education and culture development and of establish ofcomprehensive research database are strategies to reduce the plagiarism inIRAN.