Ranking of Human Resources Empowerment Method Based on GREY THEORY
Subject Areas : Public Policy In Administration
Majid Iravani
Manochehr Omidvari
1 - Msc.in Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Qazvinbranch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran. Majid.j.iravani@gmail.com
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Qazvin branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.Omidvari88@yahoo.com
Keywords: Ranking, the Gray Theory, Human Resources Empowerment Me,
Abstract :
Rating system organizations is done as the empowerment of the Human resource National Conference of Iran. The lack of transparency of the rating agencies, the possibility of assessing the impact of personal opinion, need to copy and use the experience of successful organizations, existing gaps in the ranking model. In this study, the sub-main criteria and application of the model have been introduced. Then the evaluation process and criteria used ADLI discussed the results of LeTCI has been done. On the basis of the questionnaire was designed by using gray theory rating two levels on each of the main criteria and ranked based on the total level and finally the total points were done. As a result, the improving of the ranking model was determined by using the gray theory and the strengths and weaknesses of each model were identified in each of the criteria.
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