Knowledge Management Influence on Downsizing Strategy; Case study: Pooyesh Pars Power & Water Data Processing Co.(Pooyesh Bargh)
Subject Areas : Public Policy In AdministrationSahar Antikchi 1 * , s. Abbas Kazemi 2
1 - Graduate student of Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch (Corresponding)
2 - Associate Professor of Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch
Keywords: Knowledge management-Downsizin,
Abstract :
The root of management is outcome by two fundamental vicissitude:Downsizing and technology development. Personnel carry their knowledge and experiences in which learnt along the years by leave the firms. Nowadays organizations know that they miss all of worthy information and experiences because of this event and want to immune against this mistake and do not repeat it again. They force knowledge management to keep knowledge workers in order to ensure future of their life. By consider of this issue we proceed management of knowledge (as independent variable) to downsizing strategy (as dependent variables) in POOYESH BARGH COMPANY. 12 hypothesis are codified by blending new methods. This research is done in base of practical goals and related to survey descriptive research. Our participants are 150 persons. This society is decreased to 102 persons by KOKRAN Method. We use SPSS software so as to interpretate data. By consider of the result and amount of P, we can say that knowledge management just influenced transmission knowledge and it does not any influenced any other aspects. So in this research main hypothesis does not confirm, but according to amount of P and correlational coefficient each of secondary hypothesis is confirmed separately.
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