Subject Areas : Public Policy In Administrationsharokh soltani 1 * , solyman iranzadeh 2
1 - Ph. D. student, Department of management, Ghazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghazvin, Iran, (Corresponding)
2 - associate professor, management department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: : organizational trust, vertical trust, lateral trust, institutional trust, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Beh,
Abstract :
Background: Today it is apparent that having staff with high job satisfaction and the staff who work beyond their usual job and show an organizational citizenship behavior is very significant. Therefore, to reach this important aim, organizational trust can be very significant. Objective: Investigating the effect of organizational trust is on job satisfaction of human resources and organizational citizenship behavior. Methods: This research is practical from the goal's perspective and from method's, is descriptive correlative. The statistical community of this research includes 800 employees of Mahabad city from different organizations. Collection of the data from 260 people was done by a standard questionary and Cochran's formula. Findings: Organizational trust has a positive and meaningful effect on organizational citizenship behavior (F=222/528 in a meaningful level of 0/000); organizational trust has a positive and meaningful effect on job satisfaction (F=337/393 in a meaningful level of 0/000); considering the standard indexes, vertical trust has the biggest share (0/338) in clarifying the organizational citizenship behavior in organizational trust, and the lateral trust has the biggest share (0/373) in clarifying the job satisfaction of the staff. Conclusion: The results show that organizational trust can promote the organizational citizenship behavior and job satisfaction of the staff.
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