Floating Pattern Codification of Human Resource Management Development Based on Organizational Cultural Factor In Iranian National Gas Company
Subject Areas : Public Policy In Administration
Ali Frahadi Mahalli
Morteza Mosakhani
Mojtaba Tabari
1 - Department of Management, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran Afarhadi19@yahoo.com
2 - Department of Management, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
3 - Department of Management, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran
Keywords: Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Deve, organizational culture, Strategic Alignment, Floating Pattern,
Abstract :
Background: In the context of its review, human resource management and organizational behavior. Objective: Floating Pattern Codification of Human Resource Management Development Based on organizational cultural factor. Methods: The hybrid research methodology (quantitative and qualitative) and in terms of purpose and terms of gathering information from the descriptive - survey with semi-structured interviews and questionnaires made in the community of experts, model with Fuzzy Inference System (software MATLAB) and determination among the north states of experts using structural equation modeling (SEM) were tested Lisrel software. Findings: The bureaucratic culture (34/09) more than other cultures (market, 25/08; clan, 21/04 adhocracy, 18/02) respectively, but preferred, clan culture with ( 29/04) more than other cultures respectively, four HRM strategy was explained that bargaining laborer strategy with 3/17 higher than other strategies (committed experts 2/97; free agent, 2/93; loyal soldier ,2/89) took place. Conclusion: confirming the theoretical and empirical fit model, this gap in National Gas Company human resource management strategies in alignment and fit the cultural context shows, The results showed that the cultural status (bureaucratic) and cultural preferred (Clan) with the status of human resource management strategies (bargaining laborer) have alignment and a perfect fit. Therefore, to fix it, confirmed the floating pattern suggested.
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