Strategies for Developing Sports Entrepreneurship Opportunities at The Macro Level
Subject Areas : Public Policy In AdministrationTaghi ashouri 1 * , Morteza dosti 2 , Seyed Mohamad Hosein Razavi 3 , Abolhasan Hoseini 4
1 - PhD in Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran
2 - Associate Professor in Sport Management, University of Mazandaran
3 - Professor Sport Management, University of Mazandaran
4 - Associate professor in Bussines Managementin , University of Mazandaran
Keywords: Macro level, Sports Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Opportunities, Development Strategies,
Abstract :
Background: In general, studies in the field of entrepreneurship show the strategies of entrepreneurial activities mainly by focusing on the category of opportunity and competitive advantage. For this reason, the dominant thinking in the entrepreneurial literature is entrepreneurial opportunity and the essence of strategic entrepreneurship is entrepreneurial opportunities it show. investigating approach for the development of sports entrepreneurship opportunities in a macro level. Methodology: The present study is a mixed method with semi-structured interviews to reach theoretical saturation and consensus in the qualitative section: 40 academic experts in entrepreneurship and sports management participated with purposive theoretical sampling. In the quantitative section: 164 sports entrepreneurs and postgraduate students of sports management were selected by random sampling. The research tools were semi-structured interviews and researcher-made interviews to determine the categories and model fit. Data analysis was performed using the partial least squares method with the analysis of variance-based statistical software "Smart PLS (3). Results: The model at the macro level: with 5 categories (economic, social, legal, political and cultural), respectively, were identified and ranked and the relationship between categories with the macro level structure is positive and significant (T ≤ 2.58) and the model (GOF = 0.727) was evaluated as strong. Conclusion: Based on the interview conducted in the qualitative section, strategies for developing entrepreneurial opportunities with a macro-level approach have been reported in five categories: economic, social, legal, political and cultural.
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