Components and Indicators of Improving the Quality of Research in the Iranian Higher Education System
Subject Areas : Public Policy In Administrationfahimeh talebi 1 , HOSSEINALI JAHED 2 * , nahid sari khani 3
1 - PhD in Educational Management, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch
2 - Faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Imam Khomeini Memorial Branch, Visiting Professor, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch (Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch, Visiting Professor, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch
Keywords: Research quality, Higher Education, Education quality,
Abstract :
Background: Higher education as the highest level of education in society plays a key role in the growth and development of society in various dimensions. aim: The present study investigates the components and indicators of improving the quality of research in the Iranian higher education system. Methods: In this research, a mixed exploratory design was used and data were collected in two stages: qualitative and quantitative. The statistical population of the study was experts and faculty members who were interviewed individually using purposive sampling of 12 people. Then, based on the findings, a questionnaire was designed and in the quantitative stage, 311 people were selected from full-time faculty members of public and nongovernmental universities in Tehran by multi-stage cluster sampling and simple random sampling. Thematic analysis technique (theme) was used to analyze the data in the qualitative stage and in order to analyze the quantitative data, the structural equation model with PLS software was used. Results: According to the results, 13 main categories, 30 intermediate categories, and 170 subcategories have been created. Dimensions and components of improving the quality of research in the Iranian higher education system include; Organizational supervision, physical equipment, specialized researchers, up-to-date resources, clear goals, organizational support, practical applicability of research and promotion of educational centers, and indicators of research promotion include: researcher training, prevention of plagiarism, reform of university rules, justice and attention Needs. Conclusion: In the current situation, there are many challenges in the field of research quality in the country. In order to achieve research quality, components and indicators of research quality improvement should be considered. Universities and higher education institutions must organize research quality programs on a larger scale to meet the community's demand for progress and development. Considering that in recent years, in our society, higher education has paid attention to quantity and the downward trend of the qualitative indicators of its research is clear. Considering the internal and external issues facing the higher education system, the issue of quality reduction and the need to pay attention to it should be addressed. Be considered serious concerns of society. In order to improve the quality system of higher education research, there is a need to rethink and reconstruct the functions and quality programs of higher education and use a systemic approach in academic analysis, with regard to the commitment and responsibility of all officials.
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