Designing Pattern Conceptual Model of Organizational Health Model Based on Quantum Management in Municipal Employees
Subject Areas : Public Policy In Administrationmoslem cherabin 1 * , hassan sedaghat 2 , mohammad karimi 3
1 - Department of Educational Sciences, Neishabour Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neishabour, Iran
2 - PhD student in Educational Management, Neishabour Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neishabour. iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Branch, Islamic Azad University, nishaboor, Iran
Keywords: Conceptual Model, quantum management, organizational health,
Abstract :
Background: Organizational health was used in order to adapt the organization to its environment, create coordination between members of the organization and achieve the goals of the organization. Organizational health was one of the signs of management success in performing tasks. Implementing quantum management in an organization leads to an organization that is constantly changing, agile, and without borders, where innovation and information flow freely. Objective: The aim of this study was to develop a conceptual model of organizational health model based on quantum management. Methods: This is a qualitative research that was conducted using a strategy based on data theory of the foundation. Therefore, the researcher intends to take into account the abovementioned concepts and review the research and extract effective criteria on the organizational health model based on quantum management. In this section, contract content analysis, which is a qualitative method, is used. Findings: The results of data analysis are in three stages of selective coding, axial coding and open coding that the research findings in the framework of paradigm model including: structural factors (organizational support, training, leadership style, communication, goals and vision of the organization, organizational commitment, culture Organizational and participation) Occupational factors (dimensions of delegation, access to information, scope of control, teamwork, job significance and job enrichment) Individual factors (selfsufficiency, self-determination (choice), effectiveness and individual characteristics, gender And race, the center of control and self-esteem) has been analyzed. Conclusion: In this study, 175 codes, 59 primary classes, 18 sub-classes and 3 main classes were extracted from the analysis of elite interview results. Finally, a paradigm model of organizational health based on quantum management in municipal employees was drawn according to the analysis of interviews.
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