Explain the Causal Conditions of Stakeholder Participation in the General Policy Agenda of the Energy Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly Using the Data Theory of the Foundation
Subject Areas : Public Policy In Administrationmahmood dasht bozorg 1 , foad makvandi 2 * , vahid chenari 3 , Ganbar amirnejad 4 , saeed jafarinia 5
1 - 1 Department of Public Administration, shoushtar Branch, Islamic azad University, shoushtar, iran.
2 - Department of Public Administration, shoushtar Branch, Islamic azad University, shoushtar, iran. (Corresponding Author)
3 - Department of Public Administration, Shoushtar
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran
4 - Department of management, South tehean, Islamic azad University, Tehran, iran.
5 - Faculty of Management, Tehran Kharazmi University, Tehran, iran.
Keywords: Parliament, participation, Public Policy, Stakeholders, Agenda,
Abstract :
Objective: Modern societies are increasingly shaped by the interaction and collaboration of a diverse range of actors and stakeholders to provide credible policies. Involving a diverse range of actors is therefore not only a matter of adhering to the principle of democratic participation, but also a means of setting agendas that are socially strong. The openness of the parliament can provide important opportunities for stakeholder participation in the main functions of the parliament, including policy-making. The main purpose of this study is to explain the causal conditions of stakeholder participation in the general policy agenda of the Energy Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly. Method: This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of nature. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews. The statistical population of this study included experts, professors and experts, representatives and members of the Parliamentary Energy Commission who were randomly selected from 22 people. To answer the main research question, review the sub-questions and analyze the collected findings, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics with SPSS and Lisrel software were used. This research is a qualitative and quantitative research that has used the data method of the foundation. After semi-structured interviews, the causal conditions of stakeholder participation in the general policy agenda of the Energy Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly were identified with the components of stakeholder behavior, nature of participation, managerial factors and nature of policy agenda. Findings: This research is a qualitative and quantitative research that has used the data foundation method. After semi-structured interviews, the causal conditions of stakeholder participation in the general policy agenda of the Energy Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly were identified with the components of stakeholder behavior, nature of participation, managerial factors and nature of policy agenda. Results: Considering that stakeholders act as a bridge for the flow of issues in the policy agenda, and in the current vacuum and empty space there is an active presence of stakeholders between the issues and the agenda, this study aims to develop a general policy agenda from It has changed the hierarchical mode to a process, and in line with the process of orbitalization, instead of being individualistic, the performance of the Parliamentary Energy Commission.
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هیل، مایکل. هیوپ، پیتر. اجرای خطمشی عمومی، حکمرانی در نظریه و عمل. ترجمه معدنی، جواد و خدایی، نیما. انتشارات آذرین مهر، تهران، چاپ اول، سال 1397.
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