Effect of Exogenous Oxytocin Administration on the Performance of Lactating Nili Ravi Buffalo
Subject Areas : Camel
A. Faraz
N.A. Tauqir
A. Waheed
A. Hameed
1 - Department of Livestock and Poultry Production, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan
2 - Department of Animal Science, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan
3 - Department of Livestock and Poultry Production, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan
4 - Institute of Food Science and Nutrition, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan
Keywords: Milk, minerals, Oxytocin, Lactation, Nili Ravi buffalo,
Abstract :
The objective of the study was to assess the effect of exogenous administration of oxytocin on production, composition and minerals content in milk of Nili Ravi Buffalo. At three lactation phases, milk samples were collected from two groups of eight animals each under controlled atmosphere and feeding conditions. One group was subjected to intramuscular injection of oxytocin (20 IU) and other was kept as control. Significant variations were obtained in milk composition along with lactations phases. Decrease in fat, protein, lactose, solids not fat and total solids contents and increase in toal milk was recorded in oxytocin administreted milk. Minerals’ analysis of the milk samples were conducted and it was concluded that lactation stages have significant effect on minerals composition i.e. macro minerals (Na, Cl, K, Ca, Mg and P) and micro mineral (Zn and Cu) in milk. Oxytocin administration showed significant effect on milk minerals during various lactation stages as sodium, chloride and copper contents increased while potassium decreased. It was concluded that indiscriminate use of oxytocin for milk let down considerably influences minerals profile and results in detrimental variations of gross composition of milk.
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