The Method of Historiography in the Political Thought of Khaje Nizam al-Mulk Tusi
Subject Areas : Political Developments in Iran
Mahin Niroomand Alankesh
Garineh Keshishyan Siraki
1 - PhD Candidate in Political Science, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Islam, Political Thought, Khwaja Nizam al-Mulk Tusi, Historiography, Iran, Methodology,
Abstract :
Historical conceptualization is one of the foundations of understanding political thought, which has been of interest from the ancient Greek period to Iran, Islam and the modern era. In the past, historical conceptualization mainly had an objective and historical process, but this thought, with the parties of the contract, placed the conceptualization of the natural state instead of the objectivity of events. Some other thinkers tried to reveal the hidden stages and structures behind the changes by presenting a circular line of history and made an ideal period for themselves from within history and put it as an example of the state-future. Many religious ideas as well as the theories of Hegel and Marx tried to present their ideal model of politics and ideal society in this way. This research is organized with the aim of answering the question, how did Khawaja Nizam al-Mulk try to present his political thought about politics and the state from historical experiences and narratives from history? The primary idea of its authors is that Khwaja Nizam al-Mulk, using the historical texts of his era, which mainly go back to Iran before and after Islam, tried to mention historical examples and the statements of prominent personalities in these two periods. provided a basis for his intellectual apparatus.The method used in this article is theme analysis as one of the new branches of content analysis, based on which the main themes of a text are extracted through exploratory study and taken into consideration for hypothesis testing.