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    Journal Overview

    Family is the cell and mainstay of any society, and if this cell is healthy, health will spread to other sections, which is responsible for educating people. Studying the issues and problems of people in the family can reduce the occurrence of further problems, especially with regarding to new problems and topics such as fornication, formal divorces and etc, which in recent years has created serious challenges in the family’s foundation. Therefore, filling theoretical gaps (psychology, sociological counseling, Islamic Jurisprudence and law) and presenting Islamic theories can have a significant contribution in informing people in society. Also, the status of the family is an issue that considering its various dimensions in the Iranian Islamic model of progress has particular importance. Given the status of wife, husband and children, explaining the obvious and hidden angles of the family is a fact that should be thoroughly investigated. In recent years, we have seen an increase in social and cultural ills such as divorce, extramarital affairs, domestic violence, child abuse, spouse abuse, fornication and etc in the field of family in the country, and some of these issues are related to a kind of lack of awareness and scientific knowledge in this field and its foundations, and the establishment of this magazine can help spread scientific awareness among members of society in the mentioned field.

    Quarterly Journal of Islamic-Iranian Family Studies was approved according to the act of "Twelfth Session of the Commission for the validation of Publications in the field of Humanities and Arts of the Islamic Azad University" dated 2020/6/24, No. 23935, P. 99.

    Researchers and experts in the field of family and marriage should know that the Quarterly Journal of Islamic-Iranian Family Studies was approved according to the act of "Twelfth Session of the Commission for the validation of Publications in the Field of Humanities and Arts of the Islamic Azad University" dated 2020/6/24, No. 23935, P. 99 and the respected researcher can upload their article to the quarterly system from 2020/12/21.


    Since the journal was established with the aim of publishing the scientific findings of researchers, it does not aim to generate income. and avoids accepting advertisements and commercial processes.

    To manage the publication, financial resources are provided in two ways:
    1- The main part of the expenses is provided from the research budget and research grants of the university.
    2- Minimum amount from authors ($15 per article)