Explaining the relationships of gamaphobia based on existential anxiety with the mediation of psychological hardiness
Subject Areas : Islamic-Iranian Family Studies Journalsomayyeh Abassi 1 , Amir Panah ali 2 * , alinaghi aghdasi 3 , Marziye Alivandi Vafa 4
1 - PhD Student in Counseling, Department of Counseling, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: psychological hardiness, marriage, existential anxiety, gamaphobia,
Abstract :
Introduction: Marriage is seen as the initial step in starting a family, but nowadays there seems to be a fear or avoidance of this commitment among young people, particularly those who are educated. The purpose of this research was to determine the model of gamophobia among young people based on existential anxiety with the mediation of psychological hardiness. Methods: The current study is applied in terms of purpose, and descriptive correlational data collection method was used. The statistical population of the research included all students of the Islamic Azad University, Sardasht branch. The research sample was 358 students who participated in the research online and through available sampling method. Data collection tools included Richard's Gamophobia Questionnaire (2007), Good and Good Existential Anxiety Questionnaire (1974) and Ahvaz Psychological Hardiness Questionnaire (2017). Data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation method and path analysis through Smart-pls3 software. Results: The results indicated that the direct effect of existential anxiety was 0.609 and its indirect effect through psychological hardiness was 0.498 and the direct effect of existential anxiety on psychological hardiness was 0.309 and the direct effect of psychological hardiness on gamophobia was 0.320 significant (P˂ 0.01). Conclusion: Therefore, psychological hardiness can play a mediating role between existential anxiety and gamophobia. In this context, counseling and psychology specialists can consider this issue in pre-marriage counseling and even formulate interventions to reduce the gamophobia.According to Allameh (2017), many young people about to get married are experiencing anxiety and apprehension about the prospect of marriage and its associated challenges. Marriage phobia, also known as gamophobia, is a condition in which an individual is hesitant to commit and enter into a stable and honest relationship with another person. This involves making an agreement to remain committed for a long-term period (Soheili-nejad, 2021).According to research (Rezai, Rezapour-Mirsaleh, & Aryanpour, 2023), the increase in gamophobia related to this is associated with a decrease in existential anxiety. Regrettably, in recent times, existential anxiety has been on the rise in younger generations, causing significant psychological harm. This type of anxiety often results in isolation and the withdrawal of young people from their communities (Hossieni Abardeh & Ninam, 2021), which can lead to gamophobia among them.On the other hand, another variable that can be related to anxiety is hardiness (Bakhshipour & Fardin Far, 2022). One's mental health is affected by various factors, including psychological hardiness. Individuals with high psychological hardiness perceive stressful situations as challenges to be faced, according to research (Kowalski & Schermer, 2019). As a result, the problem of the present research was to test the mediating role of psychological hardiness in the relationship between existential anxiety and gamophobia.MethodologyThis research is focused on applying a structural equation model. The study gathered data from Islamic Azad University students, Sardasht branch with a sample size of 380 selected using available sampling method. To collect data, three standard questionnaires were used: Richard's Gamophobia Questionnaire (2007), the Good and Good Existential Anxiety Questionnaire (1974), and the Ahvaz Psychological Hardiness Questionnaire (2017). The data was analyzed using PLS software.ResultsAccording to Table 1, among the participants, the highest age frequency was related to the age group of 25-31 and the lowest frequency was related to 46-48.The results indicated that there is a relationship between existential anxiety and psychological hardiness, the hypothesis was confirmed with 99% confidence (T=5.695, p=0.000) (p˂0.01). There is a relationship between existential anxiety and gamophobia; the hypothesis was confirmed with 99% confidence (T=19.844, p=0.000) (p<0.01). There is a relationship between psychological hardiness and gamophobia; the hypothesis was confirmed with 99% confidence (T=6.026, p=0.000) (p˂0.01).DiscussionThe first hypothesis showed that existential anxiety is related to gamophobia with the mediation of psychological hardiness. Regarding the relationship between existential anxiety and psychological hardiness, the findings of the present study are in line with previous studies (Gasiorowska, Zaleskiewicz & Kesebir, 2018).The second research hypothesis indicated that existential anxiety is related to psychological hardiness. Regarding the relationship between existential anxiety and psychological hardiness, the findings of the present study are consistent with previous studies (Maddi, Deorah, Khoshaba & et al, 2010).The third hypothesis of the research indicated that psychological hardiness is related to the gamophobia.ConclusionThe results of this research can help marriage and family counselors and also help colleagues and researchers for future research in determining the relationships of gamophobia. One limitation of this research was the absence of sufficient background information, making it challenging to clarify certain assumptions. Additionally, the use of questionnaires and quantitative data without measuring qualitative variables relating to gamophobia is another limitation that may impact the generalization of the findings. After analyzing the results, it is recommended to conduct training workshops for students to enhance their psychological resilience. AcknowledgementsWe extend our sincere gratitude to the students and officials of Islamic Azad University, Sardasht branch for their active participation in our research. Their cooperation is greatly appreciated. FundingThe article is taken from the doctoral dissertation of the first author entitled "Investigating the Relationship between Self-Esteem, Existential Anxiety and Conflict Resolution Styles with Gamophobia with the Mediation of Psychological Hardiness of Students of Islamic Azad University, Sardasht Branch." The study was conducted at the personal expense of researchers.Ethics approval and consent to participate All participants voluntarily completed an informed consent form to participate in the study and were assured that the questionnaires would be anonymous and completely confidential.Conflict of interest: Researchers allow the journal to publish this article. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.