Examining Students' Motives for Using Instagram Application: a Qualitative Research
Subject Areas : INTERCULTURAL STUDIES QUARTERLYroghie sadeghzadeh 1 * , fariborz Dortaj 2 , morteza monadi 3
1 - .....
2 - professoe at allameh university
3 - associat at professor alzahra
Keywords: Iran, motivation, Youth, Qualitative Research, : Instagram,
Abstract :
Instagram is currently the most popular app among teenagers around the world. Therefore, research in this area is one of the most important issues. The main purpose of the present research is to identify the motives of students for using Instagram through a qualitative method. The statistical population of this study is all high school female students in the twelve districts of Tehran, Iran. We used a purposeful sampling method to select 21 students for our sample. Methods of collecting qualitative data were interviewing with the students. For analyzing the data, we used the content analysis method. The results showed that student motivations for using Instagram includes novelty of Instagram, being in contact with friends, keeping up with the news and information, leisure time, making friends and knowing about old friends, expressing the self and escaping from reality. In sum, students can use Instagrams for different reasons. Identifying these motivations can be the first step for empowering them and making these students purposeful in using the Instagram.
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