Investigating the Role of Ethics and Religiosity in the Meaning of Life with Emphasis on the Solutions of the Holy Quran (Case Study: Students of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Ilam Branch)
Subject Areas : INTERCULTURAL STUDIES QUARTERLYakhtar soltani 1 , hamed hayati 2 *
1 - Assistant Professor, , Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Ilam Branch, Ilam, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Ahwaz Branch, Ahwaz, Iran
Keywords: religiosity, Islam, religious teachings, solidarity, meaning of life,
Abstract :
Religion is one of the oldest and at the same time the most dynamic institutions of society. The study of the semantic function of religion in individual life and its social effects is one of the important topics in the sociology of religion. The importance of meaning in life stems from the fact that, with the advent of the modern world, traditional value systems have been challenged, and the fluidity of the modern world of life, the multiplicity of meanings and its many narratives, has left people confused and anxious. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between ethics and religiosity and the meaning of life among students. The statistical population of the study of architecture students in 2018 is 130 people. Cochran's formula has been used for sampling, which shows the number of samples as 98 people. SPSS22 software was used to analyze the data. In this study, in order to measure the dimensions of religiosity, the dimensions of belief, emotion, ritual and adherence have been used, and in order to measure the meaning of life, valuable components, hope and purposefulness have been used. Experts and professors (content validity method) have been used to assess the validity. Also, the results of measuring the reliability of the measuring instrument by Cronbach's alpha method show that the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the questionnaire in the field of religiosity is 0.860 and in the field of hope, which indicates the reliability of the questionnaire at a good level. The research method is descriptive and survey. The results showed that there is a direct and significant relationship between all dimensions in the field of religiosity except the doctrinal dimension and the meaning of life.
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