The Modern Fundamental Religious - Cultural movement
Subject Areas : INTERCULTURAL STUDIES QUARTERLYmohamadsalar kasraie 1 , majid fatemi khesal 2 *
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2 - دانشجوی دکترای جامعهشناسی انقلاب اسلامی، پژوهشکده امام خمینی (ره) و انقلاب اسلامی
Keywords: culture, Ideology, fundamentalism, lifestyle, modernity, movement,
Abstract :
This study aimed to study the sociological aspect new emerging religious and cultural movement in Iran. The main issue of researchers is about the method and practice of these movements. The main question of this research is: what are the aims and ideals and ways of organizing, recruiting practices and social contexts of it? In this study the cultural fundamental movements means religious and cultural institutions in different cities of Iran which their activities are same. In this study the two institutions; Noor Marefat in Karaj and Behesht in Tehran were selected as a case study. These institutions often operate in urban areas and attract the youth to their activities. In this study, these institutions have been named as cultural fundamentalist movements. Finally, the findings of authors show that this movement has made a remarkable progress in terms of quality and quantity, recruiting a lot of human resources and make progress very fast.
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