Meta-Analysis of Articles in the Quarterly Journal of Intercultural Studies (Volumes 10-14)
ali akbar saberi
hasan bashir
1 - PhD Student of Cultural Sociology, Azade Islami University, Tehran
2 - Professor, Imam Sadiq University
Keywords: reliability, validity, meta-analysis, Quarterly Journal of Intercultural Studies, Combined Research,
Abstract :
Given the growth in the humanities and social sciences, researchers have come to the conclusion that mastering all aspects of any problems is not possible to some extent. They have conducted combined research to provide them with the essence of research on a particular topic in a systematic way. This article seeks to address the practical framework of quarterly articles in research, sampling, methodology and data collection methods. The aim of the present study was to quantitatively combine the results of the researches and the course of the research stages and using meta-analysis method. 43 articles related to the period 10 to 14 of the Quarterly Journal of Intercultural Studies and with the opinion of experts in the field of culture. The results of meta-analysis show that the approach of quarterly articles is to meet the goals and objectives of the quarterly and more than 80% of them have dealt with cultural aspects. Of course, there are some shortcomings in this direction that need to be addressed. Including: Adopting more combined research methods, using interview methods and similar methods in social research, limiting and determining validity and reliability
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