The study of effectiveness of alpha/theta neurofeedback on emotional and cognitive creativity in primary school children
Subject Areas : Creativity and innovation from psychological, epistemological, educational and pedagogical
Zohre Alaedini
Mehrdad Kalantari
Mohamad Bagher Kajbaf
Hossein Molavi
1 - faculty of Almahdi Mehr Higher Education Institue of Isfahan
2 - faculty of University of Isfahan
3 - faculty of University of Isfahan
4 - faculty of University of Isfahan
Keywords: Cognitive Creativity, Emotional Creativity, Alpha/theta Neurofeedback,
Abstract :
Introduction: There are hundreds of ways to develop creativity among children, youths and adults. Developing new ideas and ways of teaching creativity should also incorporate youth’s interests and hobbies. Perpouse: The article presents the main information about the effect of alpha/theta neurofeedback on creativity. Method: 75 primary school students (7-12 old) participated in the study voluntarily. Alpha/theta neurofeedback training was administrated in fifteen 90 minutes sessions. The variables were evaluated through Torrance Test of Creative Thinking and Averill's Emotional Creativity Test. Results: MANCOVA analysis disclosed that this training can increase students' scores in cognitive and emotional creativity scales (p< 0.05). Conclusion: Alpha/theta neurofeedback increases cognitive and emotional creativity.
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