A study on the Relationship between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Five Personality Factors with Impulsivity in Young People with Tattoos
Subject Areas : PsychologySamira Khebreh 1 , Fatemeh Golshani 2 *
1 - . M.A Student of Personality Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.
2 - . Assistant Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: impulsivity, early maladaptive schemas, Five Personality Factors, Tattoo,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between five personality factors and early maladaptive schemas with impulsivity in young people with tattoos. In a descriptive correlational study, 250 young people with tattoos in the age range of 18 to 35 years were selected by purposive sampling. Data were collected using the NeoPersonality Factors Questionnaire (short form) Young’s early maladaptive schemas (short form) and Barthes Impulsivity (BIS_ 11). Then data were analyzed using SPSS 26 software. The results showed that there exists a positive significant correlation ship between the early maladaptive schemas of emotional deprivation, abandonment, mistrust, mistreatment, social isolation, shame, failure, dependence, vulnerability to harm and disease, lack of self-development, obedience, emotional inhabitation, self-control and self-consciousness in young people with tattoos. Also there are no significant relationship between personality traits of extroversion, openness and agreement among the initial maladaptive schemas of self – sacrifice, stubbornness, ambition purposefulness and impulsivity in young people with tattoos. Also neurotic variables, failure schemes and shame schemes were able to predict impulsivity in young people with tattoos.
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Moeller, S. B., Novaco, R.W. Heinola-Nielsen,V. and Hougaard, H. (2016).Validation of the novaco anger scale-provocation inventory(Danish) with nonclinical, clinical, and offender samples. Assesment, 23(5): 624-36.
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Stanford, M. S., Mathias, C.w., Dougherty, D. M., Lake, S.L., Anderson, N.E. and Patton, J.H. (2009). Fifty years of the Barratt impulsiveness scale : An update and review. Personality and individual Differences, 47(5): 385_395 .
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Wong, M.M., Nigg, J.T., Zucker, R. A, Puttler, L. I, Fitzgerald, H.E., Jester, J.M. and et al (2006). Behavioral control and resiliency in the onset of alcohol and illicit drug use : a prospective study from preschool to adolescence. Child Development; 77(4): 1016_1033 .
Young, J.E., klosko, J.S. Weishaar, M.E. (2003). Schema therapy: A practitioner s Guide, New York. Guilford .translated to Persian by Hassan Hamid pour and Zahra Andooz, Tehran, Arjmand Publication
Young , J. E.(1999). Cognitive therapy for personality disorders : A schema_focused approach . Sarasota , Florida : professional Resource press .
Yekta, Z. and Raqibi, M. (2016). Assessing personality traits in addicted people with and without tattoos in a medium-term camp. The Second International Conference on Educational Science Psychology and Lifestyle. Nashd: Torbat Heydariyeh Publications. (In Persian)
Yousefi, N., Etemadi, O., Bahrami, F., Ahmadi, S. A. Fatehizadeh, M. S. (2011). Comparison of early maladaptive schemas in divorced and normal spouses as predictors of divorce. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. 16 (1) 21-33. (In Persian)
Barranoff, J., Oei,T.P.S, Cho, S.H. and Kwon, S.M. (2006). Factor structure and internal consistency of the young schema Questionnaire (short form) in korean and Australian sampels. Journal of Affective Disorders, 93, 133_ 140.
Borna M, Hamid N, Hayati D.(2016). On the Predictive Role of Personality Traits, Cognitive Strategies of Emotion Regulation, Attachment Styles, and Brain-Behavioral Systems in Active & Non-Active Addiction and Impulsiveness Potential. etiadpajohi; 10 (37):151-174 (In Persian)
Ekhtiari, H., Rezvan Fard, M. and Mokri, A. (2008). Impulsivity and its various assessment tools; Review views and reviews. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology.3 (14) 257-247.(In Persian)
Ghasemi Nazarabadi, M. and Forouzandeh, E. (2019). A review of various approaches, methods of measuring impulsivity and impulsive behaviors, the first international congress and the fifth national congress on education and health of preschool children, Tehran.(In Persian)
Grossi, Farshi, M., Tabatabai, M. and Mehryar, A. H. (2001). Application of the new neo-personality test and analysis of its characteristics and factor structure among students of Tehran universities. Al-Zahra University Humanities, 11(39 ):173 – 198. (In Persian)
Hoffart, A., Sexton, H., Hedly, L. M., Hovland, O. J. and Holte, A.(2006). The structure of maladaptive schemas : A confirmatory factor analysis and a psychometric evaluation of factor derived scales. Cognitive therapy and research , 29(6): 627_644 .
KhodaBakhshi Kolai, A., Alizadeh, F., Mansour, L., Poor Ebrahim, T. and Falsafinejad, M. R. (2015). Perceived social support of family and friends and early maladaptive schemas in delinquent and non-delinquent adolescent boys and girls. Social Health Quarterly, 2 (1): 120-129. (In Persian)
Khosh Ravesh, V. and Waezi, A. (2019). Investigating the role of early maladaptive schemas in predicting high-risk behaviors of students. 7th Iranian Conference on Educational Sciences and Psychology of Social and Cultural Injuries. (In Persian)
Moeller, S. B., Novaco, R.W. Heinola-Nielsen,V. and Hougaard, H. (2016).Validation of the novaco anger scale-provocation inventory(Danish) with nonclinical, clinical, and offender samples. Assesment, 23(5): 624-36.
Moradi, A. (2018). Investigating the effective factors on tattoo motivations in Kermanshah men. Strategic Research on Social Issues in Iran, 6(1).73-90. (In Persian)
Parvin, J. (2016). Personality , translators Mohammad Jafar Javadi, Parvin Kadivar, Tehran: Ayizh Publications (main publication, 2005). (In Persian)
Rajaei, A. and Shafiee, A. (2012). High risk behaviors questionnaire. (In Persian)
Rijkeboer,M. M., Van den Berghb, H. and Van den Bouta, J. (2005) . Stability and discriminative power of the young schema _Questionnnaire in a Dutch clinical versus non clinical population. Journal of Behavior therapy and Experimental psychiatry, 36, 129_141 .
Salamani, B. and Hassani, J. (2014). Investigating the role of personality traits (conscientiousness, adaptation and excitement) in high-risk behaviors. Cognitive Science News. 16(1): 1-10. (In Persian).
Stanford, M. S., Mathias, C.w., Dougherty, D. M., Lake, S.L., Anderson, N.E. and Patton, J.H. (2009). Fifty years of the Barratt impulsiveness scale : An update and review. Personality and individual Differences, 47(5): 385_395 .
Tiaxin, M. and Guofa, Z. (2018). Self control mediates the relationship between peesonality trait an impulsivity. Personality and individual Differences, 129, 70-75.
Waller, G., Meyer, C. and Ohanian, V.(2001). Psychometric properties of the long & shoet versions of the young schema question native. Cognitive therapy and Research, 25 , 137_147.
Wong, M.M., Nigg, J.T., Zucker, R. A, Puttler, L. I, Fitzgerald, H.E., Jester, J.M. and et al (2006). Behavioral control and resiliency in the onset of alcohol and illicit drug use : a prospective study from preschool to adolescence. Child Development; 77(4): 1016_1033 .
Young, J.E., klosko, J.S. Weishaar, M.E. (2003). Schema therapy: A practitioner s Guide, New York. Guilford .translated to Persian by Hassan Hamid pour and Zahra Andooz, Tehran, Arjmand Publication
Young , J. E.(1999). Cognitive therapy for personality disorders : A schema_focused approach . Sarasota , Florida : professional Resource press .
Yekta, Z. and Raqibi, M. (2016). Assessing personality traits in addicted people with and without tattoos in a medium-term camp. The Second International Conference on Educational Science Psychology and Lifestyle. Nashd: Torbat Heydariyeh Publications. (In Persian)
Yousefi, N., Etemadi, O., Bahrami, F., Ahmadi, S. A. Fatehizadeh, M. S. (2011). Comparison of early maladaptive schemas in divorced and normal spouses as predictors of divorce. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. 16 (1) 21-33. (In Persian)