An Investigation of Public Arts in Tehran Metro Stations Desirability (Case Study: Vali-asr and Tajrish Stations)
Subject Areas : architecturePooyan Shahabian 1 * , Mastooreh Gholipour 2
1 - Assistant Professor of Urban Planning Department, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Urban Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract :
Public transportation system, especially the subway transit system of metro is one of the main strategies of TODmovement towards achieving sustainable urban transportation. Subway transit system based on this movement, inaddition to reducing traffic and use of personal vehicles, increases human-oriented public spaces. Metro stations canplay an important role in the efficiency and attractiveness of this transportation system. Therefore, public spaces couldbe changed to underground urban spaces by using some strategies. This issue could be more important and essentialin Tehran as the capital, most crowded and the biggest city of Iran. It’s seems that by using public arts in Tehran metrostations, could affect the desirability of them.This study has used an analytical method and is based on quantitative- qualitative approaches. In collecting data surveymethod (questionnaire) had been used and Case studies are Vliasr and Tajrish metro stations. These two stationsare located in memorable parts of Tehran, have special identity, special visual and functional properties. A total of 320questionnaires in Vliasr and Tajrish metro stations are statistical society of this study. Multivariate linear regression,Durbin-Watson exam and comparing quantitative and qualitative results were used as the data analyzing methods.The result shows that using public art in metro stations could excite the curiosity of travelers, attracts more travelersand make a more familiar environment. Therefore, they spend more time in underground spaces of the city. So usingpublic arts in Tehran metro stations could be effective in desirability of them. Among all types of public arts, fixed(54.9% in vali-Asr station and 63.6% in Tajrish station) and motion ones (52.3% in Vali-Asr station and 51.7% in Tajrishstation) are more effective on desirability of Tehran metro stations. Among various cases of public arts “using the mainhall of the station to display photographs and paintings of artists'”,’” Establishment of photography stations with fixedcaptures and elements”,” availability of wall-paintings and wall reliefs ”and “announcing programs of Tehran cinemaand theaters by displaying the posters in station platform” can be more effective in these stations. Although by usingsome common types of public arts in Tehran metro stations could improve the desirability of them, but each stationaccording to its location and design has special identity and atmosphere that seeks to some special and appropriatestrategies. As follows, exhibiting of pictures and caricature of theater running programs, changing displayed arts instation hall according to seasons and special ceremonies, using dynamic and creative textures for pavements, useof peoples portraits or autographs to cover some walls in Vali-Asr station and play classic music in order to calm thepassengers and make distances between platform to gates shorter, decreasing unused spaces and hidden corners by“picture stops” that indorse people to pause and leads to some unplanned interactions, use of soft components suchas water and flowers through creative furniture and by creative methods, motion pictures and advertisements in Tajrishstation and are some of strategies for improve the desirability of these stations.... Keywords: TND, Metro Stations, Public Arts, Vali-asr and Tajrish Metro Stations