The position of Tehran's Megamalls in The Consumption System. A Study of Baudrillard's Concepts of Simulacre and Simulation.
Subject Areas : architecture
Shahrooz Mandegar Langeroudi
Hossein Ardalani
Kaveh Bazrafkan
1 - Ph.D. Candidate of Philosophy of Art, Department of Art & Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy of Art, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Art & Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Megamall, Baudrillard, Consumer Society, Simulacre, Hyperreality.,
Abstract :
The phenomenon of consumption and the prevalence of consumerism is one of the important issues of our time. Baudrillard shows that today, human understanding of reality and the real thing is formed on the basis of concepts such as simulacra and hyper-reality. The consumption system shapes the hyper-reality of consumption in the consumer society by creating and using a system of simulacras. Megamalls are one of the main means of achieving this goal in the consumption system. The purpose of this research is to find the mechanism of the effect of megamalls and their characteristics on increasing the desire to consume among Tehrani citizens. This research is a quantitative-qualitative research. By analyzing and deducting the opinions of Baudrillard, the related components of the concepts of simulation and simulacra in the field of consumption were extracted and formulated, and based on the results, a questionnaire was designed. The statistical population of this research was selected randomly among the people of Tehran and by their answers to the mentioned questionnaire, the data of this research was collected. The data was analyzed, using the components of simulation and simulacra and features of megamall, for answering the questions of the research. The findings show that megamalls guide human perception in the three domains of spatial, functional and social in line with the goals of the consumption system. In the spatial domain, the simulacra of being multi-purpose due to the variety of spaces, the simulacra of self-sufficiency and creating a territory by creating the feeling of entering a new land, the simulacra of distinct aesthetics by persuading the visitor's sense of beauty, the simulacra of centrality and orderliness, by collecting facilities and inducing a sense of the centrality of space and the simulacra of superstructure by creating a sense of grandeur, affect the visitors of megamalls. In the functional domain, the simulacra of creating a desire to consume and waste, by placing the client in a world of diverse products and services, the simulacra of well-being and peace, by providing diverse services and inducing a sense of peace and well-being, the simulacra of accumulation and abundance, by presenting attractive collections of objects the simulacra of time management, by creating a space to spend leisure time and wandering, and the simulacra of controlling social relations, by creating spaces designed for social interactions, impress the clients of megamalls. In the social domain, the simulacra of creating a distinction between clients, by creating a specific identity through the use of brands, the simulacra of people's prestige, by inviting people to spaces with special clients, the simulacra of culturalization and cultural acceptance, through the continuous change of the value of goods based on fashion, the simulacra of monitoring and control in the form of security, by creating a sense of security and safety, the simulacra of a distinct position of megamalls, by using the special social position of megamalls, attract customers.Thus, megamalls have an effective position in attracting Tehrani customers through the use of spatial, functional and social components.
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