Issues and demands of the people of Tehran in the petitions of the Nasserite era (1301-1303 AH)
Subject Areas : Epistemological and methodological researcher of historical research
Maryam Nilghaz
sina foroozesh
Reza Shaabani Samgh Abadi
1 - A Ph.D. candidate in Post-Islamic History of Iran, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor. Department of History. Islamic Azad University, science and research Branch. Tehran.Iran.
3 - Professor, Department of History, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Tehran, issues, Nasser al-Din Shah, petition, social demands,
Abstract :
Studying of every period of social structures in Iran has a graet importance.Meanwhile, one of the most affective of research methos is, in general, to have access to documents, so that the realities and truths for every historical period of time are recognized; the petition documents as a group of historical documents, represent life issues and mutual relations among people. Society and the state, and also every line of them deals with social distinction for researchers.The purpose of this researchers to recognize the social problems of Tehran inhabitants during nearly three years of the reign of Nassar al-Din Shah Qajar, which were refleceted in the examined documents the documents include petitions for Tehran inhabitants from 1301 to 1303 AH. The method for inquiring of this research is to correct a corpus of manuscripts based on codicology, and to write this article on a historical(conductive) method. The style of writing is descriptive_analytical. All data were collected in a desk_study manner. Studing of the documents show that subjects freely with no fear, set forth their demands for the king. Petition data show that varios social groups, in general,enjoyed free speech and freedom of religion with no fear.Maintaining security and justice was missing link in Nassari reign, as usual through Iranian history.